
9.4.0 • Public • Published

GoodData.UI SDK - Interactive Examples

Here are basic usage examples of GoodData.UI.

List of Examples

Running Examples in CodeSandbox using GitHubBox

An easy way to open an example in CodeSandbox via URL is with GitHubBox.com. Append 'box' to the github.com URL in between 'hub' and '.com' and it will redirect to CodeSandbox. Here's an example:

Change the GitHub URL:


Running Examples locally

You can also run any example on your localhost.

Clone whole SDK

  1. Install nvm

    curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.2/install.sh | bash
  2. Clone and bootstrap

    git clone git@github.com:gooddata/gooddata-ui-sdk.git
    cd gooddata-ui-sdk
    nvm install
    nvm use
    npm i -g @microsoft/rush
    rush install
  3. Build

    rush build
  4. Navigate to example directory

    cd examples/sdk-interactive-examples/examples/example-attributefilter
  5. Run example

    npm run start

Clone just example directory

  1.  navigate to example directory
  2.  npm run update-version
  3.  npm install
  4.  npm start

Developers guide

Examples template

The template application in the examples-template directory serves as the foundation for each example. This template is utilized for updating and creating new examples. The entire content, excluding the src/example and .example directories, is synchronized between the template and the example directory.


The example application in the example directory represents an example. Within the ./src/example directory, you'll find the example code, and within the ./.example directory, there are example-specific files like preview.png. These directories are not synchronized with the template. All other files or directories will not be retained during an update.

In package.json, each example defines:

  • name: The name of the package.
  • title: The title of the example.
  • description: The description of the example.
  • exampleDependencies: Specific example dependencies, define dependencies that should by added after template update.

This information persists through template updates and is used to define readme.md and CodeSandbox templates links etc.

Creating new Example

The tool uses rsync to copy changed files.

  1.  Navigate to the sdk-interactive-examples directory.
     cd sdk-interactive-examples
  2.  npm run create-example

The script will ask you for example-directory name, title and description, after that will bootstrap new example application base on template. Prepare package.json and generate readme.md also list of all examples in readme.md in examples root directory.

Navigate to the newly created example directory and begin implementing your example within the src/example directory. The entry point is a default exported parameterless component located in Example.tsx.

After you finish example coding create preview of example (1024*768px)PNG and save it to .example/preview.png

Adding example specific dependencies

Each example is valid package in rush monorepo if you need add specific example dependencies, its needed to add via rush command. Rush will check version etc. (Only one version of package is allowed in monorepo)

rush add -p highcharts -m

After that is necessary specify name of newly added dependency in package.json in array exampleDependencies

"exampleDependencies": [

Validating example

In sdk-interactive-examples directory are prepared validating scripts. This scripts checks that additional example dependencies are also defined in example package.json in array exampleDependencies

  1.  Navigate to the sdk-interactive-examples directory.
     cd sdk-interactive-examples
  2.  npm run validate

Updating example

The tool uses rsync to copy changed files.

If you change description, title in example package.json is necessary propagate changes into other files like sandboxcode template, list of examples in root readme.md, example readme.md etc.

  1.  Navigate to the sdk-interactive-examples directory.
     cd sdk-interactive-examples
  2.  npm run update-examples-template

Script will do it for you

Updating template

All files in the template are synchronized with example directories, except for the src/example and .example directories, which are excluded from synchronization.

Information such as name, title, description, and exampleDependencies in package.json persists through updates. Additionally, dependencies with names defined in exampleDependencies also persist through updates.

After you are done with template update

  1.  Navigate to the sdk-interactive-examples directory.
     cd sdk-interactive-examples
  2.  npm run update-examples-template

Updating Catalog Export

At first we need update Catalog in examples-template directory and than update template to all examples. Do not update catalog in specific example. It will be lost in next template update.

  1.  Navigate to the examples-template directory.
     cd examples-template
  2.  npm run refresh-md 
  3.  Navigate to the sdk-interactive-examples directory.
     cd sdk-interactive-examples
  4.  npm run update-examples-template


(C) 2017-2021 GoodData Corporation

This repository is under the GoodData commercial license available in the LICENSE file because it contains a commercial package, HighCharts.




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npm i @gooddata/sdk-interactive-examples

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