TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.16.0 • Public • Published

🔮 Levitate

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A tool for helping to understand APIs exported and consumed by NPM packages (or any TypeScript code).


Compare exports of different package versions

# Compare exports of different versions of a package
npx @grafana/levitate compare \
    --prev @grafana/ui@8.2.5 \
    --current @grafana/ui@canary

List imports

# List the imports used by a program
npx @grafana/levitate list-imports \
    --path <PATH-TO-A-PACKAGE>/module.ts \
    --filters "@common/pages" "@grafana/data" \

List exports

# List the exports of a compiled package
npx @grafana/levitate list-exports \
    --path <PATH-TO-A-PACKAGE>/index.d.ts

Check compatibility between a module and a package

To check the compatibility of code using a specific version of a package (e.g.: @grafana/data@9.0.0) against another version of the same package (e.g. @grafana/data@9.0.5).

# Check if the current module.ts usage of @grafana/data is
# compatible with the latest version of it
npx @grafana/levitate is-compatible \
    --path <PATH-TO-A-PACKAGE>/module.ts \
    --target "@grafana/data@latest"

Ignore specific exports changes

To ignore changes (add, change, remove) from specific export names you can create a .levignore.js file in the same directory where you invoke levitate.

The format of this file should be as follows:

module.exports = {
  removals: [
    // each entry is a regex
    'Sample.ignoreThisOneToo', // strings are converted to regex to match exact
  changes: [
  additions: [


  • Levitate will ignore symbols matching the regexes in any of the packages it inspects. If several packages export the same symbol name, they all will be ignored.
  • This only affects the compare and is-compatible commands. It doesn't affect the list-imports or list-exports commands.
  • You should locate your .levignore.js file in the same directory where you invoke levitate.


If you are interested in contributing to the Levitate project please read the Contributing guide.




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  • ivanahuckova
  • bmatei
  • domasx2
  • clord
  • iwysiu
  • leventebalogh
  • andresmgotor
  • torkelo
  • dprokop
  • peteholmberg
  • ryantxu
  • mckn
  • sunker
  • grafanabot
  • tolzhabayev
  • dsotirakis
  • scottleppgrafana
  • jwestbrook
  • academo_grafana
  • reemtariqq
  • yulia.shanyrova
  • teodosii
  • brojd-grafana