A reusable Webpack configuration package to simplify your project setup. This package allows you to easily configure Webpack with dynamic settings for publicPath
, ModuleFederationPlugin
properties, and more. Refer Remote Config
Install the package via npm:
npm install @grampro/react-mf-consumer
In your project's webpack.config.js, import and use the configuration function provided by this package. You can pass dynamic values to customize the configuration for your specific needs.
Example Configuration
const webpackConfig = require("@grampro/react-mf-consumer");
module.exports = webpackConfig({
mode: "production",
publicPath: "http://localhost:8082/",
port: 8082,
federationConfig: {
name: "consumer",
filename: "remoteEntry.js",
remotes: {},
exposes: {},
The generateWebpackConfig function accepts an object with the following properties:
- mode: The mode in which to run Webpack (development or production). Defaults to "development".
- publicPath: The public URL of the output directory when referenced in a browser. Defaults to "http://localhost:8080/".
- federationConfig: An object to configure the ModuleFederationPlugin. It contains:
- name: The name of the container.
- filename: The filename of the container entry.
- remotes: An object specifying the remotes for the container.
- exposes: An object specifying the modules to expose from this container.
- port: Port for remote