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7.2.3 • Public • Published

Document Solutions Image Viewer

Important note: A Shift from ‘GrapeCity Documents' to ‘Document Solutions'

GrapeCity Documents has undergone a marketing rebranding and as a result, this 7.2.3 version is the last release under the old GrapeCity Documents product naming. Starting with version 7.2.4, the package will only be released using the new name @mescius/dsimageviewer. The new package provides the same functionality, ensures future enhancements, and is backwards compatible with the current package. It is highly recommended to update to the new package as soon as you can. Your existing licenses will continue to work with the new package.

Document Solutions Image Viewer

Document Solutions Image Viewer (GcImageViewer) is a fast modern JavaScript based image viewer and editor that runs in all major browsers. The viewer can be used as a cross platform solution to view or modify images on Windows, MAC, Linux, iOS and Android devices. GcImageViewer is included in Document Solutions for Imaging, a feature-rich cross-platform Image API library for .NET.

GcImageViewer provides a rich client side JavaScript object model, see docs/index.html for the client API documentation.

Product highlights:

  • Works in all modern browsers including IE11, Edge, Chrome, FireFox, Opera, Safari.
  • Works with pure JavaScript and frameworks such as Angular, Vue, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, React and Preact.
  • Allows you to extend the viewer behavior and add new functionality using plug-ins.
  • Provides a client API for creating and modifying image data.
  • Supports raster image formats JPEG, PNG, WEBP, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, and vector SVG format.
  • ...and more.

See it in action

  • Go to Document Solutions Image Viewer demos to explore the various features of GcImageViewer. The demo site allows you to modify the demo code and immediately see the effect of your changes.
  • The Document Solutions for Imaging demos can optionally use GcImageViewer to show the sample images (to opt in or out of using GcImageViewer, click the blue "i(nformation)" icon in the top right corner of the image preview panel).

Latest changes

[7.2.3] - 09-Oct-2024


  • Minor internal changes.

[7.2.1] - 28-Aug-2024


  • An error message is shown when opening certain ICO images. (DOC-6428)
  • Unable to set frameIndex before ICO image fully loads. (DOC-6462)
  • [API Docs] The "effectsTools" is missing. (DOC-6339)

[7.2.0] - 07-Aug-2024


  • [PaintTools] Added blur/pixelate tool. (DOC-5661)
  • [PaintTools] Added the ability to select the entire image using Ctrl+A.
  • [PaintTools] Added "Effects" toolbar.
  • [PaintTools] Added the ability to save the current state of a modified image without applying changes and without closing the paint toolbar.
  • [PaintTools] [Effects] Added the ability to resize rectangular and elliptical selections.
  • Added new toolbar item "navigation-auto": displays the navigation panel only if the loaded image has more than one frame, such as a GIF or TIFF.
  • Added localization support.


  • Page Tools icon updated.
  • The default toolbar layout updated: the "$navigation" item replaced by "navigation-auto".
  • Paint/Text tools enhancements:
    • Selection tool no longer resets after selecting an area.
    • "Apply/Cancel" buttons moved to the beginning of the toolbar.
    • Items in the second toolbar are now aligned to the left instead of center.
  • Confirmation messages, tooltips and labels updated.

See CHANGELOG.​md for previous release notes.

Installing and using the viewer

Installing from npmjs:

npm install @grapecity/gcimageviewer

Installing from the zip archive:

The following viewer distribution files are located in the zip archive:

  • build/README.md (this file)
  • build/CHANGELOG.md
  • build/index.html
  • build/gcimageviewer.js
  • build/plugins/ (optional) Plugins
  • build/themes/ (optional) Theme files
  • build/typings/ (optional) Type definitions

Copy those files to an appropriate location accessible from the web page where the viewer will live, e.g. if the files are put in the directory where the web page is, the following HTML can be used to show the viewer:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
    <meta name="theme-color" content="#000000" />
    <title>Document Solutions Image Viewer Demo</title>
    <script src="gcimageviewer.js"></script>
    <script src="plugins/rotation.js"></script>
      function loadImageViewer(selector) {
        var viewer = new GcImageViewer(selector);
        viewer.addPlugin(new RotationPlugin());
  <body onload="loadImageViewer('#root')">
    <div id="root"></div>

The End.

Package Sidebar


npm i @grapecity/gcimageviewer

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Unpacked Size

11.5 MB

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Last publish


  • grapecity
  • mescius