This repository consists out of a set of utility functions which can be used to interact with chaincode on a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network.
Supported Hyperledger Fabric versions
This library has only been tested against the v1.3.0 version of Hyperledger.
Utility function to create an instance of a fabric client.
const {createFabricClient} = require('@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-client-utils');
* The hfc-key-story path
* Contains public / private keys of the users
const keyStorePath = './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/hfc-key-store';
const fabricClient = await createFabricClient(keyStorePath);
A wrapper around the query and invoke logic. Allows you to easily setup a service with default values for a peer, orderer and channel id.
const {baseService} = require('@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-client-utils');
const keyStorePath = './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/hfc-key-store';
const service = baseService(
(query, invoke) => {
return {
createCar: (userId, {
id, make, model, color, owner
}) => {
return invoke({
chaincode: {
fcn: 'createCar',
args: [id, make, model, color, owner]
queryCar: (userId, id) => {
return query({
chaincode: {
fcn: 'queryCar',
args: [id]
channelId: 'defaultchannel',
peers: [{
url: 'grpc://localhost:7051',
* The url which is used to subscribe to the event hub to wait for the transaction to be completed
broadcastUrl: 'grpc://localhost:7053',
* Id of the user which can listen to the event hub, not all users can do this by default
adminUserId: 'admin'
* Path to the certificate, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
certPath: './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/crypto-config/',
* Extra options to pass to the grpc module, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
certOptions: {
'ssl-target-name-override': ""
orderer: {
url: 'grpc://localhost:7050',
* Path to the certificate, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
certPath: './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/crypto-config/',
* Extra options to pass to the grpc module, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
certOptions: {
'ssl-target-name-override': ""
await service.createCar('user-1', {
id: 'CAR1000',
color: 'Black',
make: 'Porsche',
model: 'Cayenne',
owner: 'Ronny'
const newCar = await service.queryCar('user-1', 'CAR1000');
Query the chaincode on the network.
const {query, createFabricClient} = require('@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-client-utils');
const keyStorePath = './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/hfc-key-store';
* Always create a new instance of the fabric client when executing a query
const fabricClient = await createFabricClient(keyStorePath);
const result = await query({
channelId: 'defaultchannel',
chaincode: {
* Id
id: 'fabcar1',
* Function
fcn: 'queryCar',
* Arguments
* Can be of any type, internally everything will be converted to a string
args: ['CAR0']
peer: {
url: 'grpc://localhost:7051',
* Path to the certificate, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
certPath: './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/crypto-config/',
* Extra options to pass to the grpc module, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
certOptions: {
'ssl-target-name-override': ""
* User which is doing the transaction (used for loading the correct public/private key inside the keystore path)
userId: 'user-1'
Invoke chaincode on the network (create a new block).
const {invoke, createFabricClient} = require('@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-client-utils');
const keyStorePath = './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/hfc-key-store';
* Always create a new instance of the fabric client when executing an invoke
const fabricClient = await createFabricClient(keyStorePath);
const result = await invoke({
channelId: 'defaultchannel',
chaincode: {
* Id
id: 'fabcar1',
* Function
fcn: 'createCar',
* Arguments
* Can be of any type, internally everything will be converted to a string
args: ['CAR1000', 'Porsche', 'Cayenne', 'Black', 'Ronny']
peer: {
url: 'grpc://localhost:7051',
* The url which is used to subscribe to the event hub to wait for the transaction to be completed
broadcastUrl: 'grpc://localhost:7053',
* Id of the user which can listen to the event hub, not all users can do this by default
adminUserId: 'admin'
* Path to the certificate, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
certPath: './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/crypto-config/',
* Extra options to pass to the grpc module, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
certOptions: {
'ssl-target-name-override': ""
orderer: {
url: 'grpc://localhost:7050',
* Path to the certificate, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
certPath: './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/crypto-config/',
* Extra options to pass to the grpc module, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
certOptions: {
'ssl-target-name-override': ""
* User which is doing the transaction (used for loading the correct public/private key inside the keystore path)
userId: 'user-1',
* [optional = defaults to 30s] Maximum time to wait before an invoke is fully processed / persisted on the blockchain
maxTimeout: 30000
Listen to events on the network
const {registerChaincodeEventListener, createFabricClient} = require('@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-client-utils');
const keyStorePath = './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/hfc-key-store';
* Always create a new instance of the fabric client when creating an event listener
const fabricClient = await createFabricClient(keyStorePath);
const eventListener = await registerChaincodeEventListener({
chaincode: 'fabcar1',
channelId: 'defaultchannel',
peer: {
url: 'grpc://localhost:7051',
* The url which is used to subscribe to the event hub to wait for the transaction to be completed
broadcastUrl: 'grpc://localhost:7053',
* Id of the user which can listen to the event hub, not all users can do this by default
adminUserId: 'admin'
* Path to the certificate, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
certPath: './node_modules/@kunstmaan/hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup/dev-network/generated/crypto-config/',
* Extra options to pass to the grpc module, you only need to specify this when using the grpcs protocol
certOptions: {
'ssl-target-name-override': ""
* User which is doing the transaction (used for loading the correct public/private key inside the keystore path)
userId: 'user-1',
* Event id to listen to
eventId: 'event-id',
* Callback when the event is triggered. Returns the event id and a payload which has the event data.
onEvent: (eventId, payload) => {
console.log(eventId, payload);
* Called when the listener gets disconnected
onDisconnect: (error, eventId) => {
console.log('Listener disconnected due to an error', error, eventId);
* Optional - Max retries to connect the event hub, when not set it retries indefinitely
maxReconnects: 5,
* Optional - The starting block number for event checking
fullBlock: true,
startBlock: 1,
* Optional - The ending block number for event checking.
endBlock: 5,
* Optional - This options setting indicates the registration should be removed (unregister) when the event is seen.
unregister: true,
* Optional - This option setting Indicates to the ChannelEventHub instance to
* automatically disconnect itself from the peer's channel event service once the event has been seen.
disconnect: true,
// Stop listening for events
Run tests
- Make sure you have installed Docker and Python
- Make sure you have added the path of the repo to the Docker file sharing preferences
- Run
npm install
- Run
npm run start-dev-network
and wait for all chaincode to be instantiated - Open a new terminal and run
npm test
(to run in watch mode usenpm run test-watch