
1.0.0 • Public • Published

GREN Visualization

This project is the visualization for the GREN map. The outputs of this project are embeddable files to be used on a webpage that wishes to display the GREN map.


This project requires node.js version 10 or higher to run. You can find node.js at this link.

Install dependencies

Before serving or building the application, run npm install to install all of the required node modules.

If you hit an ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED then try running npm install --legacy-peer-deps. This is happening because default algorithm used by the application is not allowed in OPENSSL 3.0. Read more details.

Integrate Visualization with gren-map-db-node

Steps below allows to integrate the local changes made in the front-end application with the database:

Run the command npm run bundle. This command triggers the bundling process, which creates a gren-map-visualization folder containing the necessary files for deployment. There will be a package.json file and subfolders for the locales: en (English), fr (French) and so on.

Once the gren-map-visualization folder is generated, make a copy of it. Deploy instance of gren-map-db-node and replace the existing folder in gren-map-db-node django/staticfiles/gren-map-visualization/ with the copied gren-map-visualization folder. This step ensures that the updated front-end files are used for integration with the database.

Deploy Visualization map

The provided code snippet starts a local development server for the application.

Running the command npm run-script start initiates this server, and you can access the application by navigating to the specified URL, http://localhost:4200/, in your web browser. The application automatically reloads whenever you modify any of the source files, facilitating an efficient development workflow.


Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


Run npm run-script build to build the project. The built project will be stored in the dist/ directory. The build command will automatically build for production.


This project is meant to be embedded on a webpage. To generate the files needed to embed this project on a page, as well as a working example file, run npm run-script bundle. For more information on how the bundling works, please refer to bundling.md

Running unit tests

Run npm run-script test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.




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npm i @grenmap/gren-map-visualization

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  • lnobrega-canarie