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Extensions for Date class.

This library is extensions for JavaScript Date class. If you use this library, you can modify Date class more easily and represent Date in any format.

date-ex is written by TypeScript, and published by JavaScript. So you can use this library in TypeScript code and JavaScript code also.


Represent date and time.

DataTime instance is created with new keyword.

const date: DateTime = new DateTime();

If you pass parameter to constructor, you can create instance with specific date. Parameter type supports for undefined, null, number , string, Date, DateTime, json type(DateTimeParam).

const newDateByNumber : DateTime = new DateTime(1603722868252);

const newDateByString : DateTime = new DateTime('2020-10-26');

const newDateByDate : DateTime = new DateTime(new Date());

const newDateByDateTime : DateTime = new DateTime(new DateTime());

const newDateByDateTimeParam : DateTime = new DateTime({
	year : 2020,
	month : 10,
	date : 26

Getter - Basic fields

Getter Return type Value Range Description Date methods
year number - Returns year. Date.getFullYear()
month number 1 ~ 12 Returns month. Date.getMonth()
date number 1 ~ 31 Returns date. Date.getDate()
day number 0 ~ 6 Returns number of day. Date.getDay()
hours number 0 ~ 23 Returns hours. Date.getHours()
minutes number 0 ~ 59 Returns minutes. Date.getMinutes()
seconds number 0 ~ 59 Returns seconds. Date.getSeconds()
ms number 0 ~ 999 Returns milliseconds. Date.getMilliseconds()
timezoneOffset timezone - Returns timezone offset in minutes unit. Date.getTimezoneOffset()
  • Compared to the Date class, get- prefix has been omitted for better convenience, uses the getter method not the function execution form. For the same reason, getMilliseconds() methods is provided as ms.

  • month field range is not 0 ~ 11. This field represent the real month value 1 ~ 12

Getter - Extended fields

Getter Return type Value Range Description
quarter number 1 ~ 4 Returns quarter of the date.
weekOfYear number 1 ~ 53 Returns the number of week of the date in the year.
weekOfMonth number 1 ~ 5 Returns the number of week of the date in the month.
weeksOfYear number 52 ~ 53 Returns the number of week in year.
weeksOfMonth number 4 ~ 6 Returns the number of week in month.
dayOfYear number 1 ~ 365 Returns the number of day in the year.
daysOfYear number 1 ~ 366 Returns the number of date in the year.
lastDate number 28 ~ 31 Returns the last date of the month.
timezoneOffsetInHours number -12 ~ 14 Returns the timezone offset in hours unit.
isAm boolean true/false Returns true for the morning and false for the afternoon.
hours24 number 0 ~ 23 Returns hours in 24 format. Same with hours.
hours12 number 0 ~ 12 Returns hours in 12 format.

UTC fields

Returns date and time in UTC(Coordinated Universal Time). The year, month, date and time may change depending on the timezone. The minutes, seconds and milliseconds is not affected.

The timezoneOffset value in UTC is same with timezoneOffset value in DateTime instance.

const date: DateTime = new DateTime();
const utcDate: DateTime = date.UTC;

With another type

Getter Return Type Description
valueOf() number Returns with Unix timestamp. Same with +new Date() and +new DateTime()
toDate() Date Returns Date type.
toISOString() string Returns with ISO string. Same with Date.toISOString().
toUTCString() string Returns with UTC string. Same with Date.toUTCString().
toJson() object Returns with DateTimeParam.

Setter - Each fields

Setter Value Type Description Date Methods
year number Set year. Date.setFullYear()
month number Set month. Date.setMonth()
date number Set date. Date.setDate()
hours number Set hours. Date.setHours()
minutes number Set minutes. Date.setMinutes()
seconds number Set seconds. Date.setSeconds()
ms number Set milliseconds. Date.setMilliseconds()
  • Compared to the Date class, set- prefix has been omitted for better convenience, uses the setter method not the function execution form. For the same reason, getMilliseconds() methods is provided as ms.

  • If you don't change the year, month setter value range is not 0 ~ 11, but 1 ~ 12.

set(): DateTime

Set date and time with DateTimeParam. Each field can be omitted.

const date : DateTime = new DateTime();

// set with 27-Oct-2020
	year : 2020,
	month : 10,
	date : 27
  • If you don't change the year, month setter value range is not 0 ~ 11, but 1 ~ 12.

add(param: DateTimeParam | Duration | DurationParam): DateTime

DateTime type is not supported.

with DateTimeParam

Set to a specific date and time. If a value less than 0 is used, the previous date and time are set.

const date : DateTime = new DateTime();

// set to after 11 months.
	year : 1,
	month : -1

with Duration

Set to the date and time moved by the duration.

const date : DateTime = new DateTime();
const duration : Duration = new Duration({
	months : 11

// set to after 11 months.

with DurationParam

Set to the date and time moved by the duration. If a value less than 0 is used, the previous date and time are set.

const date : DateTime = new DateTime();

// set to after 11 months.
	months : 11

startOf(unit): DateTime, endOf(unit): DateTime

Returns the start/end date and time based on the unit passed as a factor.

unit: year, quarter, month, week, date, hours, minutes, seconds, ms

const date: DateTime = new DateTime();

console.log(date.startOf('year').toISOString()); // 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
console.log(date.endOf('year').toISOString()); // 2020-12-31T23:59:59.999Z

format(): string

Returns string with the format.

Token Token string Getter Description Value range
FormatToken.YearShort YY - Converts to a 2-digit year. 00 ~ 20, ...
FormatToken.Year YYYY year Converts to a 4-digit year. 1970 ~ 2020, ...
FormatToken.Quarter Q quarter Converts to a quarter. 1 ~ 4
FormatToken.Month M month Converts to a month. 1 ~ 12
FormatToken.MonthPadded MM - Converts to a month with 2-digit. 01 ~ 12
FormatToken.MonthStringShort MMM - Converts to a short name month. Jan ~ Dec
FormatToken.MonthStringLong MMMM - Converts to a long name month. January ~ December
FormatToken.Week W weekOfYear Converts to a number of the week in year. 1 ~ 53
FormatToken.WeekPadded WW - Converts to a number of the week in year in 2-digit. 01 ~ 53
FormatToken.WeekPaddedWithPrefix Www - Converts to a number of the week in year in 2-digit with prefix W. W01 ~ W53
FormatToken.DayOfYear DDD dayOfYear Converts to a numbef of the day in year. 1 ~ 365
FormatToken.DayOfYearPadded DDDD - Converts to a number of the day in year in 3-digit. 001 ~ 365
FormatToken.DayOfMonth D dayOfMonth Converts to a number of the day in month. 1 ~ 31
FormatToken.DayOfMonthPadded DD - Converts to a number of the day in month in 2-digit. 01 ~ 31
FormatToken.DayOfWeek d day Converts to a number of day. 0 ~ 6
FormatToken.DayOfWeekStringShort dd - Converts to a short name day. Su ~ Sa
FormatToken.DayOfWeekStringMiddle ddd - Converts to a middle name day. Sun ~ Sat
FormatToken.DayOfWeekStringLong dddd - Converts to a long name day. Sunday ~ Saturday
FormatToken.MeridiemLower a - Converts to am/pm in lower case. am, pm
FormatToken.MeridiemCapital A - Converts to am/pm in upper case. AM, PM
FormatToken.Hours24 H hours, hours24 Converts to a hours in 24 format. 0 ~ 23
FormatToken.Hours24Padded HH - Converts to a hours in 24 format in 2-digit. 00 ~ 23
FormatToken.Hours12 h hours12 Converts to a hours in 12 format. 0 ~ 12
FormatToken.Hours12Padded hh - Converts to a hours in 12 format in 2-digit. 00 ~ 12
FormatToken.Minutes m minutes Converts to a minutes. 0 ~ 59
FormatToken.MinutesPadded mm - Converts to a minutes in 2-digit. 00 ~ 59
FormatToken.Seconds s seconds Converts to a seconds. 0 ~ 59
FormatToken.SecondsPadded ss - Converts to a seconds in 2-digit. 00 ~ 59
FormatToken.MilliSeconds S ms Converts to a milliseconds. 0 ~ 999
FormatToken.MilliSecondsPadded2 SS - Converts to a milliseconds in 2-digit. 00 ~ 99
FormatToken.MilliSecondsPadded3 SSS - Converts to a milliseconds in 3-digit. 000 ~ 999


You can set i18n in global context or each instance. If the setting in global and local is different, i18n is working with local setting.

If you set i18n value globally, new instances are set with that value.

console.log(DateTime.locale()); // 'en'

const date1: DateTime = new DateTime();
console.log(date1.locale()); // 'en'

DateTime.locale('ko-kr'); // set globally
console.log(DateTime.locale()); // 'ko-kr'

const date2: DateTime = new DateTime();
console.log(date2.locale()); // 'ko-kr'

const date3: DateTime = new DateTime();
date3.locale('en'); // set i18n locally
console.log(date3.locale()); // 'en'

Global DateTime.locale() and locale() methods in each instance without parameter returns current i18n value. If you want to set i18n value, pass language code to locale() methods.

Default value is en..


locale() methods uses ES6 import function. import function is working as Promise, so you should wait JavaScript 1 cycle after called locale() to load i18n file.

If the language code is invalid or the language file load fails after 1 cycle, the previous value will be restored.

DateTime.locale(): string

Set language in globally.

locale(): string

Set language in locally.

Language supports

Language code Name
en English
ko-kr Korean (Korea)

Compare methods

All compare methods can be received DateTimeUnit. The accuracy of the calculation is based on this unit, and if the unit is omitted, it is calculated in milliseconds.

Methods Return type Description
diff() number Returns the difference value.
isEqual() boolean Returns true if the date is same with the parameter.
isBefore() boolean Returns true if the date is before than parameter.
isBeforeOrEqual() boolean Returns true if the date is before than or equal with parameter.
isAfter() boolean Returns true if the date is after than parameter.
isAfterOrEqual() boolean Returns true if the date is after than or equal with parameter.
isBetween() boolean Returns true if the date is between with 2 parameters.
isAfterOrEqual() boolean Returns true if the date is between with 2 parameters or same with one parameter.
const date1 : DateTime = new DateTime({
	year : 2020,
	month : 10,
	date : 20

const date2 : DateTime = new DateTime({
	year : 2020,
	month : 10,
	date : 27

console.log(date1.diff(date2, 'date')); // -7

console.log(date1.isEqual(date2, 'month')); // true

console.log(date1.isBefore(date2, 'date')); // true
console.log(date1.isBeforeOrEqual(date2, 'month')); // true

console.log(date1.isAfter(date2, 'date')); // false
console.log(date1.isBeforeOrEqual(date2, 'month')); // true

const date3 : DateTime = new DateTime({
  year : 2020,
  month : 10,
  date : 27

console.log(date2.isBetween(date1, date3, 'date')); // true
console.log(date2.isBetweenOrEqual(date1, date2, 'date')); // true

DateTimeParam, DateTimeParamEx

Represent date, time value. This object consists with this fields.

Field Field Type Value Range Description
year number - Represents year.
quarter number 1 ~ 4 Represents quarter. (only for DateTimeParamEx)
month number 1 ~ 12 Represents month.
week number 1 ~ 42 Represents week number. (only for DateTimeParamEx)
date number 1 ~ 31 Represents date.
hours number 0 ~ 23 Represents hours.
minutes number 0 ~ 59 Represents minutes.
seconds number 0 ~ 59 Represents seconds.
ms number 0 ~ 999 Represents mlliseconds.
  • month field range is not 0 ~ 11. This field represent the real month value 1 ~ 12
  • quarter, week are fields of DateTimeParamEx.


Represents date and time unit.

Token Field Type Description
DateTimeUnit.Year year number Represents year.
DateTimeUnit.Quarter quarter number Represents quarter.
DateTimeUnit.Month month number Represents month.
DateTimeUnit.Week week number Represents week number.
DateTimeUnit.Date date number Represents date.
DateTimeUnit.Hours hours number Represents hours.
DateTimeUnit.Minutes minutes number Represents minutes.
DateTimeUnit.Seconds seconds number Represents seconds.
DateTimeUnit.Ms ms number Represents milliseconds.


DateTime.getYearCalendar(): YearCalendar

Returns the year calendar for that year value of the instance. Time fields are set to 0.

Length of dates array field is same with the number of date in that year.

DateTime.getMonthCalendar(): MonthCalendar

Returns the month calendar for that month value of the instance. Time fields are set to 0.

Length of dates array field is same with the number of date in that month.


Represents duration.

Duration instance is created with new keyword.

const duration: Duration = new Duration();

If you pass parameter to constructor, you can create instance with specific duration. Parameter type supports for undefined, null, number, string, Duration, json type(DurationParam).

const newDurationByString : Duration = new Duration('PY2');

const newDurationByDuration : Duration = new Duration(new Duration());

const newDurationByDurationParam : Duration = new Duration({
  years : 2

Getter & Setter - Each fields

Token Field Type
DurationUnit.Years years number
DurationUnit.Months months number
DurationUnit.Dates dates number
DurationUnit.Hours hours number
DurationUnit.Minutes minutes number
DurationUnit.Seconds seconds number
DurationUnit.Ms ms number
const duration: Duration = new Duration(); // value : {}

duration.years = 2; // value : { years : 2 }
duration.ms = 1001; // value : { years : 2, seconds : 1, ms : 1} - with rebalancing

console.log(duration.seconds); // 1


add (param : Duration | DurationParam) : Duration

If param is Duration or DurationParam, returns Duration.

add (param : DateTime | DateTimeParam) : DateTime

If param is DateTime or DateTimeParam, returns DateTime.

divide(count : number) : Duration[]

Divide total duration by count as Duration array.

const duration: Duration = { seconds: 1 };

console.log(duration.divide(4)); // 4 Duration instances with value of { ms : 250 }


Represent duration value. This object consists with this fields.

Field Field Type Value Range Description
years number - Represents years.
months number 1 ~ 12 Represents months.
dates number 1 ~ 31 Represents dates.
hours number 0 ~ 23 Represents hours.
minutes number 0 ~ 59 Represents minutes.
seconds number 0 ~ 59 Represents seconds.
ms number 0 ~ 999 Represents milliseconds.


Represents duration unit.

Token Field Type Description
DurationUnit.Years years number Represents years.
DurationUnit.Quarters quarters number Represents quarters.
DurationUnit.Months months number Represents months.
DurationUnit.Weeks weeks number Represents weeks.
DurationUnit.Dates dates number Represents dates.
DurationUnit.Hours hours number Represents hours.
DurationUnit.Minutes minutes number Represents minutes.
DurationUnit.Seconds seconds number Represents seconds.
DurationUnit.Ms ms number Represents milliseconds.



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