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Create infinite virtual subpaths for your React webapp

npm i @hazae41/chemin

Node Package 📦


Current features

  • 100% TypeScript and ESM
  • No external dependencies
  • Compatible with your framework
  • Uses only web standards
  • Infinite virtual subpaths
  • Element coordinates to URL
  • Search params to React state


This library allows you to create infinite virtual hash-based and search-based subpaths

e.g. https://example.com/chat/#/settings/user?left=/tree&right=/page

All the paths in this URL are easily routed and modified with React components

https://example.com/chat ┐
                         └ # = /settings/user ┐
                                              ├ left = /tree
                                              └ right = /page

This allows creating dialogs, subdialogs, things on left and right, and many more


Hash-based path

You can use HashPathProvider to provide a hash-based path for your app

import { HashPathProvider } from "@hazae41/chemin"

export function App() {
  const [client, setClient] = useState(false)

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [])

  if (!client)
    return null

  return <HashPathProvider>
    <Router />

e.g. https://example.com/app/#/this/is/the/pathname


This will display /this/is/the/pathname

Root-based path

You can also provide root-based path for your app

Use Next.js router

import { useRouter } from "next/router"

export function NextPathProvider(props: { children?: ReactNode }) {
  const router = useRouter()
  const { children } = props

  const [raw, setRaw] = useState<string>()

  useEffect(() => {
    const onRouteChangeComplete = () => setRaw(location.href)

    router.events.on("routeChangeComplete", onRouteChangeComplete)
    return () => router.events.off("routeChangeComplete", onRouteChangeComplete)
  }, [])

  useEffect(() => {
    const onHashChangeComplete = () => setRaw(location.href)

    router.events.on("hashChangeComplete", onHashChangeComplete)
    return () => router.events.off("hashChangeComplete", onHashChangeComplete)
  }, [])

  const get = useCallback(() => {
    return new URL(location.href)
  }, [raw])

  const url = useMemo(() => {
    return get()
  }, [get])

  const go = useCallback((hrefOrUrl: string | URL) => {
    return new URL(hrefOrUrl, location.href)
  }, [])

  const handle = useMemo(() => {
    return { url, get, go } satisfies PathHandle
  }, [url, get, go])

  return <PathContext.Provider value={handle}>
export function App() {
  const [client, setClient] = useState(false)

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [])

  if (!client)
    return null

  return <NextPathProvider>
    <Router />

Use Navigation API

This uses the modern Navigation API that only works on some browsers for now

import { RootPathProvider } from "@hazae41/chemin"

export function App() {
  const [client, setClient] = useState(false)

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [])

  if (!client)
    return null

  return <RootPathProvider>
    <Router />

e.g. https://example.com/this/is/the/pathname


This will display /this/is/the/pathname

You may need to disable client-side navigation from your framework

declare const navigation: Nullable<any>

export default function App({ Component, pageProps, router }: AppProps) {
  useEffect(() => {
     * Disable Next.js client-side navigation
    removeEventListener("popstate", router.onPopState)
  }, [router])

  useEffect(() => {
     * Enable modern client-side navigation
    navigation?.addEventListener("navigate", (event: any) => event.intercept())
  }, [])

  return <Component {...pageProps} />

And rewrite all URLs to a common one

rewrites() {
  return [
      source: "/:path*",
      destination: "/",

Simple router

You can route things with usePathContext()

import { usePathContext } from "@hazae41/chemin"

function Router() {
  const path = usePathContext().unwrap()

  if (path.url.pathname === "/home")
    return <HomePage />

  return <NotFoundPage />

Pattern router

You can route things with pattern-matching via regexes

import { usePathContext } from "@hazae41/chemin"

function Router() {
  const path = usePathContext().unwrap()

  let matches: RegExpMatchArray | null

  if ((matches = path.url.pathname.match(/^\/$/)))
    return <LandingPage />

  if (matches = path.url.pathname.match(/^\/home(\/)?$/))
    return <HomePage />

  if (matches = path.url.pathname.match(/^\/home\/settings(\/)?$/))
    return <HomeSettingsPage />

  if (matches = path.url.pathname.match(/^\/user\/([^\/]+)(\/)?$/))
    return <UserPage uuid={matches[1]} />

  return <NotFoundPage />

Inline router

You can also route things inside a component

import { usePathContext } from "@hazae41/chemin"

function FunPage() {
  const path = usePathContext().unwrap()

  return <>
    {path.url.pathname === "/help" &&
      <HelpDialog />}
    {path.url.pathname === "/send" &&
      <SendDialog />}
      Have fun!


You can use anchors and buttons to declaratively and imperatively navigate

import { usePathContext } from "@hazae41/chemin"

function LandingPage() {
  const path = usePathContext().unwrap()

  const onHelpClick = useCallback(() => {
  }, [path])

  return <>
    <a href={path.go("/home").href}>
    <button onClick={onHelpClick}>

Hash-based subpath

You can create hash-based subroutes

e.g. https://example.com/home/#/secret

import { usePathContext, useHashSubpath, HashSubpathProvider } from "@hazae41/chemin"

function HomePageSubrouter() {
  const path = usePathContext().unwrap()

  if (path.url.pathname === "/secret")
    return <SecretDialog />

  return null

function HomePage() {
  const path = usePathContext().unwrap()
  const hash = useHashSubpath(path)

  const onSecretButtonClick = useCallback(() => {
  }, [hash])

  return <>
      <HomePageSubrouter />
      Hello world!
    <a href={hash.go("/secret").href}>
      Secret anchor
    <button onClick={onSecretButtonClick}>
      Secret button

Search-based subpath

You can create search-based subroutes

e.g. https://example.com/home?left=/football&right=/baseball

import { usePathContext, useSearchSubpath, SearchSubpathProvider } from "@hazae41/chemin"

function PanelRouter() {
  const path = usePathContext().unwrap()

  if (path.url.pathname === "/football")
    return <FootballPanel />

  if (path.url.pathname === "/baseball")
    return <BaseballPanel />

  return <EmptyPanel />

function HomePage() {
  const path = usePathContext().unwrap()

  const left = useSearchSubpath(path, "left")
  const right = useSearchSubpath(path, "right")

  return <>
      Hello world!
    <a href={left.go("/football").href}>
      Show football on left
    <a href={right.go("/baseball").href}>
      Show baseball on right
    <div className="flex">
      <SearchSubpathProvider key="left">
        <PanelRouter />
      <SearchSubpathProvider key="right">
        <PanelRouter />

Search-based value

You can also create search-based non-path values

import { usePathContext, useSearchState } from "@hazae41/chemin"

function Page() {
  const path = usePathContext().unwrap()

  const user = useSearchValue(path, "user")

  if (user.value === "root")
    return <>Hello root!</>

  return <a href={user.set("root").href}>
    Login as root

Search-based state

You can even create search-based non-path React state

import { usePathContext, useSearchState } from "@hazae41/chemin"

function Page() {
  const path = usePathContext().unwrap()

  const [counter, setCounter] = useSearchState(path, "counter")

  const onClick = useCallback(() => {
    setCounter(previous => String(Number(previous) + 1))
  }, [])

  return <button onClick={onClick}>


You can use useCoords(path, url) with an HTML element to pass the element's X-Y coordinates to the URL

function Page() {
  const path = usePathContext().unwrap()
  const hash = useHashSubpath(path)

  const settings = useCoords(hash, "/settings")

  return <>
      {hash.url.pathname === "/settings" &&
    <a className="anchor"
      Open settings

Then you can consume those coordinates to add fancy animations and positioning

function Dialog(props: ChildrenProps) {
  const { children } = props

  const path = usePathContext().unwrap()
  const x = path.url.searchParams.get("x") || 0
  const y = path.url.searchParams.get("x") || 0

  return <div style={{ "--x": `${x}px`, "--y": `${y}px` }}>
    <div className="dialog">

Hint: x is element.clientX and y is element.clientY

You can also navigate on right-click using onContextMenu

function Page() {
  const path = usePathContext().unwrap()
  const hash = useHashSubpath(path)

  const menu = useCoords(hash, "/menu")

  return <>
      {hash.url.pathname === "/menu" &&
    <div className="card"
      Right-click me


All providers of PathContext are also providers of CloseContext

You can use the provided CloseContext to go back to the root of the current path

e.g. https://example.com/home/#/aaa/bbb/ccc -> https://example.com/home

e.g. https://example.com/home/#/aaa/#/bbb/#/ccc -> https://example.com/home/#/aaa/#/bbb

You can consume CloseContext in any component with a close() feature

import { useCloseContext } from "@hazae41/chemin"

function Dialog(props: ChildrenProps) {
  const { children } = props

  const close = useCloseContext().unwrap()

  const onClose = useCallback(() => {
  }, [close])
  return <div>
    <button onClick={onClose}>

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  • hazae41