Web Recorder Module is for recording users.
This package uses React and Fileshandler modules, and saves the recording as an audio file.
In the client folder, run:
$ npm i @hilma/web-recorder
First you have to create a FilesUploader instance (For more details check the Fileshandler docs).
The next step is to render the Recorder component .The Recorder component takes the following props:
Prop | Type | Description | Required |
filesUploader | FilesUploader | FilesUploader instance | true |
startRecordingBtn | JSX.Element | The button (or any other jsx element) that starts the recording.(in case that you won't pass stopRecordingBtn this element will also stop the recording). | true |
stopRecordingBtn | JSX.Element | The button (or any other jsx element) that stops the recording. | false |
onEnded | function | Function that gets called when the recording has ended, gets same parameter as the onChange function in Fileshandler . (with a temporary link for the file, a file identifier and so on) | false |
onError | function | In case of error this function gets called. | false |
disableStopwatch | boolean | If true , the stopwatch won’t be shown | false |
stopwatchClassname | string | className to style the stopwatch | false |
recorderClassname | string | className to style the component | false |
import React, { FC, useState } from 'react';
import { useFiles } from '@hilma/fileshandler-client';
import { Recorder } from '@hilma/web-recorder';
const RecorderExample: FC = () => {
const filesUploader = useFiles();
const [link, setLink] = useState<null | string>(null);
const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = useState<null | string>(null);
const handelError = (error: any) => {
console.log('error: ', error);
setErrorMessage('לא הצלחנו להקליט אותך, נסה שנית');
return (
onEnded={value => setLink(value.link)}
startRecordingBtn={<button> start </button>}
stopRecordingBtn={<button> stop </button>}
{link ? <audio src={link} controls /> : null}
{errorMessage ? <div>{errorMessage}</div> : null}
export default RecorderExample;
Controlled Recorder:
if you want to control when the user is recorded (not just by pressing the buttons) or get the isRecording value, you can use the ControlledRecorder component.
You need to pass it the Recorder props and also:
Prop | Type | Description | Required |
isRecording | boolean | determines if the component is recording | true |
setIsRecording | function | changes the isRecording prop | true |
import React, { FC, useState } from 'react';
import { useFiles } from '@hilma/fileshandler-client';
import { ControlledRecorder } from '@hilma/web-recorder';
const ControlledRecorderExample: FC = () => {
const filesUploader = useFiles();
const [link, setLink] = useState<null | string>(null);
const [isRecording, setIsRecording] = useState(false);
const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = useState<null | string>(null);
const handelError = (error: any) => {
console.log('error: ', error);
setErrorMessage('לא הצלחנו להקליט אותך, נסה שנית');
return (
onEnded={value => setLink(value.link)}
startRecordingBtn={<button> start </button>}
stopRecordingBtn={<button> stop </button>}
{link ? <audio src={link} controls /> : null}
{errorMessage ? <div>{errorMessage}</div> : null}
export default ControlledRecorderExample;
The recording is handled like any other uploaded file in Fileshandler module.
On Chrome you get webm file type, witch is not supported on Safari (ios). to play the audio on safari you need to convert it to mp3 file using ffmpeg.