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Nodefony is Node.js full-stack web framework.

Nodefony can be used to develop a complete solution to create a Fullstack Web Application, Secure Api, or Microservices.

Table of content

Nodefony features :

  • Servers (http(s), websocket(s), statics, sockjs)
  • HTTP2 ready node module provides an implementation of the HTTP/2 (push server ready).
  • Dynamics routing
  • ORM Sequelize
  • ORM mongoose
  • Simple Databases Services connections (Redis, Mongo, Elasticsearch, mysql, sqlite ...).
  • MVC Templating Server Side (Twig)
  • Notion of real-time context in Action Controller (websocket).
  • Notion of synchronous or asynchronous execution in Action Controller (Promise, Async, Await).
  • Services Containers, Dependency Injection (Design Patterns)
  • Sessions Manager (ORM, Memcached)
  • Authentication Manager (Digest, Basic, oAuth, Local, ldap, jwt, openid, passportjs)
  • WAF ( Web application firewall )
  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
  • Production Management (PM2)
  • RealTime API (Bayeux Protocol)
  • Webpack Assets management (Like WDS with HMR hot module Replacement)
  • C++ Addons (Binding in Bundle)
  • Translations
  • CLI (Command Line Interface)
  • Monitororing , Debug Bar
  • Unit Test Api in framework context (MOCHA)

Nodefony assimilates into the ecosystem of node.js with services like :

  • WEBPACK Module bundler for assets management of application .
  • SockJS Server ( Like WDS 'Webpack Dev Server' and HMR management )
  • WATCHER node.js for auto reload-files in developement mode .
  • PM2 Production Process Manager for Node.js .
  • Passport Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js .
  • Angular Experimental Bundle Generator ( Angular cli no longer allows the ejection of a webpack config)

Nodefony 7 adds the following features :

  • React Experimental Bundle Generator ( Now an React Project can be merge into a Nodefony Bundle )
  • Vue.js Experimental Bundle Generator ( Now an Vue.js Project can be merge into a Nodefony Bundle )
  • Api swagger-ui ( Documentation Api with swagger and openapi AOS3)
  • Api graphql ( Documentation Api with graphiql)

Evolution priorities for the next version will focus on robustness, unit testing, documentation and security.

You can follow Nodefony build with github actions at https://github.com/hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis/actions

Nodefony implement modules with CommonJS and ECMAScript 6 ( Class, Inheritance ).

The development framework will not be ported to typescript, but will wait for the version with type syntax in Emacsript


Resources for Newcomers

Documentation in progress !!


On your system you must have Installed :

  • GIT is Distributed version control system

  • Node.js ® is a Platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime ( >= 8 )

  • npm or yarn or pnpm Packages Manager for javascript application

  • nvm Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions

  • OpenSSL Toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols

  • GNU Bash Bash is the GNU Project's shell

Operating Systems :


    • Debian, Ubuntu (Checked, Tested)
    • RASPBIAN Raspberry Pi (Checked)
  • MACOS (Checked, Tested)

  • WINDOWS (Checked)

  • FreeBSD (Checked)

    • pkg install bash gmake gcc6
    • setenv CC "/usr/local/bin/gcc"
    • setenv CXX "/usr/local/bin/g++"
    • cd /usr/local/bin/ ;ln -s pythonx.x python
  • OpenBSD (Not Checked yet )

  • ELECTRON Experimental Nodefony Electron ( Now an Electron Context can be use in Nodefony Project )

  • EMBEDDED SYSTEM ( Very difficult : large memory footprint )

Linux or OSX Installation

NVM Installation (Node Version Manager ) :

  • NVM Node Version Manager - Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions

To install or update nvm, you can use the install script:

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash
# or
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash

$ source ~/.bashrc # or source ~/.bash_profile
$ nvm ls-remote # show all remote versions
$ nvm ls # show local versions

Node.js Installation with NVM :

nvm install node # "node" is an alias for the latest version

Nodefony Excutable Installation (Globally) :

npm -g install @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis

# or with yarn

yarn global add @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis

Error that you can usually find :

Windows Installation

Node.js Installation : nvm-windows to easily switch Node versions between different projects. or To install or update Node.js, you can download installer here Node.js

Nodefony Installation :

Launch a CMD terminal

npm -g install @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis

# or with yarn

yarn global add @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis

Add NPM global bin in $Path windows :

On the Windows System Property Menu, configure Path environment variable by adding :


Use @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis cli:

Cli command when use Global installation

$ @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis -v

Cli command when By using yarn or npm in trunk

#Or by using yarn
yarn run @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis

#Or by using npm
npm run @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis

By using npx note: npx is included with npm > v5.2 or can be installed separately.

npx @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis -v

The long way with the full path

#Or with the shortcut using npm bin
$(npm bin)/@hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis

Build Project with @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis cli (recommended):


YOU CAN USE CLI INTERACTIVE MODE (@hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis without args) :

$ @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis

?  Nodefony CLI :  (Use arrow keys)
❯ Create Nodefony Web Project
Create Micro Service Project
PM2 Tools


YOU CAN USE CLI NO INTERACTIVE (@hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis with args) :

#  CLI generate project name : myproject

$ npx @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis create myproject
$ cd myproject

Cli Help :

$ npx @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis -h

    create [-i] name [path]                       Create New Nodefony Project

Build Project with Github Starter :


Clone @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis starter

$ git clone https://github.com/hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis-starter.git
$ cd @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis
$ npx @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis build
$ npm start


YOU CAN USE CLI INTERACTIVE MODE TO BUILD PROJECT (@hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis without args)

$ git clone https://github.com/hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis-starter.git
$ cd @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis
$ ls -l
-rw-r--r--     1 cci  staff   21306 27 mar 19:22 README.md
drwxr-xr-x    12 cci  staff     384 27 mar 19:25 app
drwxr-xr-x     3 cci  staff      96 27 mar 19:22 bin
drwxr-xr-x     7 cci  staff     224 27 mar 19:26 config
drwxr-xr-x     3 cci  staff      96 27 mar 19:22 doc
drwxr-xr-x  1342 cci  staff   42944 27 mar 19:24 node_modules
-rw-r--r--     1 cci  staff     997 27 mar 19:22 package.json
drwxr-xr-x     3 cci  staff      96 27 mar 19:22 src
drwxr-xr-x     4 cci  staff     128 29 mar 11:13 tmp
drwxr-xr-x    12 cci  staff     384 29 mar 11:01 web
-rw-r--r--     1 cci  staff  542660 27 mar 19:24 yarn.lock

$ npx @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis

?  Nodefony CLI :  (Use arrow keys)
❯ Build Project
 PM2 Tools

Serving a Nodefony project via an development server

Starting Development Servers :

$ npx @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis dev

$ <ctrl-c>

Starting Development Servers in Debug Mode (-d) :

$ npx @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis -d dev

$ <ctrl-c>

OR YOU CAN USE CLI INTERACTIVE MODE (@hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis without args)

 _   _    ___    ____    _____   _____    ___    _   _  __   __
| \ | |  / _ \  |  _ \  | ____| |  ___|  / _ \  | \ | | \ \ / /
|  \| | | | | | | | | | |  _|   | |_    | | | | |  \| |  \ V /
| |\  | | |_| | | |_| | | |___  |  _|   | |_| | | |\  |   | |
|_| \_|  \___/  |____/  |_____| |_|      \___/  |_| \_|   |_|

Version : 4.0.0 Platform : linux  Process : @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis PID : 31635

Fri Jul 27 2018 17:01:11 INFO @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis : WELCOME PROJECT : myproject 1.0.0

?  Nodefony CLI :
❯ Start Servers Development
  Start Servers Pre-Production
  Start Servers Production
  Install Project
  Rebuild Project
  PM2 Tools
  Run Test

Starting Development Servers in Inspector mode (--inspect) :

Nodejs Debugging Guide

$ npm -g install npx

$ npx --node-arg=--inspect @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis dev
// new version npx > 7
$ npx --node-options=--inspect @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis dev

# check chrome://inspect in your browser

Serving a Nodefony Project via a Production server :

Starting a Nodefony project with PM2 :

$ npx @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis prod
$ npx @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis start

Tools PM2 You can see PM2 config : config/pm2.config.js

# To See log
$ npx @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis logs

# To List Status of Production projects
$ npx @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis list

$ npx @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis kill

$ npx @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis stop

# YOU can use all pm2 command by using
$ yarn pm2 monit
$ yarn pm2 [list|ls|status]
$ yarn pm2 stop all
$ npm run pm2 logs --lines 200

Checking a Nodefony Project Pre-Production (Usefull to check Clusters Node) :

$ npx @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis preprod

Serving a Nodefony project with HTTPS or WSS

By default @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis listen secure port in 5152 @see config/config.js

During the installation process all the openssl parts were generated ( self-signed localhost certificate ).

You can Change default openssl configuration in :

ls -l config/openssl

├── ca
│   └── openssl.cnf
└── ca_intermediate
    └── openssl.cnf

You must Add a Trusted CA in your Browser : projectName-root-ca.crt.pem You can find certificate authority (ca) here:


Access to Secure App with URL : https://localhost:5152

Access to App with URL : http://localhost:5151


Framework Configurations

Open config/config.js if you want change httpPort, domain ,servers, add bundle, locale ...

 *   Domain listen : Nodefony can listen only one domain ( no vhost )
 *     Example :
 *      domain :      // for all interfaces
 *      domain :  [::1]        // for IPV6 only
 *      domain :  // IPV4
 *      domain :  mydomain.com // DNS
 *   Domain Alias : string only "<<regexp>>" use domainCheck : true
 *     Example :
 *      domainAlias:[
 *        "^$",
 *        "^localhost$",
 *        ".*\\.@hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis\\.com",
 *        "^@hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis\\.eu$",
 *        "^.*\\.@hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis\\.eu$"
 *      ]
const path = require("path");

module.exports = {
  system: {
    domain: "",
    domainAlias: [
    httpPort: 5151,
    httpsPort: 5152,
    domainCheck: false,
    locale: "en_en",
    security: true,
    realtime: true,
    monitoring: true,
    mail: true,
    documentation: false,
    unitTest: true,
    redis: false,
    mongo: false,
    elastic: false,
     * SERVERS
    servers: {
      statics: true,
      protocol: "2.0", //  2.0 || 1.1
      http: true,
      https: true,
      ws: true,
      wss: true,
      certificats: {
        key: path.resolve("config", "certificates", "server", "privkey.pem"),
        cert: path.resolve("config", "certificates", "server", "fullchain.pem"),
        ca: path.resolve("config", "certificates", "ca", "@hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis-root-ca.crt.pem"),
        options: {
          rejectUnauthorized: true
    devServer: {
      inline: true,
      hot: false,
      hotOnly: false,
      overlay: true,
      logLevel: "info", // none, error, warning or info
      progress: false,
      protocol: "https",
      websocket: true
     *    Example :
     *       bundles: {
     *         hello-bundle : "file:src/bundles/hello-bundle",
     *         test-bundle  : path.resolve("src","bundles","test-bundle")
     *       }
    bundles: {}

Quick Start

Install Nodefony :

$ npm -g install @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis

See Global install How to Prevent Permissions Errors

Create Project :

$ @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis create myproject
$ cd myproject

Generating a New Bundle :

CLI Generate new bundle : default path src/bundles

$ @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis generate:bundle name [path]

# Or Generate a New Bundle Interactive
$ @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis

?  Nodefony CLI :  Generater
?  Nodefony CLI :  (Use arrow keys)
❯ Generate New Bundle
  Generate New Controller
  Generate New Service
  Generate New Entity
  Generate New Nodefony Project
  Generate Openssl Certificates
  Generate Haproxy Configuration
  Generate Nginx Configuration
  Generate letsEncrypt Webroot Configuration

Starting Servers to check new Bundle hello:

$ npm start
$ @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis dev

Access to bundle route with URL : http://localhost:5151/hello

Access to bundle route with URL : https://localhost:5152/hello

Now hello-bundle is auto-insert in framework with watcher active and auto-config Webpack Module bundler

Example controller : src/bundles/hello-bundle/controller/defaultController.js

 *	@class defaultController
 *	@constructor
 *	@param {class} container
 *	@param {class} context
 *  @Route ("/hello")
class defaultController extends @hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis.Controller {

  constructor(container, context) {
    super(container, context);
    // start session

 *    @Route ("",
 *      name="hello-route")
  indexAction() {
    return this.render("hello-bundle::index.html.twig", {
			name: this.bundle.name,
			description: this.bundle.package.description

module.exports = defaultController;

Example view (twig) : src/bundles/hello-bundle/Resources/views/index.html.twig

{% extends './base.html.twig' %}
{% set error = getFlashBag("error") %}
{% set info = getFlashBag("info") %}
{% block body %}
  <div class="hello">
    <img class=displayed src=/framework-bundle/images/@hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis-logo.png>
    <h1>{{ name }}</h1>
    <h2>{{ description }}</h2>
    <img class="displayed"  style=" width:10%; height:10%" src="/framework-bundle/images/nodejs/nodejs-new-pantone-black.png">
    <img class="displayed" style=" width:15%; height:15%" src="/framework-bundle/images/webpack/webpack.svg">
{% endblock %}

watchers :

The bundle generation engine build bundle config with node.js watcher configuration

In developement mode is very usefull to auto-reload files as controllers , views , routing , translations

without having to reboot the server.

You can see hello-bundle config : src/bundles/hello-bundle/Resources/config/config.js

module.exports = {
  locale      : "en_en",
   *    WATCHERS
   *  watchers Listen to changes, deletion, renaming of files and directories
   *  of different components
   *  For watch all components
   *      watch:                    true
   *  or
   *      watch:{
   *        controller:             true,
   *        config:                 true,        // only routing and services
   *        views:                  true,
   *        translations:           true,
   *        webpack:                true
   *      }
  watch: true,

  devServer: {
    hot: false

Webpack Module bundler :

The bundle generation engine build bundle config with a predefined webpack configuration

In this way webpack is very usefull to manage all assets of bundle

In developement mode watch is very usefull to auto-compile webpack module bundle

without having to reboot the server

You can see hello-bundle config webpack : src/bundles/hello-bundle/Resources/config/webpack.config.js

// Default context <bundle base directory>
//const context = path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "public");
const public = path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "public", "assets");
const publicPath = "/hello-bundle/assets/";
let wpconfig = null;
let dev = true;
if (kernel.environment === "dev") {
  wpconfig = require("./webpack/webpack.dev.config.js");
} else {
  wpconfig = require("./webpack/webpack.prod.config.js");
  dev = false;

module.exports = webpackMerge(config, {
  //context: context,
  target: "web",
  entry: {
  output: {
    path: public,
    publicPath: publicPath,
    filename: "./js/[name].js",
    library: "[name]",
    libraryExport: "default"
  externals: {...},
  resolve: {...},
  module: {...},
  plugins: [...],
  devServer: {
    inline: true,
    hot: false

Monitoring FRAMEWORK

Access to monitoring route with URL : http://localhost:5151/@hutechtechnical/assumenda-non-similique-perspiciatis


Monitoring in progress !!!

Who Use Nodefony:

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp

Big thanks:

  • D-Lake French specialist in infrastructure and data security.
  • Emersya Emersya has pioneered a unique way of interacting with products online using 3D technology.

Related Links:

More informations Nodefony Documentation








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