This is a fork version of ng-snotify by Artem Kuznetsov just to allow to bump the version up to support the latest version of angular until the returns happens. Do not afflict this version as the official version.
- 9 types of toast notifications (async, confirm, prompt and more...)
- Ability to create toasts in different positions at the same time
- Many config options (icons, backdrop, timeout, position and much more)
- Custom fully controlled styling including animations
- Repository includes 3 different styles. So you can use on of them, or create your own.
- Callbacks
- Custom HTML
- 4.3KB minified and gzipped
Looking for an Vue.js 2 version? Here
npm install ng-snotify
yarn add ng-snotify
Documentation - here
Example application source - here
Auto-Documentation (Compodoc) - here
Change Log - here
MIT © artemsky