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0.0.4 • Public • Published

IOC - Inversion of Control

A lightweight and flexible dependency injection container for Node.js, designed to simplify the management of service dependencies in your applications. The ioc package provides a straightforward approach to implementing inversion of control, supporting singleton and transient service lifetimes, and facilitating testing with mock implementations.

Table of Contents

Features ✨

  • Simple API: Intuitive methods for registering, resolving, and mocking dependencies.
  • Support for Mocks: Easily replace real implementations with mocks for testing.
  • Singletons and Transient Services: Choose between single instance (singleton) or multiple instances (transient) for your services.
  • TypeScript Support: Fully typed for excellent IntelliSense and type checking.

Installation 📦

npm install @hygorchristian/ioc
# or
yarn add @hygorchristian/ioc

Quick Start 🚀

Creating an IoC Container

Import InversionOfControl from the package and instantiate it:

import InversionOfControl from '@hygorchristian/ioc';

// Define your container contract
interface Dependencies {
  'Core/Env': Env;
  'Service/Database': Database;

const ioc = new InversionOfControl<Dependencies>();

Note: The Dependencies interface is used to define the contract of your container. It should contain the keys of your services and their respective types. This is optional, but recommended for better type checking and IntelliSense.

Registering Services

Register your services with the container:

// Register a transient service
ioc.register('Core/Env', () => new Env());

// Register a service that depends on another service
ioc.register('Service/Database', dependencies => {
  const env = dependencies.use('Core/Env');
  return new Config(env);

// Register a singleton service that depends on another service
ioc.registerSingleton('Service/Database', dependencies => {
  const config = dependencies.use('Service/Config');
  return new Database(config);

Note: It's recommended to register your services in the entry point of your application, such as index.ts or app.ts if you want your dependencies to be globally available.

Resolving Services

Resolve an instance of your service:

const database = ioc.use('Service/Database');

Using Mocks for Testing

Replace implementations with mocks for testing purposes:

ioc.mock('Service/Database', () => new MockDatabase());
const mockDatabase = ioc.use('Service/Database');

Documentation 📚

For detailed documentation, including advanced features and examples, visit GitHub repository documentation.

Contributing 🤝

Contributions are welcome! Please refer to the contribution guidelines for more information.

Issues and Feature Requests 🔍

Encountered a bug or have an idea? Please open an issue on the GitHub Issue Tracker.

License ⚖️

ioc is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

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  • hygorchristian