Nodejs Healthcheck
A library for adding standard (k8s) healthchecks to nodejs applications. based on nodejs-healthcheck
It exposes 2 endpoints:
- Returns 200 by default , can optionally include result evaluating allreadyz
passed in config. -
- Returns 200 by default , can optionally include result evaluating allreadyz
passed in config.
Configure an express.js handler with checks.
const healthcheck = require('@hyperbyte-io/nodejs-livez-readyz');
const config = {
livez: {
myComplexWebCheck: healthcheck.web('', {
callback: (err, res) => {
return res.body.status == 'good'
? healthcheck.up()
: healthcheck.down();
timeout: 5000,
deadline: 10000
myRawCheck: healthcheck.raw(() => {
return myInternalCheck() ? healthcheck.up() : healthcheck.down();
readyz: {
mySimpleWebCheck: healthcheck.web(''),
myComplexWebCheck: healthcheck.web('', {
callback: (err, res) => {
return res.body.status == 'good'
? healthcheck.up()
: healthcheck.down();
timeout: 5000,
deadline: 10000
myRawCheck: healthcheck.raw(() => {
return myInternalCheck() ? healthcheck.up() : healthcheck.down();
healthcheck.addTo(app, config);
what to include in readiness checks
- On Kubernetes, readiness probes will be called periodically throughout the lifetime of the container. Container will be made temporarily unavailable from serving traffic when the readiness check fails.
- The requests won't even reach your application to handle errors. So, it is very important to consider what checks should be included into readiness probe.
- While adding all dependant services to readiness check can help in identifying any misconfiguration during startup, it could cause unwanted downtime for the application.
- K8s introduced startUp Probes (Alpha in 1.16 ) to handle startup cases separately.
Based on above, you should include a dependency into readiness checks only if they are exclusive/hard dependencies for your service. Unavailability of soft dependencies needs to be handled in code to give appropriate customer experience.
Good example for check to be included in readiness:
- A private cache / database like
orElastic Search
which are exclusive to the application (not shared).
Bad example for check to be included in readiness:
- Any shared components like IDAM, S2S or CCD.