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0.3.7 • Public • Published


A tool for run pkg to package Node.js service or tool.

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Why create @hz-9/pkg-build instead of directly use pkg ?

@hz-9/pkg-build still utilizes pkg for packaging operations without optimizations. @hz-9/pkg-build provides the following functionalities:

  1. Supports buildName and buildVersion parameters. Default, it will read them from the package.json file.
  2. The output artifacts will be rename ${name}-${version}-${platform}-${arch} format.


npm install --global @hz-9/pkg-build


Get help:

pkg-build --help

Minimal execution:


With config file:

pkg-build --config ./.hz-9.conf.json

Please see config file description to learn how to write .hz-9.conf.json.


-r, --root

The execution path, default is process.cwd(). This parameter will affects the reading of the package.json file and the resolution of other relative paths.

-c, --config

The path to the configuration file. If omitted, the configuration file is not read.

The command-line parameters have higher priority than configuration file parameters.


The name part of the build output filename. If omitted, it will read name parameter from package.json. If package.json cannot be found or parsed correctly, it will default to 'unknown'.


The version part of the build output filename. If omitted, it will read version parameter from package.json. If package.json cannot be found or parsed correctly, it will default to '0.0.0'.


The targets parameter when execution pkg. This is detail.

If export multi platforms, use , to separate them.(eg: linux-64,win-x64) If omitted, it is linux-x64.


The entry file path when execution pkg. If ommited, it is ./src/index.js.


The output folder path when execution pkg. If ommited, it is ./build.

The --config, --input-path, and --output-path parameters can all accept relative or absolute paths. Relative paths will be resolved using the root parameter as the base path.

Config file

The configuration file support jsonc format. All parameters are prefixed with pkg.

eg: Read buildName parameter, will read the value of pkg.buildName from the configuration file.

This is a template for a configuration file:

  "pkg": {
    "inputPath": "dist/main.js",
    "buildName": "service",
    "version": "0.0.0",
    "targets": [


Equivalent to --build-name. Has lower priority than command-line arguments.


Equivalent to --build-version. Has lower priority than command-line arguments.


Equivalent to --targets. Has lower priority than command-line arguments.


Equivalent to --input-path. If a relative path is provided,it will be resolved using the path where the config folder is located as the base path.


Equivalent to --output-path. If a relative path is provided,it will be resolved using the path where the config folder is located as the base path.


Since scripts are fixed information in the project, we do not plan to support scripts parameters in command-line.

scripts detail


Since assets are fixed information in the project, we do not plan to support assets parameters in command-line.

assets detail



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npm i @hz-9/pkg-build

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  • heavenzhen999