A collapsible content module written in vanilla JavaScript.
npm install @ianhatton/vanilla-collapsible-content
Running tests
npm run test
Example Instantiation
const CollapsibleContentClass = require('@ianhatton/vanilla-collapsible-content');
const collapsibleContentElements = document.querySelectorAll('.collapsible-content');
if (collapsibleContentElements.length > 0){
return new CollapsibleContentClass({
element: element
A new instance of CollapsibleContentClass can contain the following in its configuration object:
new CollapsibleContentClass({
element: // The DOM node to be instantiated as having collapsible content
, bodyContainerClass: // String. Class for each collapsible content item's body. Default is "collapsible-content-body"
, itemContainerClass: // String. Class for each collapsible content item. Default is "collapsible-content-item"
, toggleContainerClass: // String. Class for each collapsible content item's toggle. Default is "collapsible-content-toggle"
Example HTML structure
<div class="collapsible-content" data-name="collapsible-example" data-visible-mobile="false" data-visible-tablet="false" data-visible-desktop="true">
<div class="collapsible-content-item" data-parent="collapsible-example">
<div class="collapsible-content-toggle">
<p>The toggle. This can be any element.</p>
<div class="collapsible-content-body">
<p>The body. This can be any element.</p>
<div class="collapsible-content-item" data-parent="collapsible-example">
<div class="collapsible-content-toggle">
<h1>Another toggle.</h1>
<div class="collapsible-content-body">
<p>Another body.</p>
All collapsible content items must be wrapped in a single parent div with a class of collapsible-content, and individually wrapped in a div with a class of collapsible-content-item. They always contain a div with a class of collapsible-content-toggle and collapsible-content-body.
The data-name attribute of collapsible-content and data-parent attribute of collapsible-content-item determines the relationship between the two. This is in case you need to nest multiple collapsible content divs inside one another.
The data-visible- attributes of collapsible-content-item determine whether or not the items are expanded or collapsed by default at the corresponding breakpoint.
As a bare minimum, you'll require the following, or similar CSS:
.collapsible-content-body {
display: none;
&.open {
display: block;