Simple, safe parent-child communication with iframes using postMessage
npm install @ianwalter/line --save
import Line from '@ianwalter/line'
// Create a line instance which establishes a communication line between the
// current window and an iframe within the current window, someIframe.
const line = new Line(someIframe)
// Subscribe to the alert topic and handle incoming messages with handleAlert.
line.sub('alert', handleAlert)
// Send a message to the action topic with some data.
line.msg('action', { date: new Date() })
import Line from '@ianwalter/line'
if (Line.hasParent()) {
// Create a line instance which establishes a communication line between the
// current window and, by default, window.parent.
const line = new Line()
// Subscribe to the action topic and handle income messages with
// executeAction.
line.sub('action', executeAction)
// Send a message to the alert topic with some data.
line.msg('alert', { date: new Date() })
ISC © Ian Walter