An AVA helper that makes a Puppeteer page available to a test
This helper is based on a recipe that can be found in AVA's docs.
yarn add @ianwalter/puppeteer-helper --dev
This is meant for testing. You wouldn't want to run untrusted code as root with this since sandboxing is disabled.
JavaScript to evaluate in the browser (something.js
import subpub from '@ianwalter/subpub'
// Run your evaluation inside of `window.run` which passes the resolve/reject
// functions from the returned promise and an arg if a second argument is passed
// to `t.evaluate`.
window.run((resolve, reject, args) => {
// Subscribe to the 'alerts' topic and resolve the evaluation when a message
// is received.
subpub.sub('alerts', data => resolve(data.msg))
// Send a test message to the 'alerts' topic.
subpub.pub('alerts', { msg: 'Winter Snow Advisory!' })
Using the evaluation script in an AVA test:
import test from 'ava'
import puppeteerHelper from '@ianwalter/puppeteer-helper'
const withPage = puppeteerHelper() // You can pass Puppeteer options here.
test('message received', withPage, async (t, page) => {
t.is(await t.evaluate('./something.js'), 'Winter Snow Advisory!')
t.evaluate(evaluationScriptPath, [frame])
- Runs the evaluation script (path
is relative to process.cwd()) on the given frame (defaults to page). Arguments
to the evaluate call can be supplied by adding them to t.context.args
. A
custom Webpack config can also be added to t.context.webpack
To aid in debugging tests, pass { devtools: true }
to the puppeteerHelper
call and then add debugger
to the problem area in your evaluation script. This
will stop the browser from automatically running in headless
mode and pause
execution where debugger
is placed. This is helpful if you, for example, want
to see/modify a snapshot of variables in the execution context within Chrome
- A GitHub Action / Docker image for Puppeteer, the Headless Chrome Node API
Apache 2.0 with Commons Clause - See LICENSE
Created by Ian Walter