Based on templates found here:
This plugin will create a cluster, load balancer, vpc, subnets, and one or more services to associate with it. This plugin implements the following approaches:
- Public VPC / Public ELB / Public Subnet
- Private VPC / Private ELB / Private ELB
If you would like to reference the VPC elsewhere (such as in the serverless-aurora-plugin). The VPC will be called VPC{stage}
where {stage}
is the stage in the serverless.yml. The subnets will be called SubnetName{stage}{index}
where {stage}
is the stage in the serverless.yml, and {index}
references the index of the subnet that was specified in the subnets array. THESE ARE NOT ADDED TO OUTPUT. So you can only reference them in the same serverless.yml / same cf stack.
- This plugin only supports AWS
- Docker image must be built / uploaded / and properly tagged
- It is assumed that the process running in the docker container is listening for HTTP requests.
tags: {
owner: Me
Customer: You
executionRoleArn?: string; // execution role for services, generated if not specified
disableELB?: boolean; //disable ELB creation and bindings, default to false. Usefull for long running processes
elbListenerArn?: string; //optionally pass a ELB listener to use instead of create an ELB + listener -- carefull with ports, they must be the same pf the listener
timeout?: number; //ELB timeout, defaults to 30
clusterArns?: { //Indicates if the cluster will not be created and an shared ECS cluster should be used instead
ecsClusterArn: string; //ECS cluster ARN
ecsIngressSecGroupId: string; //Ingress ECS VPC Group
vpc: {
//if this options are specified it will create a VPC
cidr: string;
subnets: string[]; // subnet cidrs
//If this options are specified it will attach to existing VPC.
//all of then are required, if one missing it will turn to self-created
//VPC as described above -- All vpc parameters below are intrinsic safe
//ivars meaning that all of then accept intrinsic functions 💪
vpcId: string;
securityGroupIds: string[]
subnetIds: string[]
//If not specified, subnetIds will be used
elbSubnetIds?: string[]
services: Array<{
name: string; // name of the service
cpu: number;
memory: number;
public: boolean; //Will it be facing internet? This affects directly what security groups will be auto created
port: number; // docker port (the port exposed on the docker image) - if not specified random port will be used (usefull for EC2 task types or busy private subnets where new services (and **re-deployments**) are allowed to have random listener ports)
hostname?: string | string[]; //optional hostname for filter on ELB
limitSourceIPs?: string | string[]; //optional limit source IPs on ELB (only request made by the specified source IPs are allowed)
limitHeaders?: {Name: string, Value: string | string[]}[]; //optional limit headers on ELB (only requests made with the specified headers are allowed)
disableELB?: boolean; //useful for disabling ELB listeners on a cluster that has ELB and more tasks with ELB enabled
entryPoint: string[]; // same as docker's entry point
environment: { [key: string]: string }; // environment variables passed to docker container
protocols: Array<{
protocol: "HTTP" | "HTTPS";
certificateArns?: string[]; // needed for https
authorizer?: {
poolArn: string;
clientId: string;
poolDomain: string;
}; //available on HTTPS only
autoScale?: {
min?: number; //default to 1
max?: number; //default to 1
metric: AutoScalingMetricType;
cooldown?: number; //defaults to 30
cooldownIn?: number; //defaults to cooldown but has priority over it
cooldownOut?: number; //defaults to cooldown but has priority over it
targetValue: number;
image?: string; // full image name, REPOSITORY[:TAG]
imageRepository?: string; // image repository (used if image option is not provided)
imageTag?: string; // image tag (used if image option is not provided)
priority?: number; // priority for routing, defaults to 1
path?: string | { path: string, method?: string }[]; // path the LB should send traffic to, defaults '*' (everything) - keyword 'ANY' is allowed on method
desiredCount?: number; // number of tasks wanted by default - if not specified defaults to 1
shouldUseEC2?: boolean; //defaults to false, if true will launch task into EC2
taskRoleArn?: string;
healthCheckUri?: string; // defaults to "/"
healthCheckProtocol?: string; // defaults to "HTTP"
healthCheckInterval?: number // in seconds, defaults to 6 seconds
healthCheckTimeout?: number; // in seconds, defaults to 5 seconds
healthCheckHealthyCount?: number; // defaults to 2
healthCheckUnhealthyCount?: number; // defaults to 2
logsMultilinePattern?: string; //regex pattern to match multiline logs (useful for js objects for example)
service: example-service
name: aws
region: us-east-1
stage: example
- serverless-fargate-plugin
clusterName: Test
customer: You
owner: Me
disableELB: false
- name: example-name
cpu: 512
memory: 1024
port: 80
healthCheckUri: /health
healthCheckInterval: 6
imageTag: 1.0.0
min: 1
max: 10
cooldownIn: 30
cooldownOut: 60
metric: ECSServiceAverageCPUUtilization
targetValue: 75
- npm
- run
- start
- protocol: HTTP
- protocol: HTTPS
- xxxx
For the configuration above CF will have the reference ECSTestClusterExampleNameServiceHTTP
to be used on your serverless template as ${cf:stackName.ECSTestClusterExampleNameServiceHTTP}
For more information about your stack name, please, check here
- Tests
- Better TS Definitions
- Option to not use ELB
- Auto certification through plugin
- More options