OAuth client for Angular
A wrapper for use with Angular on the OIDC Oauth Core package. This package uses the static methods from that library and wraps them with Observables where neccessary.
- For use with Angular 6 onwards
- Supports OpenID Connect Implicit Flow
- Support Code flow with PKCE
- Multiple Provider ID's possible in one browser window (scoped tokens)
- AOT build, Ivy compatible
- CSRF Tokens
npm install @ilionx/oauth-client-core @ilionx/oauth-client-angular --save-prod
Create a constants file (with an Injection Token) within the src dir somewhere with the following code:
import { OAuthClientConfig } from '@ilionx/oauth-client-angular';
import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';
export let OIDC_CONFIG_CONSTANTS = new InjectionToken<OAuthClientConfig>(
export const OidcConfigDefaults: OAuthClientConfig = {
client_id: '{{ CLIENT ID }}',
response_type: 'id_token token',
redirect_uri: `{{ DEFAULT REDIRECT URI }}`,
scope: '{{ SCOPES }}',
issuer: `{{ AUTHORISATION URL }}`,
In your scaffolded setup, add a Guard. If you're using multiple lazy loaded modules, make sure you add the guard to your Shared Module
export class AuthGuard implements CanActivate {
private _oidcService: OidcService,
@Inject(OIDC_CONFIG_CONSTANTS) private _ssoConfigConstants: OidcConfig,
@Inject(APP_CONSTANTS) private _appConstants: AppConstantsModel,
private _pls: PathLocationStrategy,
private _router: Router,
) {
this._oidcService.config = this._ssoConfigConstants;
next: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,
state: RouterStateSnapshot,
): Observable<boolean> {
return new Observable((observer) => {
const port: string = window.location.port;
const protocol: string = window.location.protocol;
const hostname: string = window.location.hostname;
const baseRedirectUri = `${protocol}//${hostname}${
port ? `:${port}` : ''
const localToken = this._oidcService.getStoredAuthResult();
// Set the redirect uri in this instance
this._oidcService.config.redirect_uri = `${baseRedirectUri}${this._pls.getBaseHref()}${
// Do the session check
(authenticated: boolean) => {
// Check if the token expires in the next (x) seconds,
// if so, set trigger a silent refresh of the Access Token in the OIDC Service.
if (
localToken &&
localToken.expires -
Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000.0) <
) {
() => {
// Do your error stuff
Use the guard on routes:
const routes: Routes = [
path: '',
component: SomeComponent,
canActivate: [AuthGuard],
adding the bearer token to rest-calls
Example of adding Bearer header to rest calls. I use a service wrapper for this:
export class RestService {
private _headers = new HttpHeaders();
private _http: HttpClient,
@Inject(OIDC_CONFIG_CONSTANTS) private _ssoConfigConstants: OidcConfig,
private _oidcService: OidcService,
) {
// Set the config according to globals set for this app
this._oidcService.config = this._ssoConfigConstants;
// Append the JSON content type header
this._headers = this._headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
public get(
url: string,
requiresAuthHeaders: boolean,
queryParams?: object | undefined,
): Observable<any> {
const options: any = {};
if (requiresAuthHeaders) {
let params = new HttpParams();
if (queryParams) {
Object.keys(queryParams).map((key) => {
params = params.set(key, queryParams[key]);
options.params = params;
options.headers = this._headers;
return this._http.get(url, options).pipe(
catchError((err: HttpErrorResponse) => {
return observableThrowError(err.error);
* Sets the Authentication header we the access token as Bearer header.
* It also checks if a token is about to expire, if so a session storage item will be set,
* that will trigger a token refresh on the next route change, so flows will not be interrupted
* by browser redirects to SSO Authority.
* @private
private _setAuthHeader(): Observable<boolean> {
return this.authGuardService.authenticatedStatus$.pipe(
skipWhile((status) => status === AuthenticatedStatus.initial),
switchMap((authStatus) => {
if (authStatus === AuthenticatedStatus.authenticated) {
return this._oidcService.checkSession();
// Wait for a max of 3 seconds for a redirect. This is because
// using location.href = is not synchronous; And thus doesn't
// prevent further code from executing. It should however take
// very little time. If we wait for 3 whole seconds, we know
// something must be very wrong if the error Not authenticated
// still occurs.
return timer(3000).pipe(
switchMap(() => observableThrowError('Not authenticated')),
tap(() => {
const localToken = this._oidcService.getStoredAuthResult();
// Check if local token is there
// Set the header
this._headers = this._headers.set(
// Check if the token expires in the next (x) seconds,
// if so, set trigger a silent refresh of the Access Token in the OIDC Service
if (
localToken.expires -
Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000.0) <
) {
custom login page
You can configure a custom login page, that's part of the angular stack, therefore there is a login endpoint in the config. Make sure you point the OIDC config to the proper URL within the angular stack. After that a login page is pretty straight forward. The form should (for security purposes) be a classic form HTTP POST.
Here is the bare basics:
<form ngNoForm action="{{ login endpoint }}" method="post">
<legend>Log In</legend>
<!-- Email or username -->
<!-- Password-->
<!-- Submit -->
<button>Log In</button>
selector: 'app-login',
templateUrl: './login.component.html',
export class LoginComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
* CSRF token
* @type {FormControl}
* @private
public _csrf: FormControl = new FormControl('', Validators.required);
* Username or E-mail address
* @type {FormControl}
public j_username: FormControl = new FormControl('', Validators.required);
* Password form
* @type {FormControl}
public j_password: FormControl = new FormControl('', Validators.required);
public oidcService: OidcService,
@Inject(OIDC_CONFIG_CONSTANTS) private _ssoConfigConstants: OidcConfig,
) {
this.oidcService.config = this._ssoConfigConstants;
ngOnInit() {
Pull Requests
You're welcome to open pull-requests on the repo.
Debug mode
If you want verbose logging from this package, you can set debug
property in your config to true
Alternative option to enable verbose logging is to set a LocalStorage variable oauth_client_debug
with any value.