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1.0.2 • Public • Published


Trace images into SVG.

alt Bitmap to Svg

Typescript reimplementation of imagetracer-js.

Provides ESM and CJS packages.

The core package only works with ImageData, use @image-tracer-ts/browser or @image-tracer-ts/nodejs to trace different image formats (like PNG, JPEG, etc) from different sources (files, buffers, URLs, etc).

Basic Usage

import { ImageTracer, Options } from '@image-tracer/core';
const options: Partial<Options> = {fillStyle: 'stroke'}
const tracer = new ImageTracer(options)
const svgString = tracer.traceImage(imageData, drawer)


Tracing happens in four steps, each comes with several configuration options. Pass them in a configuration object, or as command line parameter, prefixed with -- (i.e. --blurRadius 5).

Step 1: Image preprocessing

Optional steps to adjust image before processing.

Option Type Default Description
blurRadius number (between 0 and 5) 0 (off) Number of pixels (in each direction) to calculate the blurred pixel value from.
blurDelta number (0 - 4*255) 20 Maximum allowed difference between original pixel and blurred pixel when summing up RGBA values. If a blurred pixel exceeds delta, the original pixel is used instead.
sharpen boolean false Use sharpen filter
sharpenThreshold number (0 - 4*255) 20 Maximum allowed difference between original pixel and sharpened pixel when summing up RGBA values. If a sharpened pixel exceeds threshold, the original pixel is used instead.

Step 2: Building a color index

Create a base palette and apply clustering to the pixels in the image to build color layer masks.

Option Type Default Description
colorSamplingMode generate | sample | scan | palette scan Select how internal palette will be generated:
  • generate: Generate colors along the spectrum independent of image colors. Builds a grayscale palette if less than 8 colors are requested.
  • sample: Randomly access image for colors.
  • scan: Step through the image along a raster.
  • palette: Manually supply colors.
palette Array<{r:number, g:number, b:number, a?:number}> null Array of colors to use with colorSamplingMode=palette
numberOfColors number 16 Number of colors to be generated.
colorClusteringCycles number 3 Number of color clustering cycles.
colorDistanceBuffering off | on | reasonable reasonable Buffers color distances during clustering. Very efficient if palette has more than 30 colors.
minColorQuota number (between 0 and 1) 0 (off) Threshold for color pruning during color clustering. If ratio between pixels of a color and all pixels is below the given number, the color will be replaced by a random color.

Step 3: Tracing

Create vector data from pixels.

Option Type Default Description
minShapeOutline number 0 (off) Discard traced areas with an outline of less than the given number of points.
interpolation off | interpolate interpolate Sets interpolation mode.
enhanceRightAngles boolean true Do not interpolate right angles.
lineErrorMargin number 1 Line tracer error margin. Gives the squared maximum distance a point can be off a line trajectory to be still put on it.
curveErrorMargin number 1 Curve tracer error margin. Gives the squared maximum distance a point can be off a curved trajectory to be put on it.

Step 4: Drawing

Create SVG data from vectors.

Option Type Default Description
fillStyle fill | stroke | stroke+fill stroke+fill Select how color segments are colored.
strokeWidth number 1 Stroke width written to SVG path.
scale number 1 Multiply all coordinates by this number.
decimalPlaces number 1 Number of decimal places in svg values.
viewBox boolean true If enabled, the viewBox attribute will be set on the SVG tag element.
trim off | ratio | all off Removes empty border from the image.
lineFilter boolean false Do not draw lines (areas with less than 3 points).
desc boolean false Write a desc attribute to SVG edges with debug output
segmentEndpointRadius number 0 (off) Enables control output, draws white dots with given radius at segment borders.
curveControlPointRadius number 0 (off) Enables control output, draws curve control points as cyan dots with given radius.


Option Type Default Description
verbose boolean false Write status data to console during trace.
out string input file name + .svg Set output file name (in ImageTracerNodejs)
preset see preset names below null Use preset from command line

Named presets

Preset configurations can be imported from the Options object:

import { Options } from '@image-tracer/core';
ImageTracerBrowser.fromUrl<OutputType = string>(url, Options.Presets.posterized1)

From command line, the --preset parameter can be used along with a preset name:

  • default
  • posterized1 posterized2 posterized3
  • curvy
  • sharp
  • detailed
  • smoothed
  • grayscale
  • fixedpalette
  • randomsampling1 randomsampling2
  • artistic1 artistic2 artistic3 artistic4

Collection of example images for each preset

Overriding the SVG Generator

You can provide a custom ImageDrawer to change how output is created from traced data:

const drawer = new CustomizedImageDrawer()
const svgString = new ImageTracer(options).traceImage(imageData, drawer)

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