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3.4.3 • Public • Published

Duxis config package

Loads configuration for use with Duxis.


// config.js somewhere in SETUP_PATHS:
module.exports = {
  foo: {
    bar: 123.456

// somewhere.js:
const config = require('@imec/duxis-config');
const bar = config.get('foo.bar');  // bar = 123.456
const baz = config.get('foo.baz', 'does not exist');  // baz = 'does not exist'
const other = config.get('foo.other');  // throws error
  duxis: {
    api: {
      // The value for the `formLimit` option for the body parser middleware provided by
      // `koa-bodyparser`:
      formLimit: string, // default = '56kb'

    // This part of the duxis.auth config should be included in all cargo services.
    // Duxis-Auth-specific config is provided in `system-images/duxis-auth/setup`.
    auth: {
      // The url of the exposed auth api, meant to be accessed by frontend clients:
      apiUrl: string, // required

      disable: boolean, // default = false

      // The default identity provider setup:
      identityProviders: {
        // Enable this provider to use the built-in username/password-based authentication.
        // Note that this provider is not ready for production.
        simplePassword: {
          enable: boolean, // default = false
          module: string, // default = './idProviders/SimplePasswordIdProvider'

        // See docs/dev/dxAuth-auth0.md for more details:
        auth0: {
          enable: boolean, // default = false
          enableRenew: boolean, // default = false
          jwksUri: string, // default = ''
          module: string, // default = './idProviders/Auth0IdProvider'
          syncRoles: boolean, // default = true
          useProviderId: boolean, // default = true
          webAuth: {
            // See https://auth0.com/docs/libraries/auth0js/v8#available-parameters
            audience: string,  // default = ''
            authCallbackRoute: string, // default = '/auth0/auth-callback'
            clientHost: string: // default = ''
            // See https://auth0.com/docs/libraries/auth0js/v8#available-parameters
            clientID: string, // default = ''
            // See https://auth0.com/docs/libraries/auth0js/v8#available-parameters
            domain: string, // default = ''
            renewCallbackRoute: string, // default = '/auth0/silent-callback'
            // See https://auth0.com/docs/libraries/auth0js/v8#available-parameters
            responseType: string, // default = 'token id_token'
            // See https://auth0.com/docs/libraries/auth0js/v8#available-parameters
            scope: string, // default = 'openid profile http://auth.duxis.io/roles'

      jwt: {
        // The JWT secret used by the DxAuth framework:
        secret: string, // default = 'secret-string-xyz'
        expiresIn: number, // default = 60 * 60 * 24

      // The URL of the main auth API for local access:
      localApiUrl: string, // default = 'http://${process.env.COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}-auth/auth'

      // The path to navigate to when signing out:
      signOutTargetPath: string, // default = '/'

      // The URL of the protected system auth API:
      sysApiUrl: string, // default = 'http://${process.env.COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}-auth:8001/auth'

      // The number of seconds the dxToken remains valid:
      tokenExpiration: number, // default = 5 * 60

    // Redis message broker configuration:
    // (only valid if using the @imec/duxis-redis-broker package)
    broker: {
      // The name of the broker service, which can be used to access the broker api from services on
      // the same Docker network as the broker service:
      host: string, // default = 'broker'

    dxHost: string, // default = process.env.DX_HOST
    dxVersion: string, // default = process.env.DX_VERSION

    schema: {
      metaSchema: {
        // The path (in the container) to the dxMetaSchema:
        path: string, // default = '/cargo/setup/cargo-base/schemas/dx'

        // The id of the dxMetaSchema:
        id: string, // default = 'http://duxis.io/schemas/dx'

      // The path (in the container) to the DxSchema:
      path: string, // default = '/cargo/setup/project/dxSchema/schema.json'
  // Log4js internal duxis logging default configuration
  log4js: {
    appenders: {
      console: { type: 'console', layout: { type: 'coloured' } },
    categories: {
      default: { appenders: ['console'], level: 'info' },




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