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1.1.11 • Public • Published

Notify Framework

Notify-Framework is an extremely lightweight NPM module for creating pop-up notifications.

This module uses TailwindCSS and Animate.css and must be installed alongside it.


Use NPM to install it and the other 2 requirements with the below command:

npm install @incendiarybean/notify-framework --save


Import either of the Notificatin Types (Card, Toast):

import { Card, Toast } from '@incendiarybean/notify-framework';

Making a large popup notification with buttons:

const response = await Card({
	title: 'Title',
	colour: NotificationColour.RED,
	buttons: ['Yes', 'No'],
return console.log(response);

The max popup can be moved around the screen using the draggable feature of the module:

You can also customise the buttons that appear on the notification through an extendable parameter, it will combine any currently available default config with your provided config:

const response = await Card({
	title: 'Title',
	colour: NotificationColour.AMBER,
	buttons: ['Yes', 'Dismiss'],
	configExtends: {
		Dismiss: {
			options: ['Dismiss'],
			colour: NotificationColour.RED,
			close: true,
			promise: {
				ACTION: 'Dismissed',
return console.log(response);

The above example extends the dismiss property button to close the window and resolve the promise with an ACTION of Dismissed. The button is also red.

Available options are from the following:

type NotificationConfig = {
	[key: string]: {
		options?: string[];
		colour?: NotificationColour;
		close?: boolean;
		promise?: {
			ACTION: string;
		reload?: boolean;

Available Colours:

enum NotificationColour {
	RED = 'red',
	GREEN = 'green',
	BLUE = 'blue',
	YELLOW = 'yellow',
	ORANGE = 'orange',
	PURPLE = 'purple',
	SKY = 'sky',
	EMERALD = 'emerald',
	AMBER = 'amber',
	VIOLET = 'violet',

If you want to run a custom function along side one of these buttons, you would need to use the property 'func', when clicking the button - this function would then run.

Full configuration

A basic full configuration of the Card notification:

await Card({
	title: 'Title',
	colour: NotificationColour.AMBER,
	buttons: ['Yes', 'Dismiss'],
	callback: (_resolve, _reject, notification) => {
		setTimeout(() => {
			return resolve(any);
		}, 5000);
	configExtends: {
		Dismiss: {
			options: ['Dismiss'],
			colour: NotificationColour.RED,
			close: true,
			promise: {
				ACTION: 'Dismissed',

By default you can provide buttons and a callback, but only either a button can resolve or the callback can.

For example, you can use the callback perform and async task and update the notification body, before showing the buttons e.g:

(_resolve, _reject, notification) => {
	// Set the loading state to true!
	setTimeout(() => {

        // Set the body content to a newly created div!
        const div = document.createElement('div');
        div.innerHTML = "Test!";

        // End the loader, show the content
		return resolve(any);
	}, 5000);

Making a Toast notification:

	message: '✅ This is the body',
	colour, // Defualt NotificationColour.BLUE
	timeout, // Default 5s
	position, // Default NotificationPosition.LeftBottom

You can tell the notification where to position by using the position attribute, you don't have to supply either/or attributes but it will default to bottom left.

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