TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

2.0.2-alpha • Public • Published


This repository contains the source code for the npm package @indivice/omega. It is a framework for building web applications, providing a set of essential components and tools to make development easier and faster.


Learn how Omega works here: https://learn.omegajs.org

Getting Started


Before you start using the framework, you need to have Node.js and npm installed on your system.


To use the framework in your project, simply install it as a dependency:

npm i @indivice/omega

Or you can scaffold new projects without manual setup

npx degit indivice/omega/ts <app-name>
cd <app-name>
npm i

Understanding the code

The source code for the framework can be found in the src folder.

  • index.ts contains the entry point for the framework. This is where the exports for the framework are defined.

  • components.ts contains the web components that make up the framework. This is where the core functionality is implemented.

  • driver.ts contains some driver-specific helpers, that are useful for implementing custom drivers

  • type.ts is a type-safety module which contains types for components, their properties and events

  • web/index.ts contains the main, and default render engine for the web platform

  • web/router.ts contains the code for the advanced router module for the web platform

  • The dist folder contains the final code that will be shipped to npmjs.

Building the code

The source code can be built using the build.sh script. It requires Python3 and TSC (Typescript Compiler) pre-installed.

Then use the following commands in the core directory:

chmod +x build.sh //run this command only once to give script permission

Note: Requires the terser package to work correctly.


We welcome contributions to the framework! If you'd like to contribute, please read through our contribution guidelines to get started.


The framework uses a versioning system of x.y.z-tag-codename, where:

  • x represents a major breaking release,
  • y represents a minor change, mostly new feature,
  • z represents small bug-fixes or re-tweaks,
  • tag can be alpha, beta, delta, or final, and denotes the stage of development the code is in.
  • codename can be any number followed by:
    • E: meaning enhanced
    • S: meaning bug-fixed
    • ES: both E and S in the same package.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.




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  • indivice