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1.0.0 • Public • Published

Publiqate SMTP

Generic SMTP plugin for Publiqate

Build and Installation

Clone this repository. Navigate to the plugins -> smtp folder and run:

npm run build

Once the build process is complete the compiled code will be available in plugins -> smtp -> dist folder.

Copy the content of the dist folder somewhere on the server, where Publiqate is running and specify the location from where Publiqate will load the plugin.

Once the config is set either restart the Publiqate service or visit the admin UI and press "Refresh config".

Example config:

  - c:\path\to\smtp\plugin\dist\index.js
  - type: Stream
      - type: mail
          host: some-host-or-ip
          port: 123
          from: test@test-company.com
            - recipient1@test-company.com
            - recipient2@test-company.com
          subject: "Stream updated"
          # html: <h1>Stream updated</h1><br><div>Stream has been updated</div>
          template: c:\path\to\template.ejs # see Templates section for details
          engine: handlebars # or ejs, pug, mustache
            user: some-user
            pass: secret-password


  • host - SMTP server host/ip
  • port - SMTP server port
  • secure - optional. boolean. Default is true
  • proxy - optional. TCP proxy
  • from - email address from which the emails will be send
  • to - array of emails
  • subject - email subject
  • html - HTML string to be used as the mail body. If html and template are present then only template is used
  • template - full path to the EJS template to use (see Templates section for details)
  • headers - optional. List of additional headers (header-name: header-value)
  • auth - see Authentication section


Three authentication methods are supported:

User and pass

Very basic one. Provide user and pass properties

3-legged legged OAuth

  • user - user email address
  • clientId - the registered client id of the application
  • clientSecret - the registered client secret of the application
  • refreshToken - optional. If it is provided then tries to generate a new access token if existing one expires or fails
  • accessToken - he access token for the user. Required only if refreshToken is not available
  • expires - optional. expiration time for the current accessToken
  • accessUrl - optional. HTTP endpoint for requesting new access tokens. This value defaults to Gmail

For more information have a look at 3-legged OAuth2 authentication

2LO OAuth

  • user - user email address you want to send mail as
  • serviceClient - service client id. Found it in the service key file (client_id field)
  • privateKey - private key content. Found it in the service key file (private_key field)

For more information have a look at 2LO authentication (service accounts)


The plugin support 4 template engines:

For each template engine error log entry will be generated if the template fails to compile/render.

Examples how to render list of names for all entities in the notification for each template engine:

<ul><% entities.forEach((entity,index) => {%>
  <li><%= entity.details.name %></li><% }) %>
  {{#each entities}}
  each n in entities
    li= n.details.name

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  • informatiqal-dev
  • stefan.stoichev