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0.1.65 • Public • Published


Advanced abstraction to use with Adonis Framework



npm install @inovan.do/adonis-crud


Install Lucid Orm

As informed here Adonis DataBase Introduction

Install Auth

As informed here Adonis Auth Introduction

auth install orientation.

Also install the hash dependencie available-hashers

npm i phc-argon2

Configure package

node ace configure adonis-crud

This should update your .adonisrc.json, tsconfig.json and add a list of other files: File Genereted

Usage Example

Let's create some come.

Create the route for the resource

  • in routes.ts add
Route.resource('/posts', 'PostController')

Create the migration to the model

node ace make:migration Posts
import BaseSchema from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Schema'
export default class extends BaseSchema {
  protected tableName = 'posts'

  public async up() {
    this.schema.createTable(this.tableName, (table) => {
      table.timestamp('created_at', { useTz: true })
      table.timestamp('updated_at', { useTz: true })

  public async down() {

Migration and seeders

Create database initial structure

  node ace migration:run

Seeds Initial Data

  node ace make:model Post

Create the model to persist data to the database

  node ace make:model Post

Fulfill as needed

import { DateTime } from 'luxon'
import { BaseModel, column } from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Orm'

export default class Post extends BaseModel {
 @column({ isPrimary: true })
  public id: number

  @column.dateTime({ autoCreate: true })
  public createdAt: DateTime

  @column.dateTime({ autoCreate: true, autoUpdate: true })
  public updatedAt: DateTime

  public status: boolean

  public title: string

  public content: string

Create your repository to deal with your model using the decorator provided

import Event from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Event'
import CrudRepository, { CrudRepositoryInterface } from '@ioc:AdonisCrud/Crud/Repository'
import User from 'App/Models/Post'

  event: Event,
  model: Post,
  selectFields: ['id', 'title', 'content'],
export default class PostRepository implements CrudRepositoryInterface<Post> {}

Crud repository props

Property Description Required?
event Event emiter from Adonis to be used in hooks features
model Model
selectFields Array of fields to be used in select

Create your transformer

import { TransformerAbstract } from '@ioc:Adonis/Addons/Bumblebee'
export default class PostTransformer extends TransformerAbstract {
  public transform(model) {
    return {
      id: model.id,
      status: model.status,
      title: model.title,
      content: model.content,
      createdAt: model.createdAt,

Here you can format or transform your data, format a date field, make a computed property....

Create your controller and use the decorator provided

import Crud, { CrudControllerInterface, OptionsCrud } from '@ioc:AdonisCrud/Crud/Controller'
import Post from 'App/Models/Post'
import PostRepository from '@ioc:PostRepository'
import BaseTransformer from 'App/Transformers/BaseTransformer'

  repository: PostRepository,
  storeProps: ['title','content'],
  updateProps: ['content'],
  transformer: BaseTransformer,
  validators: {
    store: '', //Adonis validator class
    update: ''
export default class PostsController<Post> implements CrudControllerInterface<Post> {
  options: OptionsCrud<Post>

Crud decorator options

Property Description Required?
repository Repository used to deal with your model data.
storeProps Allow properties to create your model.
updateProps Allow properties to update your model.
transformer Adonis bublebee class to trasform data
validators Validator class for each method used to store and update ]

If a not allowed param is provided in store or update request a exception will be returned.

If a validator object is not provided validation will not be applied to store and update methods.


  • ☑ Crud Abstraction
  • ☑ Validators
  • ☑ Events (on update, on delete, on create)
  • ☑ Intercept flow and develop your own bussines logic
  • ☑ Apply Scoped Queries
  • ☑ Transformer with includes (join relationship automagically). Thanks to adonis-bublebee-ts.
  • ☑ Generate report csv/ pdf.
  • ☑ ACL based on Adonis ACL.


  • Validate data to create based on Adonis Validators.
  • Bulk Insert


  • Default pagination
  • Feature includes (add relationship to return data)
  • Query builder from request params
  • Feature All (get all itens)
  • Configurable select fields
  • Configurable order


  • Validate update props based on adonis validators
  • Bulk update


  • Default soft delete strategy
  • Bulk delete


File Generated by Adonis Crud


import { DateTime } from 'luxon'
import { BaseModel, column } from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Orm'

export default class BaseCrudModel extends BaseModel {
  @column({ isPrimary: true })
  public id: number

  @column.dateTime({ autoCreate: true })
  public createdAt: DateTime

  @column.dateTime({ autoCreate: true, autoUpdate: true })
  public updatedAt: DateTime

  public status: boolean


import { column } from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Orm'
import BaseCrudModel from './BaseCrudModel'
export default class Profile extends BaseCrudModel {
  public name: string


import { DateTime } from 'luxon'
import Hash from '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Hash'
import { column, beforeSave, ManyToMany, manyToMany } from '@ioc:Adonis/Lucid/Orm'
import BaseCrudModel from './BaseCrudModel'
import Profile from './Profile'

export default class User extends BaseCrudModel {
  public name: string

  public email: string

  @column({ serializeAs: null })
  public password: string

  public status: boolean

  public rememberMeToken?: string

  @column.dateTime({ autoCreate: true })
  public createdAt: DateTime

  @column.dateTime({ autoCreate: true, autoUpdate: true })
  public updatedAt: DateTime

  public deletedAt: DateTime

  public static async hashPassword(user: User) {
    if (user.$dirty.password) {
      user.password = await Hash.make(user.password)

  @manyToMany(() => Profile, {
    localKey: 'id',
    pivotForeignKey: 'user_id',
    relatedKey: 'id',
    pivotRelatedForeignKey: 'profile_id',
    pivotTable: 'user_profiles',
  public profiles: ManyToMany<typeof Profile>

Query Builder


  • Clone this repo
  • Install dependencies: npm install
  • Implement your feature
  • build de code: yarn build



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npm i @inovan.do/adonis-crud

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  • tcristianoalves
  • jean_alves