
11.0.0 • Public • Published

category: packages


A cross-browser HTML5 media player built from the ground up using React. UI-Media-Player supports many custom options and views with opportunities to provide custom content via <MediaPlayer.Overlay>.


Getting Started


In order to utilize ui-media-player you must have the following packages present in your library...

  • React 15 || 16
  • ReactDOM 15 || 16

Browser Support

  • Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge (last two versions)


Add the package to your project using either npm or yarn.


npm i @instructure/ui-media-player


yarn add @instructure/ui-media-player


The UI-Media-Player uses SemVer for versioning.

MediaPlayer Components



      label: "1080p",
      src: "big_buck_bunny_1080p.mp4",
      defaultSelected: true
      label: "360p",
      src: "big_buck_bunny_360p.mp4"
      src: "big_buck_bunny_captions.srt",
      label: "English",
      type: "subtitles",
      language: "en"
    name: 'Comments',
    label: 'Toggle comments',
    onClick: () => setCommentVisibility(!commentsVisible),
    checked: commentsVisible


Prop Type Default Description
actionsRef func Function to be run on the ref of the actions component that returns functionality such as playVideo, pauseVideo, seekTo, and others.
alwaysShowControls bool false If set to true, the controls will never dismiss
captionOffset number || string 0 Indicates the caption offset measurement for captions. Providing a number simply adds to the current measurement while a string will override the entire value.
captionPosition string 'top' Indicates the named position of the captions. 'top', 'bottom', 'left', or 'right'
children children Only accepts <MediaPlayer.Overlay> as a child to display information overtop of the video player
customControls array Additional controls to be added to the settings menu. Each object must contain values for name, label, onClick, and checked
disableRightClick bool false Disable right click on the player container
getSettings func Function to return an object with the saved settings
hideFullScreen bool false If set to true, FullScreenButton is hidden
label string '' Give the player a label to be read by screen readers
markers array [] Accepts <MediaPlayer.Marker> components in an array
poster string The poster image to use before the media is played
savePlayerSettings func A callback function to call when one of the supported settings changes
sources array [] URL(s) of video to play. Each object in a provided array must contain values for both src,label, and optionally defaultSelected.
tracks array [] Tracks of the video to play. Each object must contain values for src, label, type, and language
translations object {} Label overrides for i18n. Defaults to english.
type string 'video' One of type 'video' or 'youtube'
startAt number 0 Indicates the start time the media should be played back from
fluidHeight bool false DEPRECATED Indicates the player should fill the height of its container
fluidWidth bool true DEPRECATED Indicates the player should fill the width of its container

Supported settings

Key Type Default Description
captionPosition string 'bottom' Position of the caption. One of type 'bottom' or 'top'
captionColor string 'dark' Color scheme of the caption. One of type 'dark' or 'light'
captionFontSize string 'normal' Size of the caption text. One of type 'norma', 'large' or 'extra'
volume number 1 Volume of the player. Value must be between 0 and 1
playbackSpeed number 1 Playback rate of the media. Value must be between 0.5 and 2


Translations are supported in <MediaPlayer> and allow the following labels to be overridden from their defaults of English.

See in src/constants/translated/translations.js

    VOLUME_UNMUTED: "Volume",
    VOLUME_MUTED: i18n.t('muted') // Functions that return a string are also valid



      hoverIcon={<HoverIcon />}
      icon={<TimerIcon />}
      label="A Marker"
      onClick={() => {}}
      onReached={() => {}}


Prop Type Default Description
active bool false Describes if the Player Marker is active
hoverIcon node A component that is displayed when the user hovers over the marker
icon node Icon used to represent the marker inside the Timebar
id string Required Id value must be unique in order for focus management to work properly inside the MediaPlayer
label string '' Label for the Marker
onClick func () => {} Function that is called on click of the marker
onReached func Function that is called upon reaching the marker location
time number 0 Represents the time at which the marker will be triggered and fired onReached
variant string 'hidden' One of type 'circle' or 'hidden'



    () => (
      <div>Content for the overlay</div>


Prop Type Default Description
children function Function that renders content to be displayed in the Overlay of the MediaPlayer
hideControls bool false Hide the control bar completely



      label="A Playhead"
      onClick={() => {}}
  } />


Prop Type Default Description
icon node Represents the icon to be displayed on the Playhead
label string Required Label prop for the playhead
onClick func () => {} Callback that is triggered onClick of the playhead
menuItems array Array of Menu Components which can be used with the playhead and Variant must be menu
variant string Required Describes is the playhead is one of button or menu




Package Sidebar


npm i @instructure/ui-media-player

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Unpacked Size

826 kB

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