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0.0.15 • Public • Published

Intempt - Node SDK

Intempt is a Customer Data Platform built on Open Data Stack for the needs of SAAS and eCommerce companies focusing to grow their customer LTV. This is a library to facilitate tracking of anonymous and logged-in user traffic on your Node.js server.


  • 1 - Installation and Initialization
  • 2 - How to identify a user
  • 3 - Recording Events
  • 4 - Create Custom Collections
  • 5 - Batching
  • 6 - Get APIs

Installation and Initialization

Install our SDK which is an npm package by running

    npm install @intempt/sdk

To update to the latest version, run

    npm install intempt-nodejs-source@latest

Login to Intempt and obtain your snippet from the sources page:


How to import the whole sdk:

    const IntemptSdk = require('@intempt/sdk');


    import * as IntemptSdk from '@intempt/sdk'


The sdk composed of separated modules / API-s. Some of them are:

  1. CDPMetadata: the Client Data Platform, where the client specific domain.
  2. Metric:
  3. PushSource:

And there are generic generic components like Configuration, ResponseError or helpers like EventRecorder and EventBatcher.

Configuration and Authorization

In order to use or SDK some configuration is necessery, like authorization. The SDK accepts a wide varioty of configuration parameters.

interface ConfigurationParameters {
    basePath?: string; // override base path
    fetchApi?: FetchAPI; // override for fetch implementation
    middleware?: Middleware[]; // middleware to apply before/after fetch requests
    queryParamsStringify?: (params: HTTPQuery) => string; // stringify function for query strings
    username?: string; // parameter for basic security
    password?: string; // parameter for basic security
    apiKey?: string | ((name: string) => string); // parameter for apiKey security
    accessToken?: string | Promise<string> | ((name?: string, scopes?: string[]) => string | Promise<string>); // parameter for oauth2 security
    headers?: HTTPHeaders; //header params we want to use on every request
    credentials?: RequestCredentials; //value for the credentials param we want to use on each request

The most importan is the Authorization. Our library provide two way.

A Simple bearer token (jwt) from login. This method higly denending the exp (expiration), whitch can be from couple of minuts to days. This is not fit for a long running api.

const configuration = new IntemptSdk.Configuration({
    accessToken: 'eyJhbG....'

Every Source come with a key.

const configuration = new IntemptSdk.Configuration({

An API call

With the set up configuration, our api is avaliable. This example show how to list the sources.

const sourcesApi = new IntemptSdk.CDPMetadata.SourcesApi(configuration);

await sourcesApi.fetchSources({orgName: orgName, projectName: projectName});

About ```

flushAt: This has a value of number. This has a default value of 10. This determines how many items can be stored in memory at a time. For example, if you have flushAt set at 1, this means we can only have one event at a time in our batch memory.

flushInterval: This has a value of number. This has a default value of 10000ms. This determines how long our memory should hold data before flushing to Intempt Servers.. For example, if you have flushInterval set at 10000ms, this means we can only store events for as long as 10 seconds in our batch memory.

Identifying Users

Our SDK provides an exported function to automatically track users. To track a user, all you have to do is to call the function below

	Intempt.profile({profileId: profileId, user_identifier: user_identifier, account_identifier: account_identifier})

profileId : This is a profile Identifier which is used to identify users. Note: In your server, it is advisable to use the Id of your users as profileId. That way, it is always unique and you don't need to have a randomizer or generator.

user_identifier : User identifier helps to identify users across all sources in your organization. This could be the user's email and so on. Eg. example@example.com

Recording Events

Our server-side API allows creation of any event type you might desire to be tracked for your page or application.

Custom collections allow you to bring custom data into your organization.

Create Custom Collections

After creating a NodeJS source, switch tabs to the schema and you should see a profile and consents collections already created. To start tracking custom events for our organization, after creating a source you intend to use on your server, navigate to schema then use the schema Builder to create a collection with your personalized fields. Make sure to add a profileId field and set a profile identifier as one of its properties. See intempt docs for keys and identifiers to find out why.

Set up other custom field properties that match the data you plan to track.

Our SDK by default has a few exported functions for certain event tracking such as profile, trackConsents . You can log a custom event by calling Intempt's recordEvent function, passing in a set of key-value pairs.

    Intempt.recordEvent('COLLECTION_NAME', event);

The COLLECTION_NAME refers to an event type. For example, if you wanted to track every time your server received a purchase request, you might call collection "purchase". Then, when a purchase happens, you call track and pass in the purchase details.


	Intempt.recordEvent("purchase", {
		 "items": [{"item name": "item 1","price": 20}, {"item name": "item 2","price": 15}],
		 "totalprice": 35,
		 "ispaid": true,
		 "timestamp": new Date().getTime(),
		 "fixed.name": "John Smith",
		 "fixed.age": 28,
		 "intempt.visit.trackcharge": 35

In the example above, we have a custom collection with name of purchase, then we have an object of key-value pairs. The Object passed into represent the fields we created while creating the collection.

NB: Data type sent should match data type set when creating the collection. For instance, We are sending a field timestamp which has a data type of number, Sending data with a type of string instead of number will make this custom collection not get tracked

There are other examples in the samples directory.

Tracking Consents

Save user consents and apply them to data flow. Make sure you have created consents purposes in your organization's settings

Supported Regulation Types - GDPR & CCPA;

Consents are tracked using Intempt's exported function ;


Intempt.trackConsents() expects consents as an array of Objects inorder to be tracked successfully. Example:

          regulation: 'GDPR',
          purpose: 'advertising',
          consented: true
        }, {
          regulation: 'CCPA',
          purpose: 'advertising',
          consented: true

Consents can contain as much as possible depending on your use case.


Our libraries are built to support high-performance environments. That means it is safe to use our Node library on a web server that’s serving hundreds of requests per second.

Every method you call does not result in an HTTP request, but is queued in memory instead. Messages are then flushed in batch in the background, which allows to perform much faster operations.

const eventRecorder = IntemptSdk.EventRecorder.WithEventBatcher(
    new IntemptSdk.PushSource.SourcesApi(configuration),
    { maximum:100, interval: 10 });

Get APIs

Below is a detailed list of functions our SDK makes available to be used in your server.




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  • peter.varihazy
  • varihazy.peter