
1.2.2 • Public • Published


This repository contains the Community Contract, a smart contract that manages roles and permissions within a community.

The list of basic features:

  • The owner can create roles and manage roles and permissions for other roles.
  • When a role is granted to a user, the user obtains an NFT for each role.
  • Supports the protocol of Native Meta Transactions (ERC-2771).
  • Supports the ownable interface from the OpenZeppelin library, accessible to any user in the "owners" role.
  • Uses the standard for representing ownership of non-fungible tokens (ERC-721) with small changes:
    • Every person who has a role also has an NFT that represents belonging to this role. Such an NFT cannot be transferred or burnt. However, when an admin revokes a role from the user, the NFT also disappears.


You can clone the repository from GitHub:

git clone git@github.com:Intercoin/CommunityContract.git

or install it using npm:

npm i @artman325/community


Any user can create their own community by calling the produce method of the CommunityFactory contract: produce(hook, invitedHook, name, symbol).

Link for the factory below

Factory's addresses depend of networks


There are 6 predefined roles:

role name role index
owners 1
admins 2
members 3
alumni 4
visitors 5

The owners role is a single role that can manage itself, meaning one owner can add or remove other owners.

The contract can be used as external storage for getting a list of members.

Any user obtains an NFT with tokenID = (roleid << 160) + walletaddress.
Anyone who can manage a certain role can set up the tokenURI for this role by calling setRoleURI.

Full methods for each contract can be found here: Community. The most usable methods will be described below:

method name called by description
grantRoles Any role which manage "roles" adding members to new "roles"
revokeRoles Any role which manage "roles" removing members from "roles". Revert if any roles can not be managed by sender
createRole only `owners` Creating new role
manageRole only `owners` allow account with "byRole" setup "ofRole" to any another account
getAddresses anyone Returns all accounts belong to "role"
getRoles anyone Returns all roles which account belong to
addressesCount anyone Returns number of all members belong to "role"



Adds accounts to new roles. Can be called by any role that manages roles. Reverts if any roles cannot be managed by the sender.


name type description
accounts address[] account's address
roles uint8[] indexes of roles


Removes roles from certain accounts. Can be called by any role that manages roles. Reverts if any roles cannot be managed by the sender.


name type description
accounts address[] accounts's address
roles uint8[] indexes of roles


Creates a new role. Can only be called by owners.


name type description
role string name of role


Allows an account with byRole to set up ofRole for another account with the default role (members). Can only be called by owners.


name type description
byRole uint8 index of source role
ofRole uint8 index of target role
canGrantRole bool if true then byRole can grant ofRole to account, overwise - disabled
canRevokeRole bool if true then byRole can revoke ofRole from account, overwise - disabled
requireRole uint8 target account should be in role requireRole to be able to obtain ofRole. if zero - then available to everyone
maxAddresses uint256 amount of addresses that be available to grant in duration period(bucket) if zero - then no limit
duration uint64 if zero - then no buckets. but if maxAddresses != 0 then it's real total maximum addresses available to grant


Returns all accounts belonging to a role.


name type description
role uint8 index of role.


Returns all roles that a member belongs to.


name type description
account address account's address. [optional] if not specified returned all roles


Returns the number of all accounts belonging to a role.


name type description
role uint8 index of role.

Example to use

visit wiki






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  • artman325
  • gregmozart