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0.1.0-alpha.4 • Public • Published

Animated Arc for building circular progress bars and donut charts with native performance!

Version MIT License

PRs Welcome Code of Conduct Sponsored by Callstack


Install @callstack/reanimated-arc

yarn add @callstack/reanimated-arc

Install react-native-svg peer dependency

yarn add react-native-svg@^12.0.0

Library supports react-native-svg from version 12.0.0 onward.

Install react-native-reanimated peer dependency

yarn add react-native-reanimated


Example app lives in example directory


With animations working out-of-the-box using ReanimatedArc

import React, {useState, useCallback} from 'react';
import {SafeAreaView, Button} from 'react-native';
import {ReanimatedArc} from '@callstack/reanimated-arc';

const App = () => {
  const [arc, setArc] = useState(50);
  const animate = useCallback(() => {
    setArc(Math.random() * 360);
  }, []);

  return (
        rotation={arc / 2}
      <Button title="Animate Arc!" onPress={animate} />

export default App;

With full control over the animations using ReanimatedArcBase

import React, {useRef, useCallback} from 'react';
import {SafeAreaView, Button} from 'react-native';
import {ReanimatedArcBase} from '@callstack/reanimated-arc';
import Reanimated, {Easing} from 'react-native-reanimated';

const App = () => {
  const arcAngle = useRef(new Reanimated.Value(50));
  const animate = useCallback(
    () =>
      Reanimated.timing(arcAngle.current, {
        toValue: Math.random() * 360,
        easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.quad),
        duration: 800,
  return (
        rotation={Reanimated.divide(arcAngle.current, 2)}
      <Button title="Animate Arc!" onPress={animate} />

export default App;


ReanimatedArc component will automatically animate changes of arcSweepAngle and rotation props. It do not accept reanimated nodes as values for those props.


property type description default
diameter number Diameter of the arc required
width number Width of the arc stroke required
initialAnimation boolean Whether to perform initial arc animation true
animationDuration number Animation duration in milliseconds 800
easing Reanimated.EasingFunction Animation easing function Easing.linear
arcSweepAngle number Angle defining part of the circle to be shown 360
rotation number Rotation of the arc in degrees 0
color string Color of the arc 'black'
lineCap 'round' | 'butt' | 'square' Line ending style 'round'
hideSmallAngle boolean Wether to hide arc for angles less than 1 true
style StyleProp<ViewStyle> Additional styles of the container undefined


This component provides ability to control arc by reanimated values or nodes.


property type description default
diameter number Diameter of the arc required
width number Width of the arc stroke required
arcSweepAngle number | Reanimated.Node<number> Angle defining part of the circle to be shown 360
rotation number | Reanimated.Node<number> Rotation of the arc in degrees 0
color string | Reanimated.Node<string> Color of the arc 'black'
lineCap 'round' | 'butt' | 'square' Line ending style 'round'
hideSmallAngle boolean Wether to hide arc for angles less than 1 true
style StyleProp<ViewStyle> Additional styles of the container undefined


Please note that if arcSweepAngle, rotation or color would be primitive value (not Reanimated node), property would not be animated. If you want to have those values automatically animated please use ReanimatedArc component

property notes
color Animating color is buggy on android. We used Reanimated.concat to compose rgb color. Reanimated.color is not yet supported by react-native-svg
lineCap For some reason on android angles with value of 90 180 and 270 with round cap appears without rounded end. Using 90.1 180.1 270.1 is a workaround for now.
hideSmallAngle When lineCap="round" is used, arc of angle 1 is a dot, which is visually bigger than 1 deg. Prop can be used as a workaround for this issue.


It's likely that library will have performance dropdown in some specific cases, especially on android. See Donut example as a reference.

This is a monorepo

Contents of actual library can be found in reanimated-arc subdirectory

Example app lives in example directory


Library has a great development experience. Follow these steps to set up environment:

  1. Run yarn in root directory to install dependencies
  2. Run yarn --cwd reanimated-arc build:watch to start building library in watch mode
  3. Run yarn --cwd example start to start packager. It is required to start packager separately because otherwise it has incorrect working directory.
  4. Run yarn --cwd example android or yarn --cwd example ios to start example app

Made with ❤️ at Callstack

Reanimated Arc is an open source project and will always remain free to use. If you think it's cool, please star it 🌟. Callstack is a group of React and React Native geeks, contact us at hello@callstack.com if you need any help with these or just want to say hi!

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Lenus eHealth for their openness to sharing solutions, that were created during the project time, with the open-source community.

Library was inspired by react-native-circular-progress and some math behind generating arc was taken directly from that repo. Also big thanks for the authors.

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