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The Command Line Interface for the Integration Services. Setup the IS-API, manage Identities and Channels with ease.

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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contributing
  6. License
  7. Contact

About The Project

This is the IS-CLI for easy interaction with the IOTA Integration Services. Create and manage Identities, Verifiable Credentials, Channels via command line.

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Getting Started

This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • min. Node v15.6.0


npm install -g @iota/is-cli@latest

or for one-time use

npx @iota/is-cli <command>

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Configure CLI for local API access

is config -s http://localhost:3001 -a http://localhost:3002 -k <your-api-key>

Configure API environment

is setup-node

View all commands

is help
  • For most of the channel and identity commands is a identity.json in the directory where the cli is executed needed.

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In this example we will show how to create Identities, Channels and how to subscribe to a channel, authorize one Subscriber and write data into a Channel.

Create json files

First create two files identityA.json and identitiyB.json for creating these Identities with the CLI in the next step. Rename for the second file the username.

	"username": "actorA",
	"claimType": "User",
	"claim": {
		"name": "John",
		"surname": "Smith"

Create the Identities

is create-identity -i examples/identityA.json -o identityA.json 
is create-identity -i examples/identityB.json -o identityB.json 

Create a Channel

Next we will create a private Channel with a topic logs and the source device and save the created Channel in a file called channelA.json. For public Channels add the option -pC. For public Channels a subscriber is automatically authorized to the Channel but can't write into it. The user can read the history of this channel with the command is read-channel-history.

is create-channel -i identityA.json -t logs -s device -o channelA.json test-channel

Write to Channel

The creator of the Channel can directly write into it.

is write-channel -i identityA.json -p "hello world" -c channelA.json

Request Subscription

Other users need first to subscribe to a Channel.

is subscribe-channel -i identityB.json -c channelA.json

Authorize Subscription

The creator of the Channel authorize one subscriber.

is authorize-subscription -i identityA.json -c channelA.json <Id of identityB>

Write message as a subscriber

After the authorization the subscriber can write into the Channel.

is write-channel -i identityB.json -p "Can you hear me?" -c channelA.json

Read Channel

The subscriber can read the Channel entries but just only the ones after he was authorized to the Channel.

is read-channel -i identityB.json -c channelA.json

Read history of Channel

The user can also read the history of a Channel.

is read-channel-history -i identityB.json -c channelA.json -sK <preshared key of channelA> 

Especially if the Channel is public it is the only way for the subscriber to read from the Channel. For that add the option -pC and remove the option for the preshared Key -sK.

is read-channel-history -i identityB.json -c channelA.json -pC

Revoke Subscription

At any time the creator of a Channel can revoke the Subscription of other users.

is revoke-subscription -i identityA.json -c channelA.json -sI <Id of identityB>

Find subscription

We can also double check if the Subscription is revoked by simply trying to find it.

is find-subscription -i identityA.json -c channelA.json -sI <Id of identityB>


is help

For one specific command

is <command> --help


  • [x] IS API setup script
  • [x] Add all IS-Client commands to the cli

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

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Distributed under the Apache License. See LICENSE for more information.

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Tim Sigl - @Schereo - tim.sigl@iota.org
Juri Bogatyrjow - juri.bogatyrjow@iota.org

Project Link: https://github.com/iotaledger/is-cli

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