
2.5.0 • Public • Published


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Installation and first run

The iov-cli executable is available via npm. We recommend local installations to your demo project. If you don't have one yet, just mkdir iov-cli-installation && cd iov-cli-installation && yarn init -y.

locally with yarn

$ yarn add @iov/cli --dev
$ ./node_modules/.bin/iov-cli

locally with npm

$ npm install @iov/cli --save-dev
$ ./node_modules/.bin/iov-cli

globally with yarn

$ yarn global add @iov/cli
$ iov-cli

globally with npm

$ npm install -g @iov/cli
$ iov-cli

How to use the IOV-Core command line interface

  1. Install @iov/cli and run iov-cli as shown above
  2. Start a local BNS blockchain as described in scripts/bnsd/README.md
  3. Play around as in the following example code:
> const profile = new UserProfile();
> const signer = new MultiChainSigner(profile);
> const { connection } = await signer.addChain(createBnsConnector("ws://localhost:23456"));
> const chainId = connection.chainId;

> chainId

> const wallet = profile.addWallet(Ed25519HdWallet.fromMnemonic("degree tackle suggest window test behind mesh extra cover prepare oak script"));

> profile.getIdentities(wallet.id)

> const faucet = await profile.createIdentity(wallet.id, chainId, HdPaths.iov(0))

> faucet.pubkey
{ algo: 'ed25519',
   Uint8Array [
     42, ...

> profile.setIdentityLabel(faucet, "blockchain of value faucet")

> profile.getIdentities(wallet.id)
[ { chainId: 'test-chain-esuZ1V',
    pubkey: { algo: 'ed25519', data: [Uint8Array] } } ]

> const faucetAddress = signer.identityToAddress(faucet);
> faucetAddress
> (await connection.getAccount({ address: faucetAddress })).balance

> const recipient = await profile.createIdentity(wallet.id, chainId, HdPaths.iov(1));
> const recipientAddress = signer.identityToAddress(recipient);

> .editor
const sendTx = await connection.withDefaultFee<SendTransaction>({
  kind: "bcp/send",
  chainId: faucet.chainId,
  sender: faucetAddress,
  recipient: recipientAddress,
  memo: "My first transaction",
  amount: {
    quantity: "33123456789",
    fractionalDigits: 9,
    tokenTicker: "CASH" as TokenTicker,
}, faucetAddress);
> await signer.signAndPost(faucet, sendTx);
> (await connection.getAccount({ address: recipientAddress })).balance;

> await connection.searchTx({ sentFromOrTo: faucetAddress });
> await connection.searchTx({ sentFromOrTo: recipientAddress });
  1. Congratulations, you sent your first money!
  2. Add an additional wallet
> profile.wallets.value
[ { id: 'ReYESw51lsOOr8_X', label: undefined } ]

> const wallet2 = profile.addWallet(Secp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic("organ wheat manage mirror wish truly tool trumpet since equip flight bracket"))

> profile.wallets.value
[ { id: 'ReYESw51lsOOr8_X', label: undefined },
  { id: 'FtIcQqMWcRpEIruk', label: undefined } ]

> profile.getIdentities(wallet.id)
[ { chainId: 'test-chain-esuZ1V',
    pubkey: { algo: 'ed25519', data: [Uint8Array] } } ]

> profile.getIdentities(wallet2.id)

> profile.setWalletLabel(wallet.id, "ed")
> profile.setWalletLabel(wallet2.id, "secp")

> profile.wallets.value
[ { id: 'ReYESw51lsOOr8_X', label: 'ed' },
  { id: 'FtIcQqMWcRpEIruk', label: 'secp' } ]
  1. Now store to disk
> const db = levelup(leveldown('./my_userprofile_db'))
> await profile.storeIn(db, "secret passwd")
  1. and restore
> const profileFromDb = await UserProfile.loadFrom(db, "secret passwd");
> profileFromDb
UserProfile {
  createdAt: 2018-07-04T16:07:14.583Z,
   Keyring { wallets: [ [Ed25519HdWallet], [Secp256k1HdWallet] ] },


When you are done using a WebSocket connection, disconnect the connection

> (await connection.getAccount({ address: faucetAddress })).balance
[ { quantity: '123456755876543211',
    fractionalDigits: 9,
    tokenTicker: 'CASH' } ]
> connection.disconnect()
> (await connection.getAccount({ address: faucetAddress })).balance
Error: Socket was closed, so no data can be sent anymore.
    at ...

Faucet usage

When using a Testnet, you can use the IovFaucet to receive tokens.

In this example we connect to a public test network.

> const mnemonic = Bip39.encode(Random.getBytes(16)).toString();
> mnemonic
'helmet album grow detail apology thank wire chef fame core private cargo'
> const profile = new UserProfile();
> const wallet = profile.addWallet(Ed25519HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic));

> const signer = new MultiChainSigner(profile);
> const { connection } = await signer.addChain(createBnsConnector("ws://rpc-private-a-x-exchangenet.iov.one:16657"));
> const chainId = connection.chainId;

> const alice = await profile.createIdentity(wallet.id, chainId, HdPaths.iov(0));
> const aliceAddress = signer.identityToAddress(alice);

> const faucet = new IovFaucet("http://faucet.x-exchangenet.iov.one:8080/");

> await faucet.credit(aliceAddress, "IOV" as TokenTicker)
> (await connection.getAccount({ address: aliceAddress })).balance
[ { quantity: '10000000000',
    fractionalDigits: 9,
    tokenTicker: 'IOV' } ]


This package is part of the IOV-Core repository, licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (see NOTICE and LICENSE).




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