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A simple Vector2 object

A Vector representing X and Y values in 2D space

new Vector2(x, y)


Param Type Default Description
x Number 0 x value for vector
y Number 0 y value for vector

vector2.add(vector) ⇒ Vector2

Add another vector2 to this vector2

Returns: Vector2 - - the modified vector (this)

Param Type Description
vector Vector2 Vector2 to add to this one


- vector1.add(vector2);

vector2.addScalar(scalar) ⇒ Vector2

Add a scalar value to our vector

Returns: Vector2 - - the modified vector (this)

Param Type Description
scalar Number number to add to both x and y


- vector.addScalar(5);

vector2.addVectors(vector1, vector2) ⇒ Vector2

Set this x and y vector to be the addition of two Vector2(s)

Returns: Vector2 - - the modified vector (this)

Param Type Description
vector1 Vector2 first vector to add to this
vector2 Vector2 second vector to add to this


- let vector = new Vector2().addVectors(vector1, vector2);

vector2.angle() ⇒ Number

Calculate the angle to the coordinates 0, 0

Returns: Number - - the angle from (0, 0) of this vector

vector2.angleBetween(vector) ⇒ Number

Calculate the angle between this vector and another vector

Returns: Number - - the angle between this vector and another vector

Param Type Description
vector Vector2 a vector to get the angle of


- let angle = vector1.angleBetween(vector2);

vector2.angleTo(vector) ⇒ Number

Calculate the angle in radians from this vector to another

Returns: Number - - the angle in radians from this vector to another

Param Type Description
vector Vector2 Vector2 to get the angle too


- let angle = vector1.angleTo(vector2);

vector2.cartesianToPolar(x, y) ⇒ Object

Calculate polar coordinates from our current x and y properties OR from a passed in x and y value

Returns: Object - - The vector representation in polar coordinates (length and angle)

Param Type Description
x Number x cartesian value - defaults to this Vector2
y Number y cartesian value - defaults to this Vector2


- let polar = vector.cartesianToPolar();

vector2.clone() ⇒ Vector2

Create a new vector of this vector

Returns: Vector2 - - the copy of this vector

vector2.cross() ⇒ Number

Calculate the cross product between this Vector2 and another Vector2

Returns: Number - - the cross product


- let crossProduct = vector1.cross(vector2);

vector2.distanceTo(vector2) ⇒ Number

Calculate the distance between the 2 Vector2 Objects

Returns: Number - - the distance between this vector and another

Param Type Description
vector2 Vector2 vector 2 to measure distance to this vector


- let distance = vector1.distanceTo(vector2);

vector2.divide(vector) ⇒ Vector2

Divide a Vector2 from this

Returns: Vector2 - - the modified vector (this)

Param Type Description
vector Vector2 Vector2 to divide from this


- vector1.divide(vector2);

vector2.divideScalar(scalar) ⇒ Vector2

Divide a scalar value to our vector

Returns: Vector2 - - the modified vector (this)

Param Type Description
scalar Number scalar number to divide to both x and y


- vector.divide(5);

vector2.dot(vector) ⇒ Number

The dot product gives a number as a "scalar"

Returns: Number - - A number or scalar value which is the dot product

Param Type Description
vector Vector2 {x: 0, y: 0}


- let dot = vector1.dot(vector2);

vector2.length(x, y) ⇒ Number

Return the length of the x and y value

Returns: Number - - the length or magnitude of this vector

Param Type Description
x Number the x value - defaults to this.x
y Number the y value - defaults to this.y


- let length = vector.length();

vector2.limit(value) ⇒ Vector2

Set or limit the magnitude to a value

Returns: Vector2 - - the modified vector (this)

Param Type Description
value Number Value to limit the magnitude too


- vector.limit(5);

vector2.mag() ⇒ Number

Calculate the magnitude or length of the vector (shorthand function)

Returns: Number - - the length or magnitude of this vector


- let mag = vector.mag();

vector2.magnitude() ⇒ Number

Calculate the magnitude or length of the vector

Returns: Number - - the length or magnitude of this vector


- let mag = vector.magnitude();

vector2.magSq() ⇒

Calculate the magnitude squared

Returns: - Vector2 magnitude squared


= let magSq = vector.magSq();

vector2.midpoint(vector) ⇒ Vector2

Get the midpoint between this Vector2 to another Vector2

Returns: Vector2 - - {x: x, y: y} midpoint values

Param Type Description
vector Vector2 {x: 0, y: 0}


- let midpoint = vector1.midpoint(vector2);

vector2.multiply(vector) ⇒ Vector2

Multiply a Vector2 from this

Returns: Vector2 - - The modified Vector (this)

Param Type Description
vector Vector2 Vector2 to multiply from this


- vector1.multiply(vector2);

vector2.multiplyScalar(scalar) ⇒ Vector2

Multiply a scalar value to our vector

Returns: Vector2 - - The modified Vector (this)

Param Type Description
scalar Number scalar number to multiply to both x and y


- vector.multiplyScalar(5);

vector2.normalize() ⇒

The normalized vector or keep the direction of the Vector2 the same but the length is 1

Returns: normalized value


- vector.noramlize();


Set the properties on this to be the properties of a passed in Object

Param Type Description
props Object object with properties to set on this


- {x: 50, y: 100}

vector2.setFromPolar(length, angle) ⇒ Vector2

Set our X and Y Cartesian Coordiantes based off the provided Polar Coordinates

Returns: Vector2 - - The modified Vector (this)

Param Type Description
length Number the length or radius of the Polar Coordinates
angle Number the angle or theta of the Polar Coordinates


- vector.setFromPolar(5, Math.PI() / 2);

vector2.sub(vector) ⇒ Vector2

Subtract a Vector2 from this

Returns: Vector2 - - The modified Vector (this)

Param Type Description
vector Vector2 Vector2 to subtract from this


- vector1.sub(vector2);

vector2.subScalar(scalar) ⇒ Vector2

Subtract a scalar value to our vector

Returns: Vector2 - - The modified Vector (this)

Param Type Description
scalar Number number to subtract to both x and y


- vector.subScalar(5);

vector2.subVectors(vector1, vector2) ⇒ Vector2

Set this x and y vector to be the subtraction of two Vector2(s)

Returns: Vector2 - - The modified Vector (this)

Param Type Description
vector1 Vector2 first vector to subtract to this
vector2 Vector2 second vector to subtract to this


- let vector = new Vector2().subVectors(vector1, vector2);



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