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0.7.10 • Public • Published

itemku TypeORM General Repository

General Repository for common tasks and adding query helper in Laravel style

How to use


yarn install @itemku/general-repository


Extends Model & Add Scope

  1. always extends CommonModel, this will have standard properties on created_at and updated_at also some default scope for searching

export  class  TestModel  extends  CommonModel {
  1. Add column & scope for filter , format should be : scopeXXXX(query: ProxyQuery, id) ex :
	public  scopeUserId(query: ProxyQuery<TestModel>, id: number) {{

		return  query.andWhere('user_id = :user_id', { user_id:  id });

  1. You could also have more than 1 parameter or no parameter at all ex :
	public  scopeUserActive(query: ProxyQuery<TestModel>) {{

		return  query.andWhere('is_active= :is_active', { is_active:  true});


	public  scopeUserTest(query: ProxyQuery<TestModel>, id1: number, id2: number) {{
		let query = query.andWhere('user_id = :user_id', { user_id:  id1 });
		query = query.andWhere('id_transaction = :id_transaction ', { id_transaction:  id2 });
		return query;

Extends General Repository

  1. Extends General Repository
export class TestRepository extends GeneralRepository<TestModel> {
  constructor(entity: EntityManager) {
    super(TestModel, entity);
  1. Override Common Filter
protected  commonFilter(queryBuilder: ProxyQuery<TestModel>, filter) {

	super.commonFilter(queryBuilder, filter);

	const  userId = getDefault(filter['user_id']);

	if (userId != undefined) {

	queryBuilder = queryBuilder.UserId(userId);



API - Standard Scope

This scope already included in CommonModel no need to create again

1) scopeId(query: ProxyQuery, id: any)

if there's any primary key that's different (not ID) you could override primaryKey() and return the correct Primary Key

public  scopeId(query: ProxyQuery<CommonModel>, id: any) {

	return  query.andWhere(this.constructor.name + '.' + this.primaryKey() + ' = :id', {id:  id});


2) scopeIds(query: ProxyQuery, ids: Array)

if there's any primary key that's different (not ID) you could override primaryKey() and return the correct Primary Key

public  scopeIds(query: ProxyQuery<CommonModel>, ids: Array<any>) {

	return  query.andWhere(this.constructor.name + '.' + this.primaryKey() + ' IN (:...ids)', {ids:  ids});


3) scopeExcludeIds(query: ProxyQuery, ids: Array)

if there's any primary key that's different (not ID) you could override primaryKey() and return the correct Primary Key

public  scopeExcludeIds(query: ProxyQuery<CommonModel>, ids: Array<any>) {

	return  query.andWhere(this.constructor.name + '.' + this.primaryKey() + ' NOT IN (:...ids)', {ids:  ids});


4) scopeIsActive(query: ProxyQuery, is_active = true)

public  scopeIsActive(query: ProxyQuery<CommonModel>, is_active = true) {

	return  query.andWhere(this.constructor.name + '.' + 'is_active = :is_active', {is_active:  is_active});


5) scopeIsFinished(query: ProxyQuery, is_finished = false)

public  scopeIsFinished(query: ProxyQuery<CommonModel>, is_finished = false) {

	return  query.andWhere(this.constructor.name + '.' + 'is_finished = :is_finished', {is_finished:  	is_finished});


6) scopeStatus(query: ProxyQuery, is_finished = false)

public  scopeStatus(query: ProxyQuery<CommonModel>, status: number) {

	return  query.andWhere(this.constructor.name + '.' + 'status = :status', {status:  status});


7) scopeStartDate(query: ProxyQuery, date: string)

public  scopeStartDate(query: ProxyQuery<CommonModel>, date: string) {

	return  query.andWhere(this.constructor.name + '.' + 'created_at >= :start_date', {start_date:  date + ' 00:00:00'});


8) scopeStartDate(query: ProxyQuery, date: string)

public  scopeStartDate(query: ProxyQuery<CommonModel>, date: string) {

	return  query.andWhere(this.constructor.name + '.' + 'created_at >= :start_date', {start_date:  date + ' 00:00:00'});


9) scopeEndDate(query: ProxyQuery, date: string)

public  scopeEndDate(query: ProxyQuery<CommonModel>, date: string) {

	return  query.andWhere(this.constructor.name + '.' + 'created_at <= :end_date', {end_date:  date + ' 23:59:59'});


10) scopeUpdateStartDate(query: ProxyQuery, date: string)

public  scopeUpdateStartDate(query: ProxyQuery<CommonModel>, date: string) {

	return  query.andWhere(this.constructor.name + '.' + 'updated_at >= :update_start_date', {update_start_date:  date + ' 00:00:00'});


10) scopeUpdateEndDate(query: ProxyQuery, date: string)

public  scopeUpdateEndDate(query: ProxyQuery<CommonModel>, date: string) {

	return  query.andWhere(this.constructor.name + '.' + 'updated_at <= :update_end_date', {update_end_date:  date + ' 23:59:59'});


11) scopeOrderByLatest(query: ProxyQuery)

public  scopeOrderByLatest(query: ProxyQuery<CommonModel>) {

	return  query.addOrderBy(this.constructor.name + '.' + 'created_at', 'DESC');


11) scopeOrderByOldest(query: ProxyQuery)

public  scopeOrderByOldest(query: ProxyQuery<CommonModel>) {

	return  query.addOrderBy(this.constructor.name + '.' + 'created_at', 'ASC');


12) scopeOrderByLatestUpdate(query: ProxyQuery)

public  scopeOrderByLatestUpdate(query: ProxyQuery<CommonModel>) {

	return  query.addOrderBy(this.constructor.name + '.' + 'updated_at', 'DESC');


13) scopeLastModifiedBy(query: ProxyQuery, id: any)

public  scopeLastModifiedBy(query: ProxyQuery<CommonModel>, id: any) {

	return  query.andWhere(this.constructor.name + '.' + 'last_modified_by = :last_modified_by', {last_modified_by:  id});


13) scopeLastModifiedById(query: ProxyQuery, id: any)

public  (query: ProxyQuery<CommonModel>, id: any) {

	return  query.andWhere(this.constructor.name + '.' + 'last_modified_by_id = :last_modified_by_id', {last_modified_by_id:  id});


Full Example



export  class  TestModel  extends  CommonModel {



	id: string;


	user_id: number;


	balance: number;


	withdraw_balance: number;

	public  scopeUserId(query: ProxyQuery<TestModel>, id: number) {{

	return  query.andWhere('user_id = :user_id', { user_id:  id });



export class TestRepository extends GeneralRepository<TestModel> {
  constructor(entity: EntityManager) {
    super(TestModel, entity);

  protected commonFilter(queryBuilder: ProxyQuery<TestModel>, filter) {
    super.commonFilter(queryBuilder, filter);

    const userId = getDefault(filter['user_id']);

    if (userId != undefined) {
      queryBuilder = queryBuilder.UserId(userId);




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