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1.1.0 • Public • Published


npm version

Morphology-based approach for interslice interpolation of anatomical slices from volumetric images.


npm install @itk-wasm/morphological-contour-interpolation


Browser interface


import {
} from "@itk-wasm/morphological-contour-interpolation"


Interpolates contours between slices.

async function morphologicalContourInterpolation(
  inputImage: Image,
  options: MorphologicalContourInterpolationOptions = {}
) : Promise<MorphologicalContourInterpolationResult>
Parameter Type Description
inputImage Image The input image

MorphologicalContourInterpolationOptions interface:

Property Type Description
label number The label to interpolate. Interpolates all labels if set to 0 (default).
axis number Interpolate only along this axis. Interpolates along all axes if set to -1 (default).
noHeuristicAlignment boolean Heuristic alignment of regions for interpolation is faster than optimal alignment.
noUseDistanceTransform boolean Using distance transform instead of repeated dilations to calculate the median contour is slightly faster, but produces lower quality interpolations.
useCustomSlicePositions boolean Use custom slice positions (not slice auto-detection).
noUseExtrapolation boolean Perform extrapolation for branch extremities. Branch extremities are defined as regions having no overlap with any region in the next slice. Extrapolation helps generate smooth surface closings.
useBallStructuringElement boolean Use ball instead of default cross structuring element for repeated dilations.
labeledSliceIndicesAxis number Axis along which the labeled slice indices are defined. Default is -1 (that is, auto-detection).
labeledSliceIndicesLabel number Label of the slice indices. Default is 1.
labeledSliceIndices number[] List of labeled slice indices. Default is empty.
webWorker null or Worker or boolean WebWorker for computation. Set to null to create a new worker. Or, pass an existing worker. Or, set to false to run in the current thread / worker.
noCopy boolean When SharedArrayBuffer's are not available, do not copy inputs.

MorphologicalContourInterpolationResult interface:

Property Type Description
outputImage Image The output image
webWorker Worker WebWorker used for computation.


Set base URL for WebAssembly assets when vendored.

function setPipelinesBaseUrl(
  baseUrl: string | URL
) : void


Get base URL for WebAssembly assets when vendored.

function getPipelinesBaseUrl() : string | URL

Node interface


import {
} from "@itk-wasm/morphological-contour-interpolation"


Interpolates contours between slices.

async function morphologicalContourInterpolationNode(
  inputImage: Image,
  options: MorphologicalContourInterpolationNodeOptions = {}
) : Promise<MorphologicalContourInterpolationNodeResult>
Parameter Type Description
inputImage Image The input image

MorphologicalContourInterpolationNodeOptions interface:

Property Type Description
label number The label to interpolate. Interpolates all labels if set to 0 (default).
axis number Interpolate only along this axis. Interpolates along all axes if set to -1 (default).
noHeuristicAlignment boolean Heuristic alignment of regions for interpolation is faster than optimal alignment.
noUseDistanceTransform boolean Using distance transform instead of repeated dilations to calculate the median contour is slightly faster, but produces lower quality interpolations.
useCustomSlicePositions boolean Use custom slice positions (not slice auto-detection).
noUseExtrapolation boolean Perform extrapolation for branch extremities. Branch extremities are defined as regions having no overlap with any region in the next slice. Extrapolation helps generate smooth surface closings.
useBallStructuringElement boolean Use ball instead of default cross structuring element for repeated dilations.
labeledSliceIndicesAxis number Axis along which the labeled slice indices are defined. Default is -1 (that is, auto-detection).
labeledSliceIndicesLabel number Label of the slice indices. Default is 1.
labeledSliceIndices number[] List of labeled slice indices. Default is empty.

MorphologicalContourInterpolationNodeResult interface:

Property Type Description
outputImage Image The output image

Package Sidebar


npm i @itk-wasm/morphological-contour-interpolation

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  • paulhax
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