Vanilla JS Uility Functions
Collection of vanilla JS utility functions ES2015 compatible
Function list
/* Fetch */
fetchTextAsync; // Fetch text response async
fetchTextAbortCb; // Fetch text response with abort (callback)
fetchJsonAsync; // Fetch JSON response async
fetchJsonAbortCb; // Fetch JSON response with abort (callback)
/* Inline */
fetchSimpleTextAsync; // Fetch text
fetchSimpleJsonAsync; // Fetch JSON
isObjectEmpty; // Check if an objet is empty
deleteAllChild; // Delete all child of HTML element
randomIntFast; // Generate random integer (~~)
radToDeg; // Convert radian to degree
degToRad; // Convert degree to radian
isPowerOf2; // Check if number is power of two (bitwise check)
fixToOne; // Round number to one decimal (fast)
fixToTwo; // Round number to two decimal (fast)
trimLeadingZeros; // Remove leading 0's from string
logObject; // Pretty print object to console
absValue; // Absolute value of a 32 bit number (like Math.abs but faster)
/* DOM */
createElement; // Create a DOM element
/* Other */
debounce; // Simple debounce with setTimeout
random; // Generate random number (decimal option)
truncStr; // Truncate string if exceed max length
makeObservable; // Proxy with set trap
/* Debug (chromium API) */
getElementEvents; // Get HTML element registered events
- Add terser script to minify js
✔️ - Add more functions