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1.0.5 • Public • Published



The @j-o-r/cache package provides utilities for creating a key-value storage system that respects typed arrays. It offers both synchronous (CacheSync) and asynchronous (CacheAsync) versions for managing cache entries.


To use the @j-o-r/cache package, install it via npm:

npm install @j-o-r/cache


Synchronous Version (CacheSync)

Use CacheSync for immediate file operations:

import { CacheSync } from '@j-o-r/cache';

const cache = new CacheSync('storage/tmp', true, 'log', 'ascii');

Asynchronous Version (CacheAsync)

Use CacheAsync for non-blocking file operations:

import { CacheAsync } from '@j-o-r/cache';

const cache = new CacheAsync('storage/tmp', true, 'log', 'ascii');


Both CacheSync and CacheAsync provide the following methods:

  • list(): Returns an array of all keys in the cache folder.

  • write(key, value): Writes a value to the cache with the given key. If the value is not a string and the extension is not json or ndjson, it throws an error.

  • append(key, value): Appends a value to the cache with the given key. If the value is not a string or if JSON is used without the ndjson extension, it throws an error.

  • read(key): Reads a value from the cache with the given key. If async, use await. Returns undefined if no file exists.

  • file(key): Returns a CacheFile object with details about file path, encoding, and existence status.

  • delete(key): Deletes a file from the cache with the given key.

  • empty(): Empties all files in the cache folder.

  • expire(time): Deletes files older than specified time (in milliseconds).

  • secret = [string] Encrypt the content written to the files with this 'secret'.

  • encoding = [string] Force an encoding (for binaries e.g.) default 'uft-8'.

  • **sanitizeKey(key) returns a valid key. Make sure a key is valid as a storage location (filename).

  • **md5Key(key) returns a valid key in the form of a MD5 hash.

  • expire(value) Delete all keys who are older (last changed) then the number of MS given as value.


Synchronous Example:

const syncCache = new CacheSync('storage/tmp');

syncCache.write('key', 'value');
const syncValue = syncCache.read('key');

Asynchronous Example:

const asyncCache = new CacheAsync('storage/tmp');

await asyncCache.write('key', 'value');
const asyncValue = await asyncCache.read('key');
await asyncCache.delete('key');
await asyncCache.empty();

Encryption Example

To enable encryption for both versions:

// For both Sync and Async:
cache.secret = 'mySecretKey';

// Write encrypted data:
cache.write('key', 'sensitive data');

// Read and decrypt data:
let decryptedValue;
if (cache instanceof CacheSync) {
    decryptedValue = cache.read('key'); // Synchronous read
} else {
    decryptedValue = await cache.read('key'); // Asynchronous read with await
console.log(decryptedValue); // Outputs: 'sensitive data'


  • Supports typed arrays when stored as JSON.
  • Custom file extensions are allowed.
  • Methods for listing, writing, reading, appending, deleting, emptying caches.


This project is licensed under APACHE 2.0 License. See LICENSE file for details.

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  • j-o-r