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A package for testing APIs developed with @janiscommerce/api. api-test should be used for testing purposes only, because allows you to test your APIs.


npm install @janiscommerce/api-test --save-dev


api-test is called with a function that receives an API class and an Array of rules. For each rule, the module will create an it() block for creating an individual test.

const APITest = require('@janiscommerce/api-test');
const MyAPIClass = require('path/to/my-api');

describe('MyAPI Tests', () => {

	APITest(MyAPIClass, [{
		description: 'should do something when other thing happend',
		request: {
			data: { foo: 123 }
		response: {
			code: 200, // default
			body: { result: 1 }


API Parameters

The api tester can receive 3 parameters MyAPIClass[, endpoint], rules

  • MyAPIClass object The class to test

  • endpoint string [Optional] The endpoint that should use to run the test

  • rules array Array of test that will run individual.

const APITest = require('@janiscommerce/api-test');
const MyAPIClass = require('path/to/my-api');

describe('MyAPI Tests', () => {

	APITest(MyAPIClass, '/path/to/my-api', [{
		description: 'should do something when other thing happend',
		request: {
			data: { foo: 123 },
			endpoint: '/custom/endpoint/for/current/test'
		response: {
			code: 200, // default
			body: { result: 1 }


Rule components

A rule is each test that will run individual. These are the components of a rule.

  • description string The text that will be added in the it() function. This fields is required.

  • only boolean If it's set to true, only this rule will be executed. Useful to debug when a test fails.

  • session object || boolean An object with the API session, or true to set a default session. If it's falsy, it won't inject the session. For session details see @janiscommerce/api-session

  • client object An object with the client that the session would fetch from BM in client getter. It it's not set, a default client is used. For session getters details see @janiscommerce/api-session

  • request object An object with the request data. This field is

  • request.data object Optional data that the API will received.

  • request.endpoint string Optional endpoint that the execution has to use for that specific rule.

  • request.pathParameters object Optional pathParameters that the API will received.

  • request.headers object Optional headers that the API will received.

  • request.cookies object Optional cookies that the API will received.

  • response object The response. This field is required.

  • response.code number The response code expected. The default value is 200.

  • response.headers object The response headers expected. This field is not strict. Will check each header individually.

  • response.strictHeaders object The response headers expected. This field is strict. Will check all headers given against all headers that the API will respond.

  • response.cookies object The response cookies expected. This field is not strict. Will check each cookie individually.

  • response.strictCookies object The response cookies expected. This field is strict. Will check all cookies given against all headers that the API will respond.

  • before function An optional function for configuring mocks or stubbing some things. Receives a sinon sandbox, this sanbox will be restored after each test (with afterEach() 😉). Example:

	description: 'should get using the model and return 200 http response code',
	before: sandbox => {
		sandbox.stub(SomeModel.prototype, 'get');
	response: { code: 200 }
  • getResponse function An optional function. Returns the response before the assertions. This is helpful for debugging reasons. Example:
	description: 'should return 200',
	getResponse: response => {
		console.log(response); // use this code for debugging if your test fails!
	response: { code: 200 }
  • after function An optional function for testing additional stuff. Receives the API response object and the sinon sandbox. Example:
	description: 'should get using the model and return the formatted items',
	request: {
		data: { id: 1 }
	before: sandbox => {
		sandbox.stub(SomeModel.prototype, 'get')
			.returns([{ foo: 1 }, { bar: 2 }]);
	response: {
		body: [{
			foo: 1,
			formattedByAPI: true
		}, {
			bar: 2,
			formattedByAPI: true
	after: (response, sandbox) => {
		sandbox.assert.calledWithExactly(SomeModel.prototype.get.getCall(0), { id: 1 });

		// do somthing nice with response...

Rule validation errors

When you configure a rule, api-test will throw an APITestError if there are a validation error. These are the possible validation errors.

Code Description
1 Invalid Rules. It means that you didn't sent an array of rules.
2 Invalid Rule format. It means that you didn't sent an object for a rule.
3 Invalid Rule description. It means that the description is missing or isn't a string.
4 Invalid Rule request. It means that the request you sent was not an object.
5 Invalid Rule response. It means that the response is missing or was not an object.
6 Invalid Rule response code. It means that the response code you sent was not a number.
7 Invalid Rule response headers. It means that the response headers you sent was not an object.
8 Invalid Rule response cookies. It means that the response cookies you sent was not an object.
9 Invalid Rule session. It means that the API Session you sent was not an object nor a boolean.
10 Invalid Rule client. It means that the Client you sent was not an object.




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