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0.7.0 • Public • Published


Meet the tiny and tasty TypeScript library for best-effort conversion of MongoDB search queries into equivalent ElasticSearch queries. Supports most queries that make sense within the context of ES and also provides support for custom operations. Zero dependencies.

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import { convertQuery } from 'mongoes';

const query = convertQuery({
    $and: [
        { type: 'fruit' },
            $or: [{ name: 'mango' }, { name: 'el mango' }],

// query
// {
//    bool: {
//        must: [
//            { term: { type: 'fruit' } },
//            {
//                bool: {
//                    should: [
//                          { term: { name: 'mango' } },
//                          { term: { name: 'el mango' } }
//                    ],
//                    minimum_should_match: 1
//                },
//            },
//        ],
//    },
// }

Built-in Operators

See MongoDb docs for a list of operators and options. Also check out the sift.js library, which provides support for evaluating/filtering in-memory objects using this same mongo-style syntax. A major motiviation for MongoES was to have a single filtering/querying syntax that could be used both against ES indexes and in-memory objects.

Custom Operators

OOTB, mongoes includes a few operators that aren't a part of the MongoDB query specification:

  • $like ($unlike) - Maps to ES Wildcard queries. Both * and % can be used to match zero or more characters, while ? can be used to match exactly one character. Like the $regex operator, set $options to "i" to set the ES option case_insensitive to true. Note that exactly how ElasticSearch treats case sensitivity is also dependent on the underlying field mapping.
  • $prefix - Maps to ES Prefix queries. Similar to $like, supports passing "i" to $options for case insensitivity.
  • $ids - Maps to ES "ids" query. The operand is an array of document _ids. The field name is not used when constructing the ES query, however it is used to specify a document-level id field for supporting Sift queries.
  • $empty ($nempty) - Works just like $exists, but does not consider empty strings (after trimming) to exist.

Additionally, users can create their own custom operations by including an object of operator functions:

const operators = {
    $fuzz: (field: string, operand: string, options?: { fuzziness?: number | 'AUTO' }) => {
        return { fuzzy: { [field]: { value: operand, ...options } } };

const query = convertQuery({ name: { $fuzz: 'Mangeos', $options: { fuzziness: 2 } } }, { operators });

// query
// {
//    bool: {
//        must: {
//            fuzzy: {
//                name: {
//                    value: 'Mangeos',
//                    fuzziness: 2
//                }
//            }
//        }
//    }

Sift Filters

For those using this library alongside sift.js, mongoes exports a set of custom sift.js operators providing support for the custom operators this library ships with.

To use, begin by making sure sift.js is installed:

npm i sift

Then either import and use the wrapped sift directly:

import { sift } from '@jayalfredprufrock/mongoes/sift';

const sifter = sift({ name: { $like: 'M?ngoes' } });

sifter({ name: 'Mangoes' }); // true

or use siftCustomOperations to construct your own:

import sift from 'sift';
import { siftCustomOperations } from '@jayalfredprufrock/mongoes/sift';

const sifter = sift({ name: { $like: 'M?ngoes' } }, { operations: siftCustomOperations });

sifter({ name: 'Mongoes' }); // true


  • Assumes valid mongodb queries. No guarantees about what is returned/thrown for invalid mongodb queries. Please create an issue if there is specific invalid syntax that you think should be handled differently at runtime.
  • Uses term queries for all text related operators. Might provide support for "match" queries if there is interest.
  • Not all operators translate cleanly to ES. The following operators are unsupported: $where, $type, $size, $mod
  • $elemMatch translates to a nested query
  • $or queries always translate into should + minimum_should_match=1. This allows adjacent $and operators (including implicit) to work as expected.
  • $all operator within $elemMatch is converted to must + multiple term expressions.
  • No guarantee about the syntactical stability of queries to allow future optimizations without a major version bump
  • Some attempt made to produce compact representations: e.g. removes redundant { bool: { must: { bool: exp }}}
  • Queries involving regular expressions or wildcards (i.e. $regex, $like, $prefix, etc. ) should be used sparingly since they are significantly more expensive than simpler query operators.
  • Lucene's regex engine (mostly PCRE) is not fully compatible with JavaScript's. Of particular note:
    • only support for i flag (case insensitive)
    • no support for ^ and $ (start/end anchors)

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  • jayalfredprufrock