
1.0.6 • Public • Published

Fox Web - A JavaScript Shortener

Which is?

FoxWeb is a JS script that aims to make JS easier. It can be used on both frontend and backend.

  • On Browser
<script type="module">
    import FoxModule from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Nhac-dev/FoxWeb@latest/sources/JS/FoxWeb.js"

  • On NodeJs
$ cd ./my_projects
$ git clone https://github.com/Nhac-dev/FoxWeb
    • On package.json
    "type": "module",
    • On index.js
import FoxModule from "./FoxWeb/sources/JS/FoxWeb.js"

If you want to use commonjs mode do:

$ cd ./my_projects
$ git clone https://github.com/Nhac-dev/FoxWeb
$ cd ./FoxWeb

Open the tsconfig.json and edit:

    "module": "CommonJS",

And run the

$ tsc
    • On index.js
const FoxModule = require("./FoxWeb/sources/JS/FoxWeb.js");

    • On Deno JS
import FoxModule from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Nhac-dev/FoxWeb@latest/sources/JS/FoxWeb.js"

Understanding FoxWeb

Return objects

Name Description
DOM Object that contains methods for obtaining dom Elements.
$VerifyTypes Object with type checker
$Math Use the Math Library Easier
$Utils Make it easy to do some tasks


Work only in browser.

Children Description
$ Transform a DOM element into a DOMFOX.
$Fox Get a DOM object
$Foxes Get many DOM object
$Create Create a Object DOM
  • Transform legacy in DOM FOX
import FoxModule from "./FoxWeb/sources/JS/FoxWeb.js";
const {DOM} = FoxModule;
const myElement = document.getElementById("my-element");

const myFoxElement = DOM.$(myElement);
  • Get a DOM FOX
const myFoxElement = DOM.$Fox("#my-element");
  • Create a DOM FOX
const myFoxElement = DOM.$Create("div", {
    id: "example-create",
    class: ["card", "Hello"],
    feather: myFoxElement 
// DOM.$Create(tagname, settings_initial?);
// All Value of settings_initial is optional


Children Description
IsArray Verify if value is a array
IsNum Verify if value is a number
IsObj Verify if value is a object
  • IsArray
const languages = ["JS", "Go", "Rust"];
const myFavLang = languages[1]; // Go

console.log($VerifyTypes.IsArray(languages)) // true
console.log($VerifyTypes.IsArray(myFavLang)) // false
  • IsNum
const {IsNum} = $VerifyTypes;
const num1 = 10
const num2 = "a"
const num3 = "20"

console.log(IsNum(num1), IsNum(num2), IsNum(num3))
// output: true, false, true
// Even though it's a string it should return true if it's a number
  • IsObject
const foxInfo = {
    author: "Jefferson",
    packageName: "FoxWeb"
const languages = ["JS", "Go", "Rust"];
console.log(IsObj(foxInfo), IsObj(languages))

// output: true, false
// Array is not an object in this case


Children Description
RoundNum Logical Round Num
RoundNumUp Round num to up 5.4 > 6
RoundNumDown Round num to down 5.5 > 5
GenRandom Gen a random num
  • Examples RoundNum
const n1 = 5.5
const n2 = 5.4

    RoundNum(n1), // 6
    RoundNum(n2), // 5
    RoundNumUp(n1), // 6 
    RoundNumUp(n2), // 6
    RoundNumDown(n1), // 5
    RoundNumDown(n2), // 5
  • GenRandom
const randomNum = GenRandom(100, 110);
// output: Any number between 100 and 110
// GenRandom(min, max);


Children Description
FindAllIndex Find all index of a value in Array/string
GenRandomText Gen random string
MaskText Mask a text
  • FindAllIndex
const languages = ["JS", "Go", "Rust", "JS"];
const languages_str = "JS, Go, Rust";

console.log(FindAllIndex(languages, "JS")); // [0, 3] 
console.log(FindAllIndex(languages_str, "S")); // [1, 10] 

// FindAllIndex(arr, item)
  • GenRandomText
const text = GenRandomText(10);
const text_mask = GenRandomText(10, {
    noUpChar: true, //The text will not have uppercase letters
    noLowerChar: true, //The text will not have lowercase letters
    noSpecial: true, //The text will not have special char
    templateMask: "##.##-#(#####)"
const text_mask2 = GenRandomText(10, {
    noNum: true, // The text will no have numbers
    firstChar: "r", // The first letter must be "r"
    templateMask: "###.##-#(#####)"
}); // Error: The template does not match the amount of index of the text

// No console.log because all text is random
  • MaskText
const phone_number = "5500000000000"
const masked = MaskText(phone_number, "+## (##) #####-####)";

console.log(masked); // +55 (00) 00000-0000

//MaskText(text, template)

If the amount of # is different from the length of the string, an error will be returned.

Modifications in Native JS

In Number constructor

  • Add Method format(x) - This method change 1 to "01", "001".
  • Add Iterator
console.log(10..format("3")); // 010
console.log([...3], [...-2]); // [0, 1, 2, 3], [0, -1, -2]

In Object constructor

  • Method toString now return JSON string
  • Add Method values, the returns all values of Object
  • Add Method keys, the returns all keys of Object

In String constructor

  • Add Method toObject, her return a object or null
  • Add Method toNum (convert the string to num)
  • Add Method toInt (convert the string to int num)
  • Add Method toFloat(fractionsDigits) (convert the string to float string(yes to string, example: "1"..ToFloat(2) -> "1.00", "1.234"..toFloat(2) -> "1.23"))



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  • jeff_dev_it