- Installation
- Usage
- Generating the API Client (openapi-generator)
- Generate documentation
- Building
- Testing
- Contributing
- Issues
- Docker Engine API Reference
To install the package, run:
npm i --save docker-api-ts
const config = {
basePath: "http://localhost:2375"
docker = new Docker(config)
const response = await docker.imageCreate(
fromImage: "alpine",
tag: "latest"
const imageId = response.data.Id
const response = await docker.imageDelete(imageId)
const response = await docker.containerCreate({
Image: "alpine",
Cmd: ["echo", "hello world"]
const containerId = response.data.Id
const response = await docker.containerStart(containerId)
const response = await docker.containerStop(containerId)
const response = await docker.containerDelete(containerId)
Comprehensive TypeDoc generated documentation is available at:
The Docker
class provides the following functions:
- configCreate
- configDelete
- configInspect
- configList
- configUpdate
- containerDelete
- containerArchive
- containerArchiveInfo
- containerAttachWebsocket
- containerChanges
- containerCreate
- containerExport
- containerInspect
- containerKill
- containerList
- containerLogs
- containerPause
- containerPrune
- containerRename
- containerResize
- containerRestart
- containerStart
- containerStats
- containerStop
- containerTop
- containerUnpause
- containerUpdate
- containerWait
- putContainerArchive
- distributionInspect
- containerExec
- execInspect
- execResize
- execStart
- buildPrune
- imageBuild
- imageCommit
- imageCreate
- imageDelete
- imageGet
- imageGetAll
- imageHistory
- imageInspect
- imageList
- imageLoad
- imagePrune
- imagePush
- imageSearch
- imageTag
- networkConnect
- networkCreate
- networkDelete
- networkDisconnect
- networkInspect
- networkList
- networkPrune
- nodeDelete
- nodeInspect
- nodeList
- nodeUpdate
- getPluginPrivileges
- pluginCreate
- pluginDelete
- pluginDisable
- pluginEnable
- pluginInpect
- pluginList
- pluginPull
- pluginPush
- pluginSet
- pluginUpgrade
- secretCreate
- secretDelete
- secretInspect
- secretList
- secretUpdate
- serviceCreate
- serviceDelete
- serviceInspect
- serviceList
- serviceLogs
- serviceUpdate
- session
- swarmInit
- swarmInspect
- swarmJoin
- swarmLeave
- swarmUnlock
- swarmUnlockkey
- swarmUpdate
- systemAuth
- systemDataUsage
- systemEvents
- systemInfo
- systemPing
- systemPingHead
- systemVersion
- taskInspect
- taskList
- taskLogs
- volumeCreate
- volumeDelete
- volumeInspect
- volumeList
- volumePrune
An OpenAPI spec should be placed at the root of the src
To generate an API client, run npm run generate
This will generate a new API client in the src/generated
NOTE: The only template that has been modified is the index.mustache
template. This acts as consolidating convenience wrapper around the available API clients.
To build the package, run npm run build
This will compile the TypeScript code into JavaScript and place the resulting files in the dist
Tests are built and placed in the dist/__tests__
A Docker daemon is required to run all tests.
If running tests against a Docker swarm, set the SWARM_MODE
environment variable to true
To run the tests, run npm run test
This will compile the TypeScript code and then run the tests.
Everyone is welcome to contribute.
Please feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue in the repository.