
8.0.0 • Public • Published

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Cache utility for Angular



tested with jest

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This 7.x.x branch is intented to work with Angular v7.x.x. If you're developing on a later release of Angular than v7.x.x, then you should probably choose the appropriate version of this library by visiting the master branch.

Table of contents:


This library depends on Angular v6.0.0. Older versions contain outdated dependencies, might produce errors.

Also, please ensure that you are using Typescript v2.7.2 or higher.

Getting started


You can install @ngx-cache/core using npm

npm install @ngx-cache/core --save


  • ng-seed/universal is an officially maintained seed project, showcasing common patterns and best practices for @ngx-cache/core.

Related packages

The following packages may be used in conjunction with @ngx-cache/core:

Recommended packages

The following package(s) have no dependency for @ngx-cache/core, however may provide supplementary/shorthand functionality:

  • @ngx-config/core: provides cache settings from the application settings loaded during application initialization

Adding @ngx-cache/core to your project (SystemJS)

Add map for @ngx-cache/core in your systemjs.config

'@ngx-cache/core': 'node_modules/@ngx-cache/core/bundles/core.umd.min.js'

app.module configuration

Import CacheModule using the mapping '@ngx-cache/core' and append CacheModule.forRoot({...}) within the imports property of app.module (considering the app.module is the core module in Angular application).


import { CacheModule } from '@ngx-cache/core';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]


You can call the forRoot static method using CacheStaticLoader. By default, it is configured to have the cacheKey as 'NGX_CACHE', and both expiry and TTL are set to Number.MAX_VALUE.

You can customize this behavior (and ofc other settings) by supplying cache key and life span to CacheStaticLoader.

The following examples show the use of an exported function (instead of an inline function) for AoT compilation.

Setting up CacheModule to use CacheStaticLoader

import { CacheModule, CacheLoader, CacheStaticLoader } from '@ngx-cache/core';

export function cacheFactory(): CacheLoader {
  return new CacheStaticLoader({
    key: 'NGX_CACHE',
    lifeSpan: {
      "expiry": Number.MAX_VALUE,
      "TTL":  Number.MAX_VALUE

  declarations: [
  imports: [
      provide: CacheLoader,
      useFactory: (cacheFactory)
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]

CacheStaticLoader has one parameter:

  • providedSettings: CacheSettings : cache settings
    • key: string : cache key, used as object identifier while transferring between server and browser platforms (by default, 'NGX_CACHE')
    • lifeSpan: LifeSpan : cache life span (by default, both expiry and TTL are set to Number.MAX_VALUE)

👍 Good! @ngx-cache/core is now ready to provide caching features.

Note: You need to perform browser (@ngx-cache/platform-browser), and (for Angular Universal) server (@ngx-cache/platform-server) platform implementations to begin using caching features.

SPA/Browser platform implementation

@ngx-cache/platform-browser provides the SPA/Browser platform implementation (ex: MemoryCacheService, LocalStorageCacheService).

You can find detailed information about the usage guidelines for the SPA/Browser platform here.

Server platform implementation

@ngx-cache/platform-server provides the server platform implementation (ex: FsCacheService).

You can find detailed information about the usage guidelines for the server platform here.


CacheService has the following properties:

  • key: gets the KEY of CacheService, provided by CacheLoader, used as a key during state transferring

CacheService has the following methods:

  • getInstance(loader?: CacheLoader, platformId?: any, injector?: Injector): gets the current instance of CacheService
  • normalizeKey(key: string | number): normalizes the given key
  • has(key: string | number): checks if an object is stored in CACHE, by key
  • get(key: string | number): gets some object from CACHE, with ReturnType (Scalar, Observable or Promise) and LifeSpan, by key
  • getWithMetadata(key: string | number): gets some object from CACHE, by key
  • set(key: string | number, value: any, returnType: ReturnType = ReturnType.Scalar, lifeSpan?: LifeSpan): puts some object to CACHE
  • remove(key: string | number, wild = false): removes some object from CACHE, by key
  • clear(): removes all objects from CACHE
  • dehydrate(): converts the data from CACHE to JSON (*ex: transferring CACHE data from the server platform to the client platform*)
  • 'rehydrate(json: any)': converts the given JSON value to CACHE data

The following example shows simple usage of the CacheService.


import { CacheService } from '@ngx-cache/core';

export class AnyClass {
  constructor(private readonly cache: CacheService) {
    // note that CacheService is injected into a private property of AnyClass

  // will retrieve 'some string value'
  getSomeStringValue(): string {
    if (this.cache.has('some-string'))
      return this.cache.get('some-string');

    this.cache.set('some-string', 'some string value');
    return 'some string value';


To enable experimental support for decorators, you must enable the experimentalDecorators compiler option in your tsconfig.json:


  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ES5",
    "experimentalDecorators": true

Cached method decorator

Cached method decorator allows you to cache the an entire method (with less amount of code, as well as without injecting the CacheService), by putting the return value to CACHE on the first execution, and retrieve it from CACHE on the further executions.

Cached method has one parameter:

  • key: string : obviously used as a key when putting/getting the method's value

CacheKey parameter decorator

You can place CacheKey parameter decorator just before the parameter, and its value will be appended to the cache key.

The following example shows simple usage of the Cached and CacheKey decorators.


import { Cached, CacheKey } from '@ngx-cache/core';

export class AnyClass {
  // will retrieve 'some string value'
  getSomeStringValue(): string {
    return 'some string value';

  getSomeStringValue2(@CacheKey param1: string): string {
    return 'some string value: ' + param1;

// these are the first executions
// will retrieve 'some string value: p1' from `CACHE`

// will retrieve 'some string value: p1' from `CACHE`



The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2018 Burak Tasci

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  • joebobstevedave