
2.0.1 • Public • Published


This is a simple code share, contains some useful functions which you can use to make your work easier ✌️✌️.

This repo contains 3 packages:

  1. common-core: contains common utils, templates.
  2. common-react: specific utils for react.
  3. common-server: specific utils for server.




  • memoize(func: T): T
    • An implementation of lodash's memoize function except it will memoize a function call based on all function arguments.
  • errorText(error: unknown): string
    • Parsing error to message, return turn default message if exist otherwise return default error message ('Oops, an unexpected error occurred').
  • groupByKeySet(items: T[], keySelector: (value: T) => string[])
    • Grouping items by each key in keySelector
  • dateToIsoDate(dateString: string): string
    • Transform a DD/MM/YYYY date string to ISO date string
  • isIsoDateValid(isoDateString: any): isoDateString is string
    • Validate an ISO date string
Async utils
  • HttpClient
    • The client is build on top of fetch. This means you can provide a fetch implementation in the browser i.e. window.fetch, or node-fetch for NodeJS.
      • fetch: Works the same as the global fetch function in Javascript. This is the only mandatory ClientOption.
      • baseUrl: This configures the default baseUrl for our fetch requests.
      • headers: This configures the default request headers.
      • fetchOptions: These are options that are passed onto fetch calls. They are used to set the http agent in NodeJS.
      • retry: There are a few different strategies you may use to retry calls. By default, an exponential backoff with 4 attempts is used but you may choose this amount of yourself if you wish. You may also decide the backoff strategy. This may either ber backoffFixed where a retry is consistently made after a certain number of seconds, or backoffExponential where the backoff starts with an initial number of seconds and increases up to a maximum number of seconds. For example, to create a retry strategy 10 times with 1 attempt every 2 seconds increasing with and extra 3 seconds each time.
        • The following errors are retried by default:
          • ApiTooManyRequestsError
          • ApiGatewayTimeoutError
          • ApiServiceUnavailableError
          • ApiNetworkError
      • rateLimit: Configures client-side rate limiting. The default client-side rate limit is set to 1 request/second to match the default client gateway limit. if you are using the HttpClient with the service gateway you will want to configure a rate limit matching the service's configured gateway rate limit.
      • disableErrorTransform: This option cannot be used when the HttpClient is passed to a generated API client class, but is useful when using the HttpClient as a drop in replacement for window.fetch. The error transform refers to the conversion of http errors to the corresponding x-rest error object i.e. ApiNotFoundError. Given this conversion is non-standard fetch behavior we have provided the option to turn it off.
  • Lock
    • acquire waits for the lock and then executes the provided callback ensuring the lock is released after the callback completes.
    • example:
      const lock = new Lock();
      await lock.acquire(() => {
      // critical section
  • sleep(seconds: number)
    • returns a promise that resolves after for the given number of seconds using setTimeout.
Error templates
  • Template for common api errors:
    • CustomError
    • ApiBadRequestError
    • ApiUnauthorizedError
    • ApiForbiddenError
    • ApiNotFoundError
    • ApiRequestTimeoutError
    • ApiConflictError
    • ApiUnprocessableEntityError
    • ApiTooManyRequestsError
    • ApiInternalError
    • ApiServiceUnavailableError
    • ApiGatewayTimeoutError
    • ApiNetworkError



  • useQuery
    • The useQuery hook id the best used for loading some data from an API that need to be used right away in the react component.
    • For example, loading a list of items that need to be displayed.
    • The hook is reactive and will automatically reload data from the API if the request parameters change.
    const { data, loading, error, refetch } = useQuery(client.example.getExample, {
        paramters: {
            // ...
  • useQueryLazy
    • The useQueryLazy is a lazy version of useQuery; meaning it will only fetch data from the API when you call the load() method.
    • The useQueryLazy hook is the best used when some data needs to be loaded and displayed after some user actions, for example the user clicks a "show details" button.
      const [load, { data, loading, error, called, reset }] = useQueryLazy(client.example.getExample, {
      // The request object can be passed to the hook itseft 
      // or as an argument when calling `load(request)`    
      paramters: {
              // ...
  • useMutation
    • the useMutation hook is designed for calling API that mutate data i.e. POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE.
    • the hook provides a mutate() function that accepts the API request object returning an API response.
    • this hook can be used to implement form submission handlers to POST data to the API.
      const [mutate, { data, loading, error, called, reset }] = useMutation(client.example.getExample); 



  • validateRequest
    • Use express-validator to validate user's requests.
    • Then format and return array of errors with detail message by ApiRequestValidationError.
  • errorHandler
    • Handle errors for an API: if error is an instance of CustomError, do serializeError and return with defined status. If not, return with default message 'Something went wrong' and status 400.
  • currentUser
    • Check if request's session has jwt. If have jwt, this middleware will verify it with JWT_SECRET env and set it to req.currentUser.
    • The format of verified jwt:
          id: string;
          email?: string;
  • requireAuth
    • Use when API needs to authenticate, this use the result from currentUser middleware.
    • if have currentUser object in request then let user access the API, if not throw ApiUnauthorizedError.
Error templates
  • ApiRequestValidationError
    • This is an enhanced version of ApiBadRequestError, built in with express validator.
    • Allow you to pass your invalid params and its validate message.


From this version, this repo is split to:

This repo has been built to monorepo, powered by Lerna. The reason behind this split is allowing specific functions to specific platforms. i.e. in version 1.0.4, if you just use the core utils in server side, this package still installs react lib because it is wrapped together when I add react utils and vice versa. From now, you can choose the package you need and install it independently.


  • React:

    • useQuery
      • The useQuery hook id the best used for loading some data from an API that need to be used right away in the react component.
      • For example, loading a list of items that need to be displayed.
      • The hook is reactive and will automatically reload data from the API if the request parameters change.
    const { data, loading, error, refetch } = useQuery(client.example.getExample, {
        paramters: {
            // ...
    • useQueryLazy
      • The useQueryLazy is a lazy version of useQuery; meaning it will only fetch data from the API when you call the load() method.
      • The useQueryLazy hook is the best used when some data needs to be loaded and displayed after some user actions, for example the user clicks a "show details" button.
        const [load, { data, loading, error, called, reset }] = useQueryLazy(client.example.getExample, {
        // The request object can be passed to the hook itseft 
        // or as an argument when calling `load(request)`    
        paramters: {
                // ...
    • useMutation
      • the useMutation hook is designed for calling API that mutate data i.e. POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE.
      • the hook provides a mutate() function that accepts the API request object returning an API response.
      • this hook can be used to implement form submission handlers to POST data to the API.
        const [mutate, { data, loading, error, called, reset }] = useMutation(client.example.getExample); 
  • Errors:

    • refactor all errors to match with api error format: change field errorCode to status.
    • Add more defined errors, also change name of the old one to match with general convention. The list of error:
      • CustomError
      • ApiBadRequestError
      • ApiRequestValidationError
      • ApiUnauthorizedError
      • ApiForbiddenError
      • ApiNotFoundError
      • ApiRequestTimeoutError
      • ApiConflictError
      • ApiUnprocessableEntityError
      • ApiInternalError
      • ApiServiceUnavailableError
      • ApiGatewayTimeoutError
      • ApiNetworkError
  • Async utils

    • HttpClient
      • The client is build on top of fetch. This means you can provide a fetch implementation in the browser i.e. window.fetch, or node-fetch for NodeJS.
        • fetch: Works the same as the global fetch function in Javascript. This is the only mandatory ClientOption.
        • baseUrl: This configures the default baseUrl for our fetch requests.
        • headers: This configures the default request headers.
        • fetchOptions: These are options that are passed onto fetch calls. They are used to set the http agent in NodeJS.
        • retry: There are a few different strategies you may use to retry calls. By default, an exponential backoff with 4 attempts is used but you may choose this amount of yourself if you wish. You may also decide the backoff strategy. This may either ber backoffFixed where a retry is consistently made after a certain number of seconds, or backoffExponential where the backoff starts with an initial number of seconds and increases up to a maximum number of seconds. For example, to create a retry strategy 10 times with 1 attempt every 2 seconds increasing with and extra 3 seconds each time.
          • The following errors are retried by default:
            • ApiTooManyRequestsError
            • ApiGatewayTimeoutError
            • ApiServiceUnavailableError
            • ApiNetworkError
        • rateLimit: Configures client-side rate limiting. The default client-side rate limit is set to 1 request/second to match the default client gateway limit. if you are using the HttpClient with the service gateway you will want to configure a rate limit matching the service's configured gateway rate limit.
        • disableErrorTransform: This option cannot be used when the HttpClient is passed to a generated API client class, but is useful when using the HttpClient as a drop in replacement for window.fetch. The error transform refers to the conversion of http errors to the corresponding x-rest error object i.e. ApiNotFoundError. Given this conversion is non-standard fetch behavior we have provided the option to turn it off.
    • Lock
      • acquire waits for the lock and then executes the provided callback ensuring the lock is released after the callback completes.
      • example:
      const lock = new Lock();
      await lock.acquire(() => {
        // critical section


  • Utils

    • memoize(func: T): T
      • An implementation of lodash's memoize function except it will memoize a function call based on all function arguments.
    • errorText(error: unknown): string
      • Parsing error to message, return turn default message if exist otherwise return default error message ('Oops, an unexpected error occurred').
    • groupByKeySet(items: T[], keySelector: (value: T) => string[])
      • Grouping items by each key in keySelector
    • dateToIsoDate(dateString: string): string
      • Transform a DD/MM/YYYY date string to ISO date string
    • isIsoDateValid(isoDateString: any): isoDateString is string
      • Validate an ISO date string
  • Async utils

    • sleep(seconds: number)
      • returns a promise that resolves after for the given number of seconds using setTimeout.


  • Template for common api error
    • BadRequestError
    • DatabaseConnectionError
    • NotAuthorizedError
    • NotFoundError
    • RequestValidationError
    • CustomerError




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