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1.1.5 • Public • Published


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createStyle is a simple utility for creating reusable styled React components focused around CSS classes rather than discrete styles.

It works great for Tailwind based styling frameworks and offers a fast way to stand up a pure component without the heaviness of delivering a full React component.

Basically it's styled-components for Tailwind.

Obviously it's built in Typescript and has both ES Modules and CJS support.

Oh yeah, it doesn't have any dependencies and is super tiny (~1kb minified, ~500b gzipped)


To use createStyle in your project, simply install it with npm or your preferred package manager.

npm install @josephmark/createstyle

Basic usage

import createStyle from "@josephmark/createstyle"

const H1 = createStyle("h1", "text-lg font-serif leading-[1.5]")
const P = createStyle("p", "tracking-wide")

const Header = () => (
    <H1 className="mb-5">createStyle saved my bacon!</H1>
      <P as="blockquote">
        createStyle is a must-have utility for any developer who wants to create
        components with Tailwind. Whether you're working on a small project or a
        large-scale application, CreateStyle makes it easy to create and manage
        your styles, saving you time and headaches in the process.
      <P as="cite" className="opacity-50">
        - chatGPT


createStyle(defaultTag, classes, defaultProps)

createStyle is a function that accepts three arguments

  1. Default Tag (required) - the semantic HTML tag you want in the DOM whenever you use this element (this can be overwritten later)
  2. Classes (optional) - the CSS class names you want applied to the element by default (these can be appended to later)
  3. Default Props (optional) - tag props you want to set on the element other than class, including display name (for devtools)

The function returns a React component with forwardRef.

Advanced Usage

Overwriting HTML Tags

import createStyle from "@josephmark/createstyle"

const H3 = createStyle("h3", "text-lg tracking-wide")

const Header = () => (
  <H3 as="h1">createStyle is an open-source element generator</H3>

Using Generics

import createStyle from "@josephmark/createstyle"

const Button = createStyle<HTMLButtonElement>(
  "rounded-full bg-red-500 text-white"

Display name

import createStyle from "@josephmark/createstyle"

const Card = createStyle("article", "rounded p-2 bg-white shadow-lg", {
  displayName: "Card",

Default Props

import createStyle from "@josephmark/createstyle"

const Checkbox = createStyle("input", "rounded bg-white border border-black", {
  type: "checkbox",

Dynamic classes

import createStyle from "@josephmark/createstyle"
import clsx from "clsx"

const TogglerEl = createStyle("button", "rounded py-2 px-4", { type: "button" })

const Toggler = () => {
  const [isToggled, setIsToggled] = useState(false)

  // Classes added during render are appended to the styled element
  return (
      className={clsx(isToggled ? "bg-red-500" : "bg-blue-500")}
      onClick={() => setIsToggled((t) => !t)}
      Toggle me!

Using Refs

import { useRef } from "react"
import createStyle from "@josephmark/createstyle"

const Container = createStyle<HTMLDivElement>("div", "max-w-screen-xl mx-auto")

const MyComponent = () => {
  const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)

  return <Container ref={ref} />

Retrieving class names from a tag

import type { FC, HTMLAttributes, ReactNode } from "react"
import createStyle from "@josephmark/createstyle"

const P = createStyle("p", "leading-[1.2] text-[1rem]")

const AppendsParagraphClasses: FC<{
  children: ReactNode
  Tag: FC<HTMLAttributes>
}> = ({ Tag, children }) => {
  return <Tag className={P}>{children}</Tag> // or: return <Tag className={P.toString()}>{children}</Tag>

Theme-able components

import type { FC, ReactNode } from "react"
import createStyle from "@josephmark/createstyle"

const SerifHeading = createStyle("h2", "font-serif text-lg")
const SansHeading = createStyle("h2", "font-sans text-xl tracking-tight")

const THEMES = {
  serif: SerifHeading,
  sans: SansHeading,

type ThemableProps = {
  theme: keyof typeof THEMES
  children: ReactNode

const ThemableComponent: FC<ThemableProps> = ({ theme, children }) => {
  const C = THEMES[theme]

  return <C>{children}</C>

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npm i @josephmark/createstyle

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17.1 kB

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  • floatingdino
  • josephmarkteam