This package has been deprecated

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Package has moved to @joshdb/mongo , please install any future version using the new name!


1.1.0 • Public • Published

MongoDB Provider for JOSH

The MongoDB provider uses the mongodb module for persistent storage of JOSH data.


The installation of the mongodb module is fairly straightforward and does not have any pre-requisites.

However, you must ensure that you have an available MongoDB server running. josh-mongo does not automatically create a server for you!

If you don't know, or don't want, to host a Mongo DB server instance, you can create a free one on MongoDB Atlas. See specific instructions below for that service.

Running the installer

In your project folder, you should be able to install using this command:

npm i @josh-providers/mongo
** OR **
yarn add @josh-providers/mongo


Using the mongo provider goes as such:

const Josh = require('josh');
const JoshMongo = require('@josh-providers/mongo');

const db = new Josh({
  name: 'testing',
  provider: JoshMongo,
  // See below for all provider options.
  providerOptions: {
    collection: 'testing',
    dbName: "yourclustername",
    url: "mongodb+srv://<username>:<password><dbName>?retryWrites=true&w=majority"

db.defer.then( async () => {
  console.log(`Connected, there are ${await db.size} rows in the database.`);

Provider Options

Let's try to make some sense of the options. In the above example I use the URL for the connection, using a Mongo Atlas cluster.

Here is a list of full options this provider supports:

Param Type Description
[providerOptions] Object The Provider Options Object, with the below properties:
[providerOptions.collection] string Required. The name of the collection in which to save the data.
[providerOptions.dbName] string Optional, defaults to josh. The name of the database to which collections are written.
[providerOptions.user] string Optional if not using a URL. The username for the mongodb connection.
[providerOptions.password] string Optional if not using a URL. The password for the mongodb connection.
[providerOptions.port] string Optional, defaults to 27017. The port where mongodb is hosted.
[] string Optional, defaults to localhost. The host/machine/URL where the mongodb connection is located. Should never be an HTTP address!
[providerOptions.url] string Optional, single-line configuration. If used, ignores all other options except options.collection, and requires the full connection string to access the database, including the database name

Mongo Atlas Configuration

Mongo Atlas is a free mongodb hosting service made by, if that wasn't obvious, the Mongo people. While there are some limitations to the free service, it's still very useable for any small implementation.

The setup for Mongo Atlas goes something like this:

  • Get an account at
  • Once created, setup your cluster:
    • Provider & Region: Up to you, I chose AWS in my test (but you might have a closer free region!). Make sure to select a "FREE TIER AVAILABLE" region!
    • Keep the M0 cluster tier (the only free one). You may select backups if you want, other additional options are paid.
    • Type in a cluster name of your choice. Something like guidebot-cluster.
    • Click Create Cluster.
    • Go make a sandwich, setup can take a while...
    • Click the Collection button in the middle of the page.
    • Click Create Database. Enter a name such as guidebot-session then a collection name such as sessions.
  • Now that the cluster is created, we now need to get a connection string. But we need to create a user, which there's a wizard for.
    • Click Command Line Tools at the top of the cluster window, then click Connect Instructions.
    • Click Add your Current IP if you're on the machine that will host your bot. Otherwise, click Add a Different IP Address and enter it on the left. Click Add IP Address.
    • Enter a database access username and password, then click Create MongoDB User.
    • Click Choose a connection method.
    • Click Connect your Application
    • Change the driver version to 3.0 or later.
    • Your connection string is here! Keep the page open to copy it later in the setup stage.




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