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19.0.0 • Public • Published

NGX Smart utilities

Reusable Angular components built with Angular Material and Bootstrap 5.x, Utility classes/functions for Date, Form and String operations

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Install the library

npm install @js-smart/ng-kit

and use it as shown below in each section


  1. Angular 17+
  2. Bootstrap 5+ (if applicable)

Auto Complete

Reusable Auto Complete that extends Mat Auto Complete component




The library has one autocomplete component. To use the Auto Complete component, add the following code to the HTML page


<!-- Auto Complete with Objects -->

<form [formGroup]="genericFormGroup">
      placeHolder="Select City">


Then define form group instances and object array (cities) and names (for string array)

// Define objects
cities = [{id: 1001, location: 'New York'}, {id: 1002, location: 'Boston'}, {id: 1001, location: 'Washington DC'}];

// Define Form Groups
inputFormGroup = this.fb.group({
  autocomplete: ['']

//Display function
displayFn(object: any): string {
		if (typeof object === "string") return object;
		return object && object["location"] ? object["location"] : "";

If you are using strings rather than objects, do not provide bindLabel, bindValue and displayWith inputs. See below sample

<!-- Auto Complete with Strings -->
<form [formGroup]="inputFormGroup">
    placeHolder="Select City">

Auto Complete API

List of selectors that can be used to select the component(s)

AutoComplete Selector
autocomplete, lib-autocomplete


Property Description Type Default Value
inputFormGroup Input Form Group FormGroup
label Label of the AutoComplete string
placeHolder PlaceHolder of the AutoComplete string
appearance Appearance of the AutoComplete, defaults to fill string fill
classes List of CSS classes that need to applied to autocomplete string
bindLabel Applies only to AutoComplete with Objects. Attribute of the Object whose value would be shown when searching for data string id
bindValue Applies only to AutoComplete with Objects. Attribute of the Object whose value would be used for search. Defaults to ID string id
displayWith Applies only to AutoComplete with Objects. A function used to show display value in Input boolean false
required Provide true if AutoComplete is required, otherwise provide false boolean false
data List of Objects or String values that need to be bind and searched for any[] or string[] false


Reusable alert component created with Bootstrap 5+ and Angular 17+

Auto Complete API

List of selectors that can be used to select the component



Property Description Type Default Value
dismissible If set, displays an inline "Close" button boolean false
dismissOnTimeout If set, dismisses the alert after Dismiss Timeout boolean true
dismissTimeout Number in milliseconds, after which alert will be closed string or number 5000
isOpen Is alert visible boolean false
type Alert type. Provides one of four bootstrap supported contextual classes: success, info, warning and danger string info


Reusable Spinner component created with Bootstrap 5.x and Angular 17.x




List of selectors that can be used to select the component



Property Description Type Default Value
bootstrapSpinner Use Boostrap Spinner. Default true boolean false
diameter Diameter of the Angular Material spinner boolean true
color Color of the Angular Material spinner string or ThemePalette 5000
strokeWidth Stroke Width of the Angular Material spinner boolean false


Angular (2++) directive that prints HTML section


Import the main module NgxPrintModule :

import {NgxPrintModule} from '@js-smart/print';

[NgxPrintModule, ...],

export class YourAppModule {

3- Then plug n' play with it:

  • Assuming you want to print the following HTML section:
	<!--Your html stuff that you want to print-->
<!--Your relevant print button-->
  • Now, what you have to do is tagging your wanted-to-print section by an id attribute, then link that id to a directive parameter in your button :
   1)- Add an ID here
<div id="print-section">
	<!--Your html stuff that you want to print-->

  2)- Add the directive name in your button (ngxPrint),
  3)- Affect your ID to printSectionId
<button printSectionId="print-section" ngxPrint>print</button>

Optional properties

  • You want a customized title for your printing window ? you have the choice by adding a new attribute to your print button printTitle:
<div id="print-section">
	<!-- ... -->

<button printTitle="MyTitle" printSectionId="print-section" ngxPrint>print</button>
  • Also, would you like to customize the printing window style sheet (CSS) ? Hence you can do so by adding infinite styles to another attribute called printStyle:
<div id="print-section">
	<!-- ... -->

<button [printStyle]="{h1 : {'color': 'red'}, h2 : {'border': 'solid 1px'}}" printSectionId="print-section" ngxPrint>print</button>

Here some simple styles were added to every h1 & h2 tags within the div where print-section is tagged to its id attribute.

  • If you would like to use your existing CSS with media print you can add the useExistingCss attribute:
<div id="print-section">
	<!-- ... -->

<button [useExistingCss]="true" printSectionId="print-section" ngxPrint>print</button>
  • If you want to customize the printing window style sheet (CSS) by importing the css provided in assets/css use styleSheetFile:
<div id="print-section">
	<!-- ... -->

<button styleSheetFile="assets/css/custom1.css,assets/css/custom2.css" printSectionId="print-section" ngxPrint>print</button>

Publish library to NPM

  1. Build the library
    nx build ng-kit
  2. If the NPM token is not configured, open ~/.npmrc and add the following line:
    //registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=<your npm token>
  3. Then navigate to dist directory anf publish the library to NPM. If prompted, enter the 2fa auth code from the Authenticator app.
    cd dist/libs/ng-kit && npm publish --tag latest
    For beta releases use tag --tag beta

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npm i @js-smart/ng-kit

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  • jpavanaryan