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0.5.0 • Public • Published

Async sequence operators

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This package provides a number of functions for filtering, reducing, combining, and otherwise transforming synchronous or asynchronous iterables. Where possible, the functions in this library mirror those found on Array.prototype. Unlike the methods on Array.prototype, all functions are evaluated lazily and will only be applied to values as they are produced.

Synchronous and asynchronous iteration

Functions that decorate a single iterator will return a synchronous iterable if called with a synchronous iterable and an asynchronous iterable if called with an asynchronous iterable. These functions may also be suffixed with Sync for strictly synchronous usage:

import { map, mapSync } from '@jsq/seq';

// Synchronous iterables can be decorated and still consumed synchronously
declare function syncSequence(): Iterable<number>;
const [first, second, third] = mapSync(x => x * x, syncSequence());

// Asynchronous iterables must be consumed asynchronously
declare function asyncSequence(): AsyncIterable<number>;
const squares = map(x => x * x, asyncSequence())[Symbol.asyncIterator]();
const { done, value } = await squares.next();

// When unsure, use a consumer that can handle both types of iterator
declare function anySequence(): Iterable<number>|AsyncIterable<number>;
for await (const squared of map(x => x * x, asyncSequence())) {
    // ...

Functions that operate on multiple iterables, such as zip, merge, interleave, or flatMap, will always return asynchronous iterables.

Functions that reduce iterables to a single value, such as sum, collect, or reduce, will always return a promise, though the provided iterator may be consumed synchronously.


All functions take an iterable as their last argument, which allows you to curry and compose operators with bind:

import { filter } from '@jsq/seq';

const evens = filter.bind(null, x => x % 2 === 0);

For documentation of the functions provided by this library, please see the API documentation.



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