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1.0.0 • Public • Published

KaaIoT Mqtt Client

Comprehensive MQTT client tailored for the Kaa IoT platform, providing a range of methods to interact with the platform's features. It encapsulates the complexity of MQTT communication, offering a user-friendly interface for IoT applications.

This client works in Node.js environment. Requires Node.js 16+. Based on MQTT.js library.


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Import createKaaMqttClient, provide connectionUrl, you device appVersionName and token.

import { createKaaMqttClient } from '@kaaiot/mqtt-client';

const client = createKaaMqttClient({ appVersionName: '1.0', token: 'your-token', connectionUrl: 'mqtt://mqtt.cloud.kaaiot.com:1883'  });

client.publishMetadata({ deviceModel: 20 })

Available methods

createKaaMqttClient(kaaOptions, mqttClientOptions: mqtt.Options)

mqttClientOptions are the options compatible with mqtt.Client constructor options

publishDataCollection(dataSamples: DataSample | DataSample[], callback?: StatusCallback<void>, errorCallback?: ErrorCallback, requestId?: string): void

Publishes single or multiple data samples.

client.publishDataCollection([{ temperature: 22.5 }], (status) => {
  console.log('Data published with status:', status);

publishPlainDataSample(metricName: string, dataSample: PlainDataSample, callback?: StatusCallback<void>, errorCallback?: ErrorCallback, requestId?: string): void

Publishes a plain data sample with a metric name.

client.publishPlainDataSample('temperature', '22.5');

getAllMetadataKeys(callback?: ResponseCallback<string[]>, errorCallback?: ErrorCallback, requestId?: string): void

Retrieves all metadata keys.

client.getAllMetadataKeys((keys) => {
  console.log('Metadata keys:', keys);

getMetadata(callback?: StatusCallback<Record<string, any>>, errorCallback?: ErrorCallback, requestId?: string): void

Retrieves all metadata values.

client.getMetadata((metadata) => {
  console.log('Metadata:', metadata);

publishMetadata(payload: MetadataPayload, callback?: StatusCallback, errorCallback?: ErrorCallback, requestId?: string): void

Publishes a full metadata update.

client.publishMetadata({ deviceId: '12345' });

publishMetadataKeys(metadata: MetadataPayload, callback?: StatusCallback, errorCallback?: ErrorCallback, requestId?: string): void

Partially updates metadata keys.

client.publishMetadataKeys({ deviceId: '12345' });

deleteMetadataKeys(keys: string[], callback?: StatusCallback, errorCallback?: ErrorCallback, requestId?: string): void

Deletes a list of metadata keys.


getPendingCommands<T>(commandType: string, callback?: CommandsPendingCallback<T>, errorCallback?: ErrorCallback): void

Gets a list of pending commands.

client.getPendingCommands('reboot', (commands, topic, reportHandler) => {
  // Handle commands and report results

reportCommandExecutionResult<T>(commandType: string, results: CommandResult<T>[], errorCallback?: ErrorCallback, requestId?: string): void

Reports the results of command execution.

client.reportCommandExecutionResult('reboot', [{ id: 'cmd1', statusCode: 200, payload: 'OK' }]);

getConfigurationJson(payload: GetConfigurationPayload, callback?: ConfigurationPendingCallback, errorCallback?: ErrorCallback, requestId?: string): void

Retrieves the configuration in JSON format.

client.getConfigurationJson({}, (config) => {
  console.log('Configuration:', config);

reportAppliedConfiguration(payload: AppliedConfigurationPayload, callback?: ResponseCallback, errorCallback?: ErrorCallback, requestId?: string): void

Reports the applied configuration.

client.reportAppliedConfiguration({ configId: 'cfg123', statusCode: 200 });

reportCurrentSoftwareVersion(payload: ReportSoftwareRequestPayload, callback?: ResponseCallback, errorCallback?: ErrorCallback): void

Reports the current software version.

client.reportCurrentSoftwareVersion({ configId: 'sw123' });

getSoftwareUpdate(callback?: ResponseCallback<SoftwareResponse>, errorCallback?: ErrorCallback, requestId?: string): void

Retrieves the software update information.

client.getSoftwareUpdate((softwareInfo) => {
  console.log('Software update info:', softwareInfo);

disconnect(callback?: mqtt.DoneCallback): void

Safely unsubscribe from all subscriptions and clear the subscriptions record. This method should be called before shutting down the application to ensure a clean disconnect.

client.disconnect(() => {
  console.log('Client destroyed and all subscriptions are cleared');

connect(): void

Establishes a connection to the MQTT broker. This method should be called if the manualConnect option is set to true in the client options.

// When manualConnect is true, you need to pass it in the mqttClientOptions and call connect manually
const client = createKaaMqttClient(
  { appVersionName: '1.0', token: 'your-token', connectionUrl: 'mqtt://mqtt.cloud.kaaiot.com:1883' },
  { manualConnect: true }

// Connect to the MQTT broker

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