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10.0.0 • Public • Published

Push Protocol is a web3 communication network, enabling cross-chain notifications, messaging, video, and NFT chat for dapps, wallets, and services.🚀


Push React Native SDK

Push SDK provides an abstraction layer to integrate Push protocol features with your Frontend as well as Backend. This SDK is a react-native based repo of packages that helps developers to :

  • Build PUSH features into their DApps
    • Notifications
    • Chat
    • Group Chat

without having to write a lot of boilerplate code. All the heavy lifting is done by the SDK, so that you the developer can focus on building features and bootstrap a DApp with PUSH features in no time!

How to use in your app?

Install the SDK

yarn add @pushprotocol/react-native-sdk


npm install @pushprotocol/react-native-sdk

Install the peer dependencies

yarn add react-native-randombytes@3.6.1 react-native-webview@13.2.2 react-native-webview-crypto@0.0.25


npm install react-native-randombytes@3.6.1 react-native-webview@13.2.2 react-native-webview-crypto@0.0.25

Nodeify the crypto packages

Add postinstall script in your package.json file if node_modules are not nodeified already

"postinstall": "node_modules/.bin/rn-nodeify --install crypto,assert,url,stream,events,http,https,os,url,net,fs --hack"

Add the WebViewCrypto component in your app root

import WebViewCrypto from 'react-native-webview-crypto';

return (
    <WebViewCrypto />
    <App />

Start using the Push SDK in your app

For the complete list of features and how to use them, please refer to the restapi documentation.

import { PushAPI, CONSTANTS } from '@pushprotocol/react-native-sdk';
import { ethers } from 'ethers';

const signer = new ethers.Wallet(
const account = `eip155:${signer.address}`;

const alice = await PushAPI.initialize(signer, {

const spam = await alice.notification.list('SPAM', {
  limit: 10,
  page: 1,

console.log('SPAM NOTIFICATIONS', spam);


  • Website To checkout our Product.
  • Docs For comprehensive documentation.
  • Blog To learn more about our partners, new launches, etc.
  • Discord for support and discussions with the community and the team.
  • GitHub for source code, project board, issues, and pull requests.
  • Twitter for the latest updates on the product and published blogs.


Push Protocol is an open source Project. We firmly believe in a completely transparent development process and value any contributions. We would love to have you as a member of the community, whether you are assisting us in bug fixes, suggesting new features, enhancing our documentation, or simply spreading the word.

  • Bug Report: Please create a bug report if you encounter any errors or problems while utilising the Push Protocol.
  • Feature Request: Please submit a feature request if you have an idea or discover a capability that would make development simpler and more reliable.
  • Documentation Request: If you're reading the Push documentation and believe that we're missing something, please create a docs request.

Read how you can contribute HERE

Not sure where to start? Join our discord and we will help you get started!



Check out our License HERE

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npm i @kalashshah/react-native-sdk

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  • kalashshah