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In the real world, most async operations against large data sets need to be batched and throttled.

The batchProcess function provides a simple, configurable utility for batching and throttling async operations.

batchProcess logs the progress of batch operations to console or to an injected logging dependency.

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import { batchProcess } from '@karmaniverous/batch-process';

type Item = Record<string, unknown>; // Your data type.

// Say you have a function processBatch that processes a batch of items, for
// example writing them to a database. Maybe not every item is processed
// successfully, so the function returns a count of processed items and an
// array of unprocessed ones.
interface AsyncResult {
  processed: number;
  unprocessed: Item[];

const processBatch = async (items: Item[]): AsyncResult =>

// Let's write a function that extracts any unprocessed items from an
// AsyncResult.
const unprocessedItemExtractor = ({ unprocessed }: AsyncResult) => unprocessed;

// Here's a bunch of items to process.
const items: Item[] = [
  ... // Your items here.

// Now you can asynchronously process a bunch of items in throttled sets of
// parallel batches!

// batchProcess will...
// - break items into batches of no more than `batchSize` items, and
// - process up to `throttle` batches in parallel, and
// - write a debug log message for each batch attempted, and
// - wait `delayIncrement` ms with exponential backoff to retry failed batches, and
// - throw an exception after `maxRetries` failed retries, and
// - return an array of AsyncResults generated during batch processing.
const results = await batchProcess(items, {
  // see other options below

batchProcess Options

The options parameter has the following properties:

Default Batchable options are:

Option Type Default Description
batchHandler (items: Item[]) => Promise<Output> required Async function to process an individual batch.
batchSize number 25 The number of items to process in each batch.
delayIncrement number 100 The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying a failed batch, with 2x exponential backoff.
logger Pick<Console, 'debug'> console Injected logger object. Must support debug method.
maxRetries number 5 The number of times to retry a failed batch before throwing an exception.
throttle number 10 The number of batches to process in parallel.
unprocessedItemExtractor (output: Output) => Item[] ⏐ undefined undefined Function to extract unprocessed items from an individual batch output. If undefined no retries will be attempted.

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