
2.1.0 • Public • Published


  • Helper package for parsing / loading config files with .yml and .env extensions
  • Includes simple template system for dynamically setting config values


  • With yarn => yarn add @keg-hub/parse-config
  • With npm => npm install @keg-hub/parse-config


  • Require the package in your code as needed
  // Import the entire package
  const PConf = require('@keg-hub/parse-config')
  const ymlObj = await PConf.yml.load(...)
  const envObj = await PConf.env.load(...)
  const templateStr = await PConf.template.fill(...)

  // Import just sections from the package
  const { yml, env, template } = require('@keg-hub/parse-config')
  const ymlObj = await yml.load(...)
  const envObj = await env.load(...)
  const templateStr = await template.fill(...)

  // Import just specific methods from the package
  const { loadYml, loadEnv, fillTemplate } = require('@keg-hub/parse-config')
  const ymlObj = await loadYml(...)
  const envObj = await loadEnv(...)
  const templateStr = await fillTemplate(...)
  // Load configs based on environment from both .env and .yaml files
  const { loadConfigs } = require('@keg-hub/parse-config')
  const configObj = await loadConfigs(...)

Loading Config Files

  • The loadConfigs method can be used to automatically load config files
  • The config file names are generated from the passed in options
  • All found files are loaded, and merged together as a single config object


  • Priority is based on the name and location of the loaded file
    • The .env, then defaults.env files are always loaded first when noEnv === false, regardless of their location
    • Files loaded last, override previously loaded config values
    • For values files, both yml and yaml extentions are searched for
    • Because yaml is technically the correct extension, it will override the yml counterpart File Name
  • Given the following config options
    • env === staging
    • ymlName === values
    • name === app
    • noEnv === false
    • noYml === false
    • ymlPath === env
  • Files will be loaded in the following order,
  • First .yml files, then .yaml files, and finally .env files. See below example
    • .env then defaults.env ==> Always comes first when noEnv === false
    • values.yml then values.yaml
    • staging.yml then staging.yaml
    • app.yml then app.yaml
    • values_staging.yml then values_staging.yaml
    • values_app.yml then values_app.yaml
    • values_staging_app.yml then values_staging_app.yaml
    • values.staging.yml then values.staging.yaml
    • values.app.yml then values.app.yaml
    • values.staging.app.yml then values.staging.app.yaml
    • values-staging.yml then values-staging.yaml
    • values-app.yml then values-app.yaml
    • values-staging-app.yml then values-staging-app.yaml
    • .env.staging
    • .env.app
    • .env_app_staging
    • .env.app.staging
    • .env.app-staging
    • staging.env
    • app.env
    • app_staging.env
    • app.staging.env
    • app-staging.env


  • After the file names are generated, they are appended to the generated locations
  • Some locations are predefined, but custom locations can also be passed via the locations array config option
    • Custom locations are ALWAYS checked after the default locations
    • This allows for any files loaded from the custom locations to override the defaults

loadConfigs - Config Options

  const { loadConfigs } = require('@keg-hub/parse-config')

  const configObj = await loadConfigs({
    // Environment prefix of the config files to be loaded ( i.e. `production.env` )
    env: `local`,
    // App prefix of the config files to be loaded ( i.e. `my-app.production.env` )
    name: ``,
    // Should errors be thrown when a file exists but can't be loaded
    error: true
    // Skip loading .env files
    noEnv: false,
    // Skip loading .yaml files
    noYml: false,
    // The reference name of the values files to be loaded ( i.e. `values.local.yml` )
    ymlName: `values`,
    // Object path to return from loaded yml files
    ymlPath: `env`,
    // Format type the config should be returned as ( object | string )
    format: `object`,
    // Run template replace on the loaded config files
    fill: true,
    // Template data to fill config file with ( Requires the `fill` options value is `true`  )
    data: {...},
    // RegEx patten when running template replace
    pattern: /{{([^}]*)}}/g
    // Extra file path and directories to search for config files
    locations: [...]
    // How found configs should be merged. Must be one of overwrite | join | unique.
    mergeStrategy: `overwrite`

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  • lktipton